About Pat Robertson And Haiti….

I am fighting hard  not to be 'irate'  at those Christians who are 'irate' at Pat Robertson, who made comments on the 700 Club TV Program about Haiti.  The world would not understand because they don't read the Bible. 

For those of you who don't know…. Pat spoke of the pacts that the Haitian people made with the devil' years ago, speaking that the country has had many problems and is one of poorest in that area of the world.  He certainly (in my opinion) was not condemning the people who are there now, and he has spoken of his deep grief over this added tragedy to their country.

AND, his  MINISTRY, OPERATION BLESSING, was on the way to Haiti to help within 48 hours.

The Bible clearly speaks of curses, witchcraft, and occult activities.  I had heard this about Haiti years ago and knew some people who had lived there and spoke openly about prevelent witchcraft was.  Pat's heart (again in my opinion) is to reverse those curses and get these people blessed–and I definitely do not think he was blaming this earthquake on that….only the poverty of the country.

However, what if he was wrong?  What if he spoke unadvisedly?  What are we Christians doing condeming each other insead of defending each other, letting the Lord handle the person?  

In my judgment (ugh, there I go)….how much have any of those critics done in and for the Kingdom of God? 

Pat Robertson paid a great price for the ministry he is a part of…..they have helped people all over the world and have been responsible for millions coming to the Lord.  Doesn't that deserve our loyality  and support?

Why aren't we more forgiving?  And now I have to forgive, and repent for my judgment, as I am doing the same thing, being critical of what they are saying and 'spreading' to others.  When Jesus said, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." He certainly knew our need and paid the price for our ability to turn from condemnation to grace, so let's do  that!

To everyone who enjoys the Christian faith in Jesus, OR NOT, please look at all the wonderful things Pat Robertson has done and will continue to do, because of his heart for God and for people every where.  Pat is not my idol, or on any 'pedastil', I just admire what he has accomplished,  and thank God that we have him and men like him.  We all make mistakes….God help us to be more tolerant of each other.

Most importantly please give financially to help Haiti where ever you feel led, pray for them, and trust that no matter how bad this is, and it is devastating and overwelming to even comprehend….but, God will bring some good out of it…..may Haiti be rebuilt better than ever, with what ever they have left, and the help of the world.

Pressing in and pressing on….

A Time For Prayer….September 11th….For The Whole World!

There are many needs throughout the world…. In America we will be standing together to pray for our country, on September 11th!

No matter where you live in the world you too can have a supernatural encounter with God by joining together to pray for your Nation.

I have had a couple of calls, and a few emails about praying ‘judgment’ or the ‘destruction of those who oppose the things of God.’  well, those comments drive me to my knees and grieve my spirit soooooo much.

We must look to our Covenant with Jesus–“If you love Me,keep my commandments.” John 14:15

Two of Jesus closest friends (disciples)had a conversation with Jesus: “And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But Jesus turned, and rebuked them, and said, ‘Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them’.”

Plus, a convicting verse by Paul, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Rom 12:21

Peter added, “Honour all men, Love the brotherhood. Fear God Honour the king. Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.” I Peter 2:17-18

We might have to stand physically for what we believe, in the future, but never the less, prayer is the answer–spiritual warfare–but from the heart of Jesus as He directed at the end of Matthew, end of Mark, Luke 10:19, James 2:13 and 4:7….and more!

God bless us everyone and give us mercy, grace and the ability to repent, forgive love the sinner, even as we hate the sin.

Love in our Jesus,


P S The hardest thing to do is to love people the way they are not the way we want them; only God can change the heart! And, He needs our prayers to do that! Declare what we want; calling those things that are not as though they are. Rom 4:17; Heb 4:14

Pressing in and pressing on…. 


THE SECRET a DVD that sold millions of copies in the last couple of years was mentioned last night on a major  Television News Magazine….because of a woman named Lisa Nichols.  THE SECRET  had a long list of people who were interviewed about the ‘Law of Attraction’.   Interestingly it was quite a mix….some New Age, some Scientists, Counselors, and a few Christians.  Lisa Nichols was one, who has professed her faith as a Christian, although not really pronounced on THE SECRET.

Lisa has written a new book,  NO MATTER WHAT, as she has an extraordinary testimony and is now a ‘Life Coach’.  I met Lisa briefly years ago at the meeting of a week long business forum.  She has achieved and overcome some of  life’s most difficult problems, and her work with youth is life changing.

So why are Christians collaborating with New Age and Quantum Physics Scientists on a DVD such as THE SECRET?  My friends and I were very convicted about our ‘stinking thinking’ after watching it…..others warned you could pick up demons watching it.  My answer to that is, that number one I pray before watching or reading anything.  The Holy Spirit directed me away from the book by the same name (go figure?  That’ s why I ask Him).  Second I cover myself with the blood of Jesus  every day and trust that protection.   However, wanting to tell the whole truth, I wrote a book, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SECRET.   Knowledge without Jesus is like a ship without a rudder.

The Supernatural Is Super-Natural….

Wow, that is profound!  Ho Ho!   But my heart cries out as the Church needs to accept, acknowledge and realize the supernatural is more real than the physical.  When this physical is gone, and it will be, for each of us, the supernatural, the spirit realm will still be for eternity. 

Strong believers in ‘New Age’ believe in the spirit realm and get information and direction from ‘spirits of light’.  My experience has been, in knowing many that they are good people…..kind, loving and wanting to change the world.  The enemy always duplicates what the Lord does, and he is very convincing when he uses good to enlist his followers into a life of building the ‘god within’…..not the God of the Universe.  

WOULD GOD USE THE NEW AGE TO WAKE US TO SOME OF HIS TRUTH?  HE used a donkey, so he just might.  These are not evil people, just deceived in one area, and pretty smart in other areas. 

Pastor Lance Wallnau, who spoke at our church a year ago, said, “THE SECRET belongs to us, we should take it and use it.”  THE SECRET….the Law of attraction….or in our language….AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART SO IS HE, is only part of the path of life.  But certainly not one we want to ignore. 

The point of this Blog is not to endorse or discredit….but to suggest that we think, really think (Selah) about the supernatural.  Expect miracles from the Holy Spirit  in all areas of our life and adapt our life to the commandments of Jesus that we are prepared for those things we desire.   Not to run out and buy THE SECRET, but not to throw the baby out with the bath water. 

WE ARE THE BODY OF THE LIVING GOD and we should be  way ahead of the world in all areas.  Our KING has all power and authority in this world and HE extends that to us…..not to judge and condemn but to love others into the Kingdom and welcome them into eternity! 

 Holy Spirit, help us to see Your work in the world all around us, help us to see the supernatural in the physical world every time we watch a bird or a butterfly or a fish or a child at play.   I pray you lead us to wisdom and knowledge that we can use to bless and prosper ourselves and the the world!   Help us to know, experiencially know we are the King’s Kids.  Thank You!   In our JESUS……

Pressing in and pressing on……

Good And Evil, Depends On How You See It!

Talking to the Holy Spirit about writing a blog….lots of things on my mind, however He said write on “Good and Evil”; and He is the Senior Partner in our relationship, so I said, “Well, OK then…..however, I will need Your help as that wasn’t on my mind.” 

There are so many issues that we disagree on…..in the Church….to sprinkle or dunk in baptism….are the ‘gifts’ or ‘tongues’ for today.  In politics, etc.  And one that comes to mind was an issue debated during the campaign.  When talking about abortion, our now President Obama, said, “If you believe life begins at conception, then we have nothing to talk about.” 

I was some what surprised because I think anyone who is  elected to the Presidency of our country must be intelligent and educated.   Then I realized I used to think the way he does…..well, not really….I didn’t think…..I just assumed that babies have life when they come into the world.  Then I met Jesus personally and I began to think about things like abortion and learned the scientific truth and the Biblical truth of life from the very beginning.

So what seems right to President Obama is a lack of knowledge of God’s ways and scientific facts about the growth and development of a fetus.  How many others lack that knowledge and how do we get the word, the understanding to them?  It actually seems ‘good’ to many not to bring in unwanted babies, and to others abortion is not an answer it is ‘death’ not life, and is evil.

To some who believe they are ‘gay’…..that it is a good lifestyle.  They feel it is ‘good’ that they have found someone to love and who loves them.  Others believe it is un-natural and evil.

I understand from the Bible, anything that is not faith is sin.   Boy, you put ‘good’ or ‘evil’ to that and you could sure be confused, because faith to one is different than faith to another.  And, P. S. to that,  God is not the author of confusion.

 Years ago, in an attempt to be more ‘holy’ I fasted and prayed for 8 days.  I was going for 40 days but only made it 8.  That night when I went to sleep I told the Lord He could have my ‘halo’ back, I just couldn’t cut it…..I gave up. Then next morning I felt the presence of Lord on me and I rushed into a quiet room and fell to my knees to hear, “You have never loved Me, you love what is right.”   Tears poured out of my heart in repentance and sadness.  I immediately knew what He meant.  I felt convicted, yet still loved…..repentant but forgiven.  My life was changed from that moment and I remember it clearly.

Jesus said, “They will know you by how you love one another.”  When our focus is on good and evil, we will strive to be right at any cost–we will judge without thinking, let alone any counsel from the Holy Spirit.  When our focus is loving, forgiving and ‘what will bring life’ to a situation,  we will get the help we need from the Holy Spirit.  There are times we will be called to stand for our faith and trust in Jesus….hopefully not at the expense of others.

Loving and helping people the way they are, not the way we want them, is the toughest thing in life.  We must lay down the fuse-lit-bombs of good and evil, and take up the artillery of mercy, grace and forgiveness…..and pray for those we don’t agree with…..especially those we don’t agree with! 

Pressing in and pressing on….

A Miracle Behind The Scenes Of A Seminar….

Many of you know that I recently went to San Diego to visit family and give a seminar on the SUPERNATURAL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.   And I experienced a strange miracle in the process.  I think ‘bitter-sweet’ discribes something that is both good and bad at the same time and this was it. 

 I am sharing this because it is a great (yet, for me very uncomfortable) present day example of II Corinthians 12;7.  “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.”

I have met many who think if they ignore the devil, he will leave them alone….so I want to be clear.  I definitely do not expect demonic interference nor do I dwell on the possible ‘fears’ of our life on this earth.  However, I spend my life seeking the heart of God, and building my faith in the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit in my life, and thanking Jesus for the authority and power He has delegated to us. (Matt 28; Mark 16; Luke 10:19)  Not only to teach the Kingdom of God on earth with our King Jesus but to fight the enemy when he attacks.   Am I ‘super-saint’ …..happy horse feathers, no…..just like Paul saved from being one of worst of all sinners, and excited about the things of God and His work in all our lives.

If people ignore the demonic realm (God love them) I just don’t know what Bible they are reading as it is all there……especially John 10:10.

I had forgotten the amount of work and effort it takes to put on a seminar.  Without a team–and I am blessed with a great one–it could never happen.  The hosting Church was gracious and the accommodations super-duper, as the Pastor made sure all our needs were met–I am so impressed with the heart of that leader.

This is no different than a meeting, or special occasion, you may have or be planning.  It is a group effort and truly enjoyed as such.  My personal prayer partner, (we all need at least one) was invaluable, and a very special friend came from Los Angeles and covered every detail for me, so I could focus on the teaching.  Don’t we all need a ‘keeper’ at times–special friends and I am so blessed with many.

We gathered in a group ahead of time and prayed.  Just as we parted to take our ‘posts’ an excruciating pain hit my head, neck and shoulders.  I never, I mean, never have headaches.  I immediately fought the attack and asked others for help.  The day was a ‘roller-coaster’ of physical discomfort and pain.  When Paul writes in the scripture quoted above, ‘ thorn in the flesh to buffet me’   I could personally relate.  ‘Buffet’ means to hit with clenched fist, metaphorically to assault.

The MIRACLE in all of this, was, that I was able to teach for six hours, despite my physical condition.  The Holy Spirit is always with us….never leaves or forsakes us….and it was clear to me, He was working through me to express the revelation of His work and will, and I was just the vehicle. 

That scripture says, ” lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of revelation”  reveals the threat to the enemy and his evil work.  In other areas  of the Bible all the disciples encourage us to seek  boldness to speak the Word of God, etc. so it sure isn’t God worried about our ego being inflated…..but just the opposite…..the devil and his demons want to discourage, halt and bring discord, and confusion to our lives. 

We finished the day, giving Glory to God, and thanking Him for the breakthroughs that were experienced by many.  More on their stories later.  For me, the attack lasted almost three weeks.  Each day I got better.  Judy and other faithful friends prayed for me often.  I sought the Lord, like Paul, that it would depart from me.  We questioned how this could of happened?  With my focus on my presentation and direction of the Lord, did I forget to cover myself with the  Blood of Jesus ?  And I think I might have forgotten to do that–Something we should always do–for protection–especially when praying for others.  How could that happen?  The demonic world are experts in distraction.

Was it a physical attack because of a new ‘hair spray’ I used that morning? Maybe! Possibly an allergic reaction? That was a possibility.

We are so funny….it seems easier to ‘see’ the physical, logical answers, rather than deal with the supernatural realm.  I am pretty good at this, but I still search for answers.  In the process of being healing I had several revelations that will serve me well in helping others.  I think it says, “God’s grace is sufficient….”   Many I have found, think that means God is saying,  ‘just grin and bear it’.  We get so wrapped up in our self-righteousness we think suffering is to our credit.  Hardly!

I didn’t take this laying down…..(excuse the pun) even though I spend a great deal of time in bed for the past two weeks….I continued to ‘stand’ my ground on my belief in the power, willingness and love of God in Jesus to heal…..Acts 10:38 for all doubting Thomas-es.

One of the definitions of Grace is the the Empowering presence of God.  We want and expect healing to be immediate and that is a good thing…..a very good thing.   However, sometimes it is a process and the Empowering presence of God  will sustain us and lead us to victory. 

My total release from this attack sent by Satan came this week when I attended a two-day training class by the Bethel SOZO Healing Team.  First the Holy Spirit told me four or five times (sometimes I am a little dense) to attend.  Second, during the first session the leaders ask if anyone had been on a mission trip and felt they had come home with ‘something’.

Since I don’t consider myself a ‘missionary’ I didn’t stand.  Until the Holy Spirit said very clearly, “STAND UP”!  Boy, I sure can be dense at times.  As I stood and they prayed I was ‘jolted’ from head to toe, top to bottom for several seconds and it was gone!  A strong confirmation from the Lord that it was a “messenager who had brought a thorn in the flesh” to buffet and discourage me from the truth of God’s Word and even more to give up sharing that truth when ever possible.

Did I get discouraged and feel hopeless?  You bet I did….and this certainly isn’t the first time.  I have wanted to give up (whatever that means), go a different way (whatever that means) and not trust God.  Those thoughts come from the enemy and are easily captured in our mind because pain is a great conditioner.

Many will say to me, “Well, God will never give me more than I can bear.”  That is a mis-understanding of  I Corinthians 10:13, in my opinion.  In truth, God will not, but in reality the devil will.  He comes to ‘kill, rob and destroy’ (John 10:10) and he will if he can.  Miracles and healings are now more abundand than any time in history, since Jesus.  And, the good news is that if, the devil, his demons manage to take our life Jesus is standing at the door to receive us into His Heavenly Kingdom.  It is a win-win situation for those of us who love and follow our Jesus!  And, how foolish it would be not to fight the good fight of faith until our last breath!   That’s my plan I pray it is yours also!

Pressing in and pressing on….

Last Chance For Free Book Offer….

Several months ago I decided to offer chapters of the book I wrote several years ago (and have added to…since then) called THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!

Working and praying with people for 23 years I have learned that very few (myself included) have a real picture of who God is and His power and plan for life.  I have a passion for seeking answers and to know more and more. 

I offered the book because I did not want anyone to miss it because of ‘money’–especially those in the rest of the world.  At the time of Jesus death on the cross He said, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.”  How interesting that His Heart and the Heart of the Father are almost  summed up in that one sentence.  Well…..hardly!  Since God is beyond anything we can truly conceive.

But it represents the Heart to heal and restore relationship and open the doors to a Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  If we learn true forgiveness, how to release ‘judgment’, to know the power of ‘repentance’ (that in the Greek means ‘to change the way we think’) it is a good foundation to build on for the rest of our life on this planet.

So if you have not taken advantage of accepting the free book, please do.  We will be taking it off the Blog on Tuesday, May 26th, following memorial day.  THAT IS JUST A LITTLE OVER A WEEK….I hope you won’t miss it.

I will be in the San Diego area doing a one day seminar on “SUPERNATURAL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT” on May 30th at Grace Community Church in San Marcos, California. 

Our publisher is working feverishly to have the book re-published and in print by that time.  The Seminar will cover just a small part of the book, and other topics the Lord has put on my heart to help people cope with today’s problems and challenges.  To sign up and receive more information just click on the page to the right of this message…..San Diego Meeting, May 30th Registration.

When Jesus left He said, “Go ye there fore, and teach all nations…..”  This is a wonderful time to be building the Kingdom of God, bringing His influence and forgiveness to the world.  When we set an example, influence others with the Love (wanting the best for everyone) of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will draw people in untold numbers into Eternity.   We have a precious privilege to be Ambassadors for Christ!

Pressing in and pressing on….