Amazing how our ‘history’ is evolving….excuse the ‘pun’. The United States Senate by an invitation of Senator Harry Reid opened the Senate with a Hindu prayer. I haven’t yet read what he said.
It does not matter what he said, as much as what is the Christian Church going to do? Take a stand, write notes and emails against such a practice? Is a Muslim prayer next?
Or will we, who believe in the One and Only God of the Universe, Jehovah God of the Bible, going to send a message where it really counts? Simply and profoundly we must declare forgiveness of these men, and those in agreement with them, for their ignorance of the truth.
Those who do know Jesus personally, know that forgiveness is the most powerful tool in the Universe. As we love on those men (meaning ‘wanting the best for them’ not sentimental sloppy love we see on TV regularly) and demand that they be brought into a knowledge of the Kingdom of God right here on earth who has Jesus as its’ King.
We must agree and demand they be ‘loosed’ from the bondage of false religion and receive a personal revelation of the God who cares for each one, personally, on this earth, taking our authority (You know, the one Jesus paid so dearly to give us!), to set them free.
Few men could stand against the agreement of millions in prayer for their souls and their spiritual well being, let alone these two men, trying to do the ‘right’ thing.
Why would that work? Because the Holy Spirit is so powerful, wonderful and undeniably thorough, in His job of drawing people into the Kingdom. He is just waiting for someone to pray ‘His Heart’ for the world! Waiting for someone to have enough love for these enemies of Who He truly is, to bless them, sending Angels to carry out God’s plan!
How about a personal visitation from Jesus? I can pray for that, can you?
Think of the change in the world if we drown every person who opposes the things of God in prayer, forgiveness and the Spirit of truth! Our enemies would stop, they would be in fear of being identified by the Army of the LIVING GOD! SELAH!
P S We still need to pray for Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump