by admin | Dec 24, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Personal
Well the atheists are having a ‘hey day’ with banners, billboards and such! All about how there is ‘no God’! WOW those people have a lot of faith. I don’t have enough faith not to believe in God and especially one who is real, alive, talks to me and gave His life for me. Not believing is like ‘declaring despair and hopeless on humanity.’
We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We are celebrating the birth of eternal life for mankind. We are celebrating because Jesus came and reversed the curse for all time, and offers opportunity to everyone who will accept Him in their heart….light, life and joy eternal.
Maybe He wasn’t born on December 25th….oh, well….let’s not get stuck in the letter of the law so to speak, but celebrate and rejoice that He was born, period!
We can reverse the curses in our life with faith, prayer and declaring His Kingship over the world and our problems. We can rejoice because we have salvation with Him forever and ever, regardless of our physical situation now! How cool is that!
We know we will see loved ones that are gone now, but waiting for us in eternity. We know that the Holy Spirit can and will bring us comfort and relief. We know there are Angels ready to work in our behalf in the spirit realm following our faith and declarations of trust in our Heavenly Loving Eternal Father, the Son Jesus who came to show us the heart of the Father, and the Holy Spirit, always hovering over believers to orchestrate the answer to prayer.
So we can forgive (with assurance that it does change things and people) those who offend or hurt us at Christmas. We can forgive in advance when we are going to spend time with family or friends who ‘march to a different drummer’; we can bless them and know the Holy Spirit will work in our behalf. We can declare our love Jesus and bless ourselves with all the goodness of God because it is ours!
And ‘hey’ let’s go all out and declare loud and clear that we are children of an Awesome Wonderful God; we are special and we love Him and who we are as part of all He is and the Kingdom of God on earth!
That’s it, reverse the curses in and around you with declarations of the opposite. We can reverse the curse because Jesus became a curse for us! No matter how ‘evil’ things look to some we can declare life, light and truth because of the birth, life and death of Jesus!
Rejoicing in Him, singing “Oh, come let us adore Him, Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!” will bring happiness and hope to all who receive! Reverse the curse, because you can!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | Dec 18, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Personal
As we celebrate this wonderful time of the birth of Jesus, we all receive requests to give. And we all have a desire to do as much as we can.
This is certainly a time to thank God for all our blessings and enjoy the special music and pray that sales will be high all over the country, that we don’t lose any more stores or businesses.
And, we certainly pray for those less fortunate that the next year will be better for them, and God will fill their heart during this time!
There are so many ways to give, that each of us can do:
Give a smile and initiate some joy!
Give a hug and someone will feel better!
Thank people who serve you in any way, and share you are grateful they are there.
Give a warm “God bless you!” when ever possible.
After spending some time in prayer, with the help of the Holy Spirit we can write a special letter to a special person in our life about how much they mean to us, how special they are, and point out the things we like the most about them. That could be the best gift they receive.
Those who can buy, and give, and donate, can also look for someone to bless that they normally do not see in their busy lives.
This is “Dollar Donation Day” for Blessed Abundance and we want to thank you for your donations, also FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS!
God doesn’t ask us to give what we don’t have and we should always give from the heart where we feel directed.
So we thank God for you and pray God will prosper and bless each and every one of you!.
Love, Joy and Blessings in our Jesus,
by admin | Dec 12, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Relationship Not Religion!
I know, I know……we aren’t supposed to be offended. But, I was! Why? Because a man accused me of ‘saying I was religious.’ To be exact he said, “You say you are religious and yet you won’t take me off your email list, and I don’t want any more of your emails.”
First of all, I didn’t know he wanted off. It is so easy….there is a link at the bottom of each message where anyone can unsubscribe. For some unknown reason that did not work. So he was ‘hot’! I got the job done as soon as I knew there was a problem. I don’t send those emails out from my office….they go through another company (a really good one) Automated Sales Machine. We only want those on line with us who are blessed by the messages.
The statement that I said I was religious….got me ‘hot’… thing I live by and try to impart is that following and believing in Jesus is relationship not religion. Religion is what man must do for God and Christianity is what God has done for man.
Well, I argued with myself (a little), “Why did that upset me?” Then I decided to look up religion and religious in my concordance to see what it actually means. That was a surprise, because it means to worship or worshiping. And, religion and religious are only used 7 times, all in the New Testament. I pulled up definition from Webster’s Dictionary: “concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; “religious texts”; “a member of a religious order”; “lords temporal and spiritual … having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity; “a religious man”; “religious attitude”
I had thought it meant a form of doctrines or beliefs of any kind, like Buddhist, Mormon, Muslim, New Age, Satanism and those all have doctrines about ‘working’ or pleasing a god, or the ‘god within’. In Christianity we accept Jesus into our heart, believing He is the ‘Way, the Truth, and the Light’ and we have eternal relationship with God, by His mercy and grace, not works. Then because we love Him we do work and serve Him out of desire not obligation!
This did give me a little different perspective. However, I think the words have come to mean what I described for most people, i.e. Tom Cruise refers to Scientology as a religion.
I did do what I preach…..I forgave the man and prayed he would know Jesus personally, that he would be blessed and God would take all judgment out of my heart. Amazing how God does just that when we do our part. So now I guess I am truly religious and might even say that because I do worship Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I doubt that I would claim it very often because I would never want people to misconstrue my meaning. Jesus is great, I am not. I am blessed and important in the scheme of things as is everyone reading this Blog. I have great confidence in knowing who I am in Christ Jesus, (See Home Study page at the right, #4 for more on that.) and extremely thankful for all He does for me! But my self-worth is in Him not what I do.
P S I am sure this will not be the last time I am offended….and it does matter what we do with an offense. It is to the glory of man to overlook an offense (Prov 19:11) and certainly shows ‘class’…..I’m going to work on that!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | Dec 5, 2008 | Personal
There are no words to express my appreciation for all the wonderful comments and blessings so many of you have sent to me! It is awesome! My son and wife, and grandchildren here in Redding did an outstanding job of blessing me and making me feel, loved, needed and important! Gifts, food, some new furniture and fun….lots of fun! When my son, Greg flew from San Diego and walked into the room at dinner time, it was just ‘over the top’. I almost fainted I was so surprised and and tears began to flow.
Then, as if that was not enough, Greg surprised me with the previous Blog message regarding the birthday celebration and I have just been overwhelmed with all the blessings, kindness and love so many have sent. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Now I want to share from my heart…..I was dreading this birthday….75 sounds sooooo old! Well, guess what, it is old! The problem is, my mind thinks I am 50….however, when I get up each morning my body thinks it is 100. So we have some discussion….my body and me….and I tell it we have things to do, places to go, and I am in control (with the Holy Spirit, of course). As soon as I do some movement, some exercise, my body gives in, and we do well together!
I was reminded of all the wonderful years and memories in 75! I have said for years that I never mind getting old, it is just one year closer to Jesus. So I don’t know why I let this one be a ‘hitch-in-my-get-along’ because I am no different than I was last week at this time. Pretty silly, huh? However, it is a big mile-stone, but a good one!
I am so thankful for my relationship with the Lord, for my family, my friends, the ministry I have the honor to serve, and all the new friends I am making in the last couple of years through the 5 Minute Miracle Family. I have a couple of ‘heros’ who are in their 80’s and still driving, and very active. I always feel they are younger than I am, when I am with them and that is inspiring.
I have many goals still in my life, with the Lord’s help:
- To reach people everywhere with the message that personal relationship with Jesus is possible and wonderful!
- To remain close with all my family, and remarry! (Yep, we ole’ folk still have ‘steam in the pot’)
- To be debt free, personally and in ministry, and to help more people!
- To launch a spiritual campaign against the epedemic spread of Bipolar and Alzhiemers Disease!
That is a tall order, but all things are possible with God! I wish I could celebrate the birthday of everyone I know. It is a special time–when we were born. Each person should have the blessings I received and more! I pray that will be true for all of you. You are already a part of helping me meet my goals and so again, I thank you, and thank God for you!
Pressing in and pressing on!
by admin | Dec 1, 2008 | A Son's Perspective, Family/Marriage
Hi my name is Greg and I am Carol’s youngest son and that is a picture of me with my mother on her 75th birthday party.
Her party was held at my older brother Patrick’s house in Redding California and I flew up from Escondido California to surprise her. It was very exciting to see the look on her face when I walked in the door.
It was a great birthday that mom said she will never forget. My brother, his wife and kids did an excellent job on her party and we all had a fantastic time. Complete with great food, a cake and “birthday blessings” that brought tears to her eyes.
So I thought I would surprise her once again! So I got her username and password to this blog and I am making this post without her knowing. 🙂
Sharing her birthday with all of her blog followers…I thought you would enjoy!
I also wanted to say that I am so proud of my mother, she is incredible and our family is so blessed to have such loving strong spiritual leader in our family.
This web site, her 5 Minute Miracle Newsletter and her ministry is just amazing.
What she knows about working online is absolutely incredible for a person of her age and it has not come easy to her. She has worked for years figuring out everything about how it all works. Her patience and tenacity is a testimony to her passion to make a difference in the lives of people worldwide.
And last but not least I want to thank YOU for reading her blog, joining her teleseminars, buying her books and I pray and hope that this blog and my mothers newsletter is a blessing to you and your family.