THE SECRET a DVD that sold millions of copies in the last couple of years was mentioned last night on a major Television News Magazine….because of a woman named Lisa Nichols. THE SECRET had a long list of people who were interviewed about the ‘Law of Attraction’. Interestingly it was quite a mix….some New Age, some Scientists, Counselors, and a few Christians. Lisa Nichols was one, who has professed her faith as a Christian, although not really pronounced on THE SECRET.
Lisa has written a new book, NO MATTER WHAT, as she has an extraordinary testimony and is now a ‘Life Coach’. I met Lisa briefly years ago at the meeting of a week long business forum. She has achieved and overcome some of life’s most difficult problems, and her work with youth is life changing.
So why are Christians collaborating with New Age and Quantum Physics Scientists on a DVD such as THE SECRET? My friends and I were very convicted about our ‘stinking thinking’ after watching it…..others warned you could pick up demons watching it. My answer to that is, that number one I pray before watching or reading anything. The Holy Spirit directed me away from the book by the same name (go figure? That’ s why I ask Him). Second I cover myself with the blood of Jesus every day and trust that protection. However, wanting to tell the whole truth, I wrote a book, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SECRET. Knowledge without Jesus is like a ship without a rudder.
The Supernatural Is Super-Natural….
Wow, that is profound! Ho Ho! But my heart cries out as the Church needs to accept, acknowledge and realize the supernatural is more real than the physical. When this physical is gone, and it will be, for each of us, the supernatural, the spirit realm will still be for eternity.
Strong believers in ‘New Age’ believe in the spirit realm and get information and direction from ‘spirits of light’. My experience has been, in knowing many that they are good people…..kind, loving and wanting to change the world. The enemy always duplicates what the Lord does, and he is very convincing when he uses good to enlist his followers into a life of building the ‘god within’…..not the God of the Universe.
WOULD GOD USE THE NEW AGE TO WAKE US TO SOME OF HIS TRUTH? HE used a donkey, so he just might. These are not evil people, just deceived in one area, and pretty smart in other areas.
Pastor Lance Wallnau, who spoke at our church a year ago, said, “THE SECRET belongs to us, we should take it and use it.” THE SECRET….the Law of attraction….or in our language….AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART SO IS HE, is only part of the path of life. But certainly not one we want to ignore.
The point of this Blog is not to endorse or discredit….but to suggest that we think, really think (Selah) about the supernatural. Expect miracles from the Holy Spirit in all areas of our life and adapt our life to the commandments of Jesus that we are prepared for those things we desire. Not to run out and buy THE SECRET, but not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
WE ARE THE BODY OF THE LIVING GOD and we should be way ahead of the world in all areas. Our KING has all power and authority in this world and HE extends that to us…..not to judge and condemn but to love others into the Kingdom and welcome them into eternity!
Holy Spirit, help us to see Your work in the world all around us, help us to see the supernatural in the physical world every time we watch a bird or a butterfly or a fish or a child at play. I pray you lead us to wisdom and knowledge that we can use to bless and prosper ourselves and the the world! Help us to know, experiencially know we are the King’s Kids. Thank You! In our JESUS……
Pressing in and pressing on……