I am fighting hard not to be 'irate' at those Christians who are 'irate' at Pat Robertson, who made comments on the 700 Club TV Program about Haiti. The world would not understand because they don't read the Bible.
For those of you who don't know…. Pat spoke of the pacts that the Haitian people made with the devil' years ago, speaking that the country has had many problems and is one of poorest in that area of the world. He certainly (in my opinion) was not condemning the people who are there now, and he has spoken of his deep grief over this added tragedy to their country.
AND, his MINISTRY, OPERATION BLESSING, was on the way to Haiti to help within 48 hours.
The Bible clearly speaks of curses, witchcraft, and occult activities. I had heard this about Haiti years ago and knew some people who had lived there and spoke openly about prevelent witchcraft was. Pat's heart (again in my opinion) is to reverse those curses and get these people blessed–and I definitely do not think he was blaming this earthquake on that….only the poverty of the country.
However, what if he was wrong? What if he spoke unadvisedly? What are we Christians doing condeming each other insead of defending each other, letting the Lord handle the person?
In my judgment (ugh, there I go)….how much have any of those critics done in and for the Kingdom of God?
Pat Robertson paid a great price for the ministry he is a part of…..they have helped people all over the world and have been responsible for millions coming to the Lord. Doesn't that deserve our loyality and support?
Why aren't we more forgiving? And now I have to forgive, and repent for my judgment, as I am doing the same thing, being critical of what they are saying and 'spreading' to others. When Jesus said, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." He certainly knew our need and paid the price for our ability to turn from condemnation to grace, so let's do that!
To everyone who enjoys the Christian faith in Jesus, OR NOT, please look at all the wonderful things Pat Robertson has done and will continue to do, because of his heart for God and for people every where. Pat is not my idol, or on any 'pedastil', I just admire what he has accomplished, and thank God that we have him and men like him. We all make mistakes….God help us to be more tolerant of each other.
Most importantly please give financially to help Haiti where ever you feel led, pray for them, and trust that no matter how bad this is, and it is devastating and overwelming to even comprehend….but, God will bring some good out of it…..may Haiti be rebuilt better than ever, with what ever they have left, and the help of the world.
Pressing in and pressing on….