A Brief Look At Japan’s Reaction to Our Inaguration….

I thought others might enjoy this personal email I received:

 Dear Carol,Just found your site in the past week. Looking forward to reading it.

I am a tall redhead from Canada, living in a suburb north of Japan’s second largest city, Osaka!

On the evening news a few hours ago, the enthusiam, hope and dreams for the incoming US President B.Obama is just outpouring everywhere.

Naturally, the

biggest hope is that Mr. O. will “fix” the world ecomomic situation PDQ– for J.people.

There’s even a city in Japan named “Obama” –on the Japanese Sea.

Apparently, a sleepy fishing town looking for a way to revive itself financially.

Seems the town’s people have learned the “hula” and are all dancing enthusiastically! It may be 5 or 6 degrees outdoors, but these people are basking in warm hopes — of what’s going to start in a few hours.

They’ve prepared an exquisite calligraghy to send to congratulate the incoming president.

Sorry, the ceremonies will start about 1:30 am. here & I have to leave to teach by 7 am. Argh!

So I’ll see the reruns tomorrow night! We’re 14 hours ahead of EST district.

God Bless America & all the caring people of the world.

Somehow this ALL feels so reminiscent of the start of the Kennedy administration!

I was just starting H.S. — telling my age! Yes, our prayers are SO needed — in a world we’ve NO idea what wonders The Lord is working out!


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