Whoops, did I say ABC Nightline News is a scam….oh, I meant to say “ABC Nightline ‘journalist investigative news is alleged to be a scam!  Who is alleging that?  I am!

When they reported on the Florida Outpouring–the ‘old time revival’ (as they did say a couple of times) in Lakeland, Florida their investigative reporting made me suck air!

The pretty little Anchor woman that introduced the report was a ‘sourpuss’ and cloaked her words in ‘darkness’ to warn us that this could be ……wooooo….I don’t know what danger she was warning the audience about, unless it was the sad misleading expose’ to follow.

Here we are in a world full of chaos, China with loss of life through earthquakes, war raging in several countries, slavery going unchecked, and sex-slave trade doing well, while here in our country we have unbelievable destructive fires in  California, and people homeless from the floods in the mid-west, God forbid we would want to give people hope.

Things are so bad that the Pharasees, oh I mean the media (the experts of our day), are sure that God wouldn’t show up in Florida.  And they have a responsibility to warn the public, what might not be happening.

Todd Bentley doesn’t look like ‘the church man’ we are accustomed to…..and therefore we are turned off before we are turned on to what God is doing.  We question the man or woman that God wants to use?  I just think God will do what he wants to do, and His humor may be to use a man who offends the natural mind and use the supernatural to do it.  I would love to see the report they would have given on John The Baptist!

Todd is someone who has turned his life around, sought the Lord day and night for days, months and years.  Until the Lord said it was timeand sent him out to other countries of the world.  Well received and with great success–many healings and huge crowds of thousands in other countries, Todd went to Florida for just a three day conference….well, God had a different idea.  This was definitely not on Todd’s agenda.  

Oh, they didn’t report all that on Nightline?  Well, it would be hard to dig that out….for an organization as large and resourceful as ABC. 

Thousands have found a new understanding and relationship with the Almighty from this revival, all over the world, and hundreds every night at the Florida facility.  They didn’t report that either?  Well it takes one to know one I guess, and they don’t know about Jesus or relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Well, I am sure they will soon as many of us are now praying that their hearts and minds are open to receive the best news ever reported.

Talented, educated investigative reporters could not find a few people out of ten thousand each day, with an exciting story of their healing that they would gladly supply  medical back.  Oh, they did find a couple of people who didn’t get the healing–but were not even discouraged.  That was reported as though the person was a naive unsuspecting victim.  Hey, hundreds of us are praying for that man and his child, so it will have the ending that faith-filled father is looking for.

The reporter did find a nice looking Pastor in suit and tie who did not approve of what he saw.  How interesting there was no accounting of the hundreds of Pastors in attendance every night from all over the world who know and understand this is a move of God.  They come hoping to take this revival back to their own city or country.  Nor did they report the 30 or 40 well known Pastors who came one evening to pray for Todd, support this revival and tell the world they believe this is a legitimate move of God.

I really was amused and offended at the woman in a business in Lakeland who didn’t want the revival.  Did they talk and interview the motel, hotel owners and operators?  Or the restaurants, or the Air Lines?  I’d bet money they are happy about the revival.  Our country needs any shot to our economy.

Oh yes, money, we sure need to talk about that.  There is no charge to attend……guess if this was God He would drop the funds out of heaven so no one would have to give.  There is an oxymoron–since we pay for watching ABC TV by buying products of their many sponsors, who pay a fortune for the privilege of partnering with them .  But some how people should not partner and support financially the ‘revival’  that they chose to attend?

Todd is the victim in all of this, because he so graciously invited all the press to come, to attend, because I assume he did not imagine that they would distort this move of God, to stir the waters of unbelief.

Nor did our well-paid (speaking of money) reporters, editors, etc. let the world know that this man is a well respected family man. 

Todd is not the image of what I would have chosen to represent God to this generation; but that is why we haven’t reached the generations because we stereo-type men and women of God.  I am not looking at the tattoos or the dress, only what God is doing.  I have seen Todd in person, I have received prayer in his meeting.  Never have I ever heard him say he does the healing, rather Jesus is the Healer and he is just his servant.  If he did say that he does healing, as they reported, why didn’t they report the hundred of times he gave all credit to Jesus or the Holy Spirit? 

I don’t even object to the negative reports if they had just balanced the ‘facts’ with the other side of the picture.  God will take care of Todd, and He will bring good out of what was definitely evil. 

The Scam is representing Nightline as a news program, instead a story line of what ABC wants the world to see.  And, assuming that we the American public are not qualified to make our own conclusions when we receive all the facts.


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