Angels And Demons: A Fraud?

The move is out!  Yes, I went to see it…..and left the theater smiling….the movie was very good!  But, wait a minute…. I have a question!  Where are the angels and demons in that movie?  You will find them addressed and exposed in ANGELS AND DEMONS; HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE.!

I chose not see the movie or read the book, The Da Vinci Code.  Author of the book, Ron Brown had a hit, and I was devastated because I felt it was an ‘evil’ indictment of the truth contained in the Bible.  I prayed that the Lord would  protect those who did read the book or see the movie, would not be influenced.

One of my young adult grandsons went to see the Da Vinci Code , and his report back to me was, “What a bunch of junk!  Ugh!!”  I invited the same grandson to see the movie ANGELS AND DEMONS, the movie based on the book by Ron Brown, with me.  I prayed about going, and had my own personal agenda for wanting to see the movie.

I thought it was a really good mystery, and was not ‘put off’ by the theme around the Catholic Church  (since much of it was filmed in Rome, I assume the Catholic Church was OK with it??)  I liked the movie… grandson thought it was just one level above OK.  That was actually an endorsement on his part as young people now days see so many exciting movies, and so many awesome special effects….it takes a lot to get them specifically excited about any one film.

SO OK, HERE IS MY QUESTION…..WHERE ARE THE ANGELS AND DEMONS IN THE MOVIE?  Anyone who does not believe in the devil and demons is not reading the Bible.  It is pretty clear in Scripture who they are, what they do, and that they are real.  Should we focus on that…..ABSOLUTELY NOT.  But for believing Christians to be unaware of their place in this world leads to great deception.  We should absolutely focus and be conscious of our relationship with Jesus, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit so that we can address, in faith, and wisdom any evil situation that comes our way.

Not once in the movie do I recall the mention of the devil or demons.  Angels were mentioned, because they were shown on the fronts of Churches, etc. in stone images.  Was the devil in the movie……oh, yes…..there was real ugly evil being portrayed, and the battle was  tough to say the least…..but never communicated verbally what they were fighting.  Not at all like the excellent job Mel Gibson did in his movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST–where the devil and his demons were obvious.

This morning I heard Pat Robertson answer an email to the 700 Club, where a young lady stated that she read in her Bible about demons and yet she heard very little of it in the church…..were demons real.  Pat said yes, and gave incidents he had experienced in India….but also warned her not to focus on those things but rather on the Lord!   Good response!

We go through seasons in Church where we focus on healing, or angels, or prayer, or deliverance (the casting out of demons) one at a time.  A few years ago there was a lot of talk in the church about deliverance.  It got so out of hand in some places they were casting demons out of everything from chewing gum to house slippers.  That is one reason the Pastors back away from deliverance teaching.  Actually wouldn’t it be good if we taught and were aware of all the Bible all the time….not in just seasons of interest.

Like the young lady who sent in the email to the 700 Club, I asked the same question years ago.  Only, I asked the Holy Spirit for the Truth.  He led me to people and meetings where I could learn and know the Truth of His Word.  That opened the door to helping many people to be delivered of sins, problems, obsessive behavior and illness, and so on–primarily Christians. 

Knowing the need for knowledge I wrote a book of our experiences–ANGELS AND DEMONS; HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE!  It is not a hand-book on deliverance, just information to identify the battle, and examples both bad and good that we have dealt with.  (There are many good books on deliverance in the book stores)

Why the sub-title HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE, because the devil has no problem revealing and inspiring writers of horror films, supernatural phenomena, and stories of demons.  The devil knows that it will de-sensitize young people to the truth.  The devil knows church people will not go see the films, or create films on the truth of spiritual warfare.  Demonic inspired films make the church look inept, powerless and weak.  They do focus on evil and glorify their destructive wickedness–all adding to the deception in the world.

So, I encourage you to buy my book and get an interesting first hand look at God’s Truth and the devil’s deception.    It is available as an e-book at the top of this page and in published book form by going to 

So is the movie, ANGELS AND DEMONS a fraud?  Well, just a play on words…..yes, to me because I expected dialog and interchange between angels and demons.  A fraud to others…. no….. if they just came to see a good movie.    

Pressing in and pressing on….

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