The upcoming election in the United States carries many issues to the public–one most urgent, is the question of Abortion.

Rape means an act of physical force….usually sexual. When women chose an Abortion they have just given permission to someone to physically rape her female organs. Abortion is not like removing a hang-nail, or removing a diseased gall bladder. Pregnancy is not a disease. It is a normal phenomena of nature, and is attached to women’s female organs. It is an attack against the body in a violent way, changing her physically and possibly hormonally.

Any violation to the human body is recorded in the brain, affects the soul—mind, will and emotions….similar to sexual rape—even though the victim has agreed to the Abortion. It is a lot more than a face lift.
• Forget religion, or moral reasons…… (even though I can’t)
• What about the women that have died in abortion? (144,000 through out the world-2011)
• What about those who lose their ability to have children? (Lots, like the 17 year old whose mother took her for an Abortion—with her permission. Later in life and marriage she was desperate for children, and finally was able to adopt, but regretted her earlier decision, and so did her mother. How many are there we never hear about?)
• What about those who are born out of a ‘rape’ and are so grateful their mothers did not use Abortion?
• What about the Aborted baby that might have cured cancer, or been another
Hillary Clinton?
Why aren’t women’s advocates protecting women with real choice?
• Choice not to have sex.
• Choice to have protected sex.
• Choice to take the pill.
• Choice to have an unwanted baby–for adoption–for the hundreds
Who are desperate for ‘babies.’
• The Choice to make good sound decisions for the rest of their
Life rather than what feels good or is convenient.
I don’t believe Abortion should be legal or illegal, but taught as a moral issue in home, church or school. Those who want one should pay for it, not taxpayers.

I know you can bring up those forced in sex slave—a whole different Issue….However, on the that documentary one of ‘raped girls’ (sex-slave) was very upset because they had forced her into abortion. Interesting that life is not considered that valuable in our country but to a far eastern sex slave victim, it is.

You may have heard all of this before….if you have I would be very surprised because most people are so protective of women and the under-dog, and unborn unwanted children are sure the ‘under-dog’. We need more education, mercy, and wisdom to change these things that affect the world.

Pressing in and pression on…..

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