Last night I had d desire to just ‘veg out’ with something pleasant on TV.  As I surfed the channels I found the following:

  • Paradise Hotel or Sex In The City!  (WOW as a single woman, I don’t need that.)
  • News reports of fires, floods, accidents, rape & murder. (Taxing my heart with sorrow for all the victims)
  • A movie about a man who kills his friend because he thinks he murdered his daughter only to find out he was wrong.  (That was inspiring, Ugh! Thank God I only saw the stupid end; my critics would tell me I just don’t appreciate the great acting job they did–no, I do not, if their message stinks.)
  • Then those pitiful but necessary commercials for the suffering children in the world.  (That just tear my heart out.)
  • Well, I could just watch a simple mystery on Law and Order–wrong again–this one was about someone stealing eggs and sperm out of a lab, where they actually store live embryos as well, and the controversy about freezing or storing them.  (Boy, I was already tired, fighting a little depression, I didn’t need that.)
  • Oh, good, I found a TV magazine program about troubled children (that should have been a tip, but I continued to watch).  It was about children with Tourette’s Syndrome.  (I didn’t last too long with this one either; I have such strong spiritual conviction about these ‘syndromes,’ especially that one.
  • I tried a 60 Minute program I had pre-recorded, only to watch three handsome young men talk about being gay in the military.  And the controversy over “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”  (The same ole’ question, how do we love people the way they are and trust God to change them?)

Finally, I turned off the TV and thanked God for my day and all that I have, food, home, clothes, loving dog, precious family, and lots of friends.  And, actually went to sleep. 

The devil’s agenda is to have people watch all this junk often enough so they become desensitized to the evil that is so evident everywhere.  Or there is so much, we just mentally turn it off out of an overwhelming sense of despair. Which I did last night and turned to my Heavenly Father to bring a calm to my soul. 

My Bible says where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Rom 5:20); When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19)  I believe that ‘standard’ is our prayers, as the Spirit of the Lord in us, moves us to action.

I hear all over the place that this is the end times.  Maybe it is, however, Paul said it was the end times 2000 years ago….I sure am not going to rely or worry about that.   Jesus asked  if there would be faith on the earth when He returned….and somehow I don’t see that every where even though it is growing.  Isn’t that a greater concern for us than spending time, energy or thought on whether we are in the ‘end times’?

One argument is that evil is everywhere, earth quakes, floods, etc. so it must be the end.  Well, it was just as bad in Paul’s day.  Christians were crucified and fed to lions.  Israel was in bondage to other countries, and believers had to flee for the lives.  Children were sacrificed to Molech, slavery abounded.  Through the centuries we have had the same evils that we face now.

  • Could any of us solve the problems I listed above? 
  • Can we solve even one of those problems totally? 
  • Can God solve those problems?
  •  What does He need to do that?…He is sovereign! 
  •  Jesus is looking for prayer and faith so that He and the Holy Spirit can direct the warfare–you know–the standard that will overcome.

None of us can pray over all that is wrong; nor can any of us take action against everything.  So we can choose to pray what touches our heart the most.  That is the Holy Spirit  in us and take action as He directs.

Or are we like ‘Chicken Little’ crying “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”  Yep, we can pray as Jesus told us to do….”Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”  Rest (knowing God is all sufficient) in God to use our prayers and direct our actions, and just let Jesus take care of ‘end times’ and His return.  None, absolutely none of the problems listed above and those that are not listed are too big for God. 

Prayer moves mountains and God loves all His children, so we move and He moves.  Sounds like a good solution to me!  We are privileged to be part of that Standard.

This is a great time to live as long as we abide in HIM!

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