by admin | Aug 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
Recently I heard a sermon that made me spend time thinking about the scripture in the above titlle. It is quoted from Matthew 15:16.
The Pastor, and I don't remember who it was, said, "Jesus is asking Peter, 'Who Am I to you?'" I am very grateful to that Pastor and I know God is blessing him, as it was one of those quotes that linger in your brain for 'good'!
Who is God to me……I have been thinking ever since. Is He an austere far-away God declaring doom and judgment….certainly not for me. I have know for years that the Holy Spirit is with me always. I found it easier to relate to Jesus because we can 'see' Him with spiritual eyes from Scripture. I am learning to know the Holy Spirit more all the time….recognizing how wonderful He is, at all He does.
I found through teaching in the SOZO ministry at Bethel Church, Redding, California, that some of the leaders have personal relationships with God, the Father. As I learned I was so excited to find I too, could have that. It is a little different for each of us, but so wonderful. Just as we relate to family members differently and friends we can relate to the Godhead personally and relationally. They are One, yet each is a person. It is exciting to know them and relate to them individually and together.
It takes faith and a willingness to receive, as we learn about them from the Bible. Jesus came to set us free but also to let us know the Father, as He did only what He saw the Father do, and what the Father told Him; yet Jesus was very much His own person. It isn't easy to understand…..we just believe, accept and receive until we are on the other side of this life and it's problems.
Who is God to me….a wonderful 'Abba' who is kind, loving, and fair…..Creator of the Universe, but just Abba Father to me. (Rom 8:15) How about you?
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | Jul 12, 2011 | Uncategorized
I watched the Jaycee Dugard Interview on Sunday, mesmerized by her story. What a great testimony of resilence, hope and mercy. "Mercy" ? Yes, mercy on her part toward the couple who kidnapped her and held her captive in a back yard for many years.
Her smile, her laugh, her attitude was so captivating as the story poured out…..continually raped, having two babies in a back yard, locked in a place with no windows or view of the outside for years, certainly convicted me of how much I take for granted.
Her captors serving sentences in jail, as they should, are not keeping Jaycee captive to her memories. She is busy renewing her life with her mother, taking care as she always has, the two daughters she has, and as I see it……overcoming evil with good. What the devil has meant for evil God has turned to good.
What does God have to do with this? In my heart I believe He was with her and sustained her through all of this. Why didn't God stop it or save her? Maybe with free will, we all have, man has been given authority and it takes action on someone's part so God can back it up. There are questions in our heart about all tragedies and pain in the world; questions that may only be answered in eternity.
I know, experientially know, God is good, loving and merciful. The fact that I believe Jesus was with Jaycee in all of this does not, in any way, take away all the credit she should have for her courage, her strength, her integrity and character in the face of overwhelming odds. The lack of bitterness in Jaycee can be seen on her beautiful face. What an awesome woman…..she is truly amazing!
by admin | Jul 1, 2011 | Uncategorized
In this day and age we wonder who is free and who isn't….so many ways to look at life. I realized recently that I had become toooooo intense and overwhelmed with life, and it's many problems, world-wide. I was in 'bondage' to fear and doubt.
In other words I was 'busted' (as the kids say) by the Holy Spirit to receive joyfully with gratitude of heart for the abundance of all things. (Deut 28:47) Because, otherwise, it goes on to say all kinds of bad things will happen. Then in Romans 8:28 Paul tells us God will work all things together for good for those who love the Lord. Paul is not saying all things are good but that God can work in them.
What I realized when I talk to God, and I do all the time, it should not be with a heavy heart but with an attitude of His Majesty and Glory and that no matter how it looks I can depend on Him to work in it. "Life" is a choice, always….very little is automatic with the promises of Jesus and the Bible….much depends on what we say and how we choose to believe. I think 'faith' is the supernatural substance of what we choose to believe. (Heb 11:1)
Is it possible to be 'positive' all the time? Sure isn't easy for me. If my body is in pain, there is a lot to overcome. If I am dealing with violence or death, I sure depend on the sermon on the mount where Jesus says, "Blessed are those who mourn because they will be comforted." (Matt 5) But, I realized I just have to find and make time to smile, to laugh, to thank God, to enjoy my dog, my family, my neighbors, or whatever I can, or my mind will be clouded and used by the devil and his demons to pull me into more unbelief.
We, in America, are celebrating the 4th of July….freedom for this country won many years ago. We are grateful and trying to hang on to that freedom as it seems at times to be disappearing.
Nelson Mandela (who certainly understands freedom) said, "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of ofthers." Living with a heart for God and a love for others will certainly fulfil that.
Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32) The word 'know' means to 'experiencially know' and truth is the truth of God (John 17:17). So no matter where we live in the world, truth of God, Jesus, of the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit will set us free in our heart, no matter what the circumstances. So today we can choose to believe…..and faith will come and we can have 'spiritual freedom' and decide to freely:
Happy Holiday where ever you are!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | Jun 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
Since we are more spirit than physical (yes, that is true!), it is so wonderful to use our imagination, asking and allowing God to visit us with visions, dreams, or in many other Supernatural ways.
Recently I made a trip to Colorado. I was blessed to spend time just talking and enjoying our Lord and the presence of God became very real.
I had a wonderful vision that answered a prayer for me that I ask of God some time ago. When praying for a situation, person or healing I always forgive any sins first, (John 20:23) then pray however the Holy Spirit leads me. I try not to think, but just to let the Holy Spirit guide me. The Holy Spirit is so good at what He does.
I questioned the Holy Spirit, wondering if this was truly His guidance, (in forgiving sins first) and the vision I received answered that question. I pray it will bless you also. I am so grateful to God for His loving direction and faithfulness!
As I sat in my friend's living room taking in the awesomely beautiful mountains of Estes Park, Colorado, I was aware in my spirit of how Jesus carried the cross and drug himself up the hill to his crucifixion. The Holy Spirit helped me to understand (in the spirit of my mind, Eph 4:23) how we drag and pull our pains, needs, sickness up the hill to the cross as well. That is why it seems so difficult at times, as we struggle with the mountains in front of us. That as Jesus exchanged our sin at the cross for the Glory of God to our salvation, we too can put our needs at the cross, trusting it to be a portal to heaven, to be blessed for the Glory of God.
Suddenly I saw the outline of a beautiful iridescent cross at the top of the mountain. It was surrounded by light of colors I had never seen before. In fact the lights made the shape of the cross as it had no other substance. It was so beautiful I was in awe and began to understand the cross is a point or portal of faith into heaven where forgiveness and repentance are exchanged for all the loving attributes of God (Gal 5:22). Do we have to 'see' this to do that….no, but how wonderful it is to open the eyes of our heart to the supernatural as a position of faith.
I ask the Lord how I might describe what I saw to others so they might see it in their imagination and heart. His answer was to take all the colors of a rainbow and inject lightening and there it would be. As I have shared many have been able to see it as well….more importantly that even though Christ Jesus is risen (no longer on the cross) the cross still remains as a place in the supernatural of exchanging our sins and the sins of others in forgiveness, for Christ Jesus resurrected Glory. (John 10:10)
This was personal to me, but available to everyone….a gift, God can use to show us many things….His Loving Mercy,
Compassion and Grace! May it be yours today, through Jesus!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | May 11, 2011 | Uncategorized
Thanks to a wonderful loyal member of our 'miracle family' who visited this Blog, I learned of a great and ugly mistake that we allowed. He emailed me that one of the ads (we were testing out) mentioned Edgar Cayce. This concerned friend did not think I knew who Edgar Cayce was…, the truth is, I did not see or read the ad as they changed constantly.
I was already upset about the 'meditation' ads and ready to pull all the ads off, and that email did it. My son Greg immediately pulled the ads at my request. The ads we now have are hand picked and should be good resources.
Those were Google ads and to be fair, their 'spider spies' pick up words from a Blog Post and send ads that are appropriate. Since I wrote on the 'Beautiful Side of Evil' the spiders sent out the very things I was writing against. Not Google's fault, just this wonderful electronic age we are in….both good and bad.
Christians do not 'empty' their minds to meditate, we go to a quiet place, think about and talk to the Lord, think on His Word, and love on Him with words, praise and worship….whatever is comfortable in our personal relationship. We do not need anyone to teach us how to do it. We do not empty our mind, as an empty mind, and hypnosis is the devil's playground.
As our dear friend who 'blew the whistle' (thank God for all of you who will help keep us straight) thought I did not know about Edgar Cayce, I realized that many of you may not. Edgar Cayce was the foremost guru of 'New Age' thinking in the last century. Cayce was born in 1877 and died in 1945. He is best know for all the spiritual psychic 'readings' he had, on the following: (1) Health-Related Information; (2) Philosophy and Reincarnation; (3) Dreams and Dream Interpretation; (4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and (5) Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer. Cayce went to church and was known to read the Bible once a year.
Those things are all based in 'New Age Philosophy' and it is not new….it came right out of the Garden of Eden….reliance upon man, not God. And, has been popular in all ages as it draws good people who want to change the world, and for one personal reason or another do not accept that Jesus is the answer to doing that. I have had many fiends (may not after this Blog) who believe all this 'stuff' and they think I am as nieve' as I think they are sooooo deceived.
(1.) Health related subjects…..I dabbled in all of this before I met Jesus personally and turned my life around. I worked with a woman who had an extensive background in herbs and natural healing. However, she healed many people by calling her daughter, giving her their name, and waiting while her daughter went into a trance and told her how to heal them.
This is the strongest statement I am going to make: All, yes, all sickness is of the devil. Acts 10:38 says, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him." I love to read about the many Holy Ghost inspired healers in the last century, i.e. Kathryn Kuhlman, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, F F Bosworth, Alexander Dowie, Maria Woodworth Etter, Aimee Simple McPherson, and so many more. These generals in God's army all said 'sickness is of the devil'.
I was born again while working with this gracious woman, who wanted to help people, and I went to church everywhere and any time the doors were open. Boy, did I get some varied teaching and insight. When I learned what 'New Age' is, and all it embodies, I pulled away from my friend, (forgiving and blessing her, as she did not want to 'hear' from me) and learned all I could about healing and ways of God.
If sickness is all of the devil, why do we use doctors, nutrition, etc? Because God wants us healed, and our faith levels do not always match up with the 'Generals' I just mentioned, who saw healing of every kind and even the dead raised to life. However, (love that word) there are healing miracles happening all over the world now, every day, every minute. But, they are the result on reliance upon Jesus sacrifice and the Holy Spirit, not on psychic readings. Why shouldn't we use psychic readings if they are helpful? Because they open us to the demonic world and other bad things will come upon us.
The other four things mentioned in regard to Cayce are not Christian, no matter how much he read the Bible. The devil read the Bible too, he quoted it to Jesus in the wilderness. That is why we need to know the difference…..we need the Holy Spirit to guide us, not a 'spirit guide.'
2. Reincarnation: This is a nice theory, that we are recycled into something new over and over. What evidence is there that has ever happened? On the other hand Hebrews 9:27 says, 'it is appointed onto men once to die." and there are over 600 references to Heaven. I have personally interviewed people who died went to Heaven and was sent back–it is real.
3. Dreams and Dream interpretation….what would you rather have? A psychic listening to a demonic spirit or the Holy Spirit?
4. ESP and Psychic Phenomena…..hardly a question about that. All the information is received from demons, who network very well. "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom: to another the word of knowledge by the Holy Spirit." (I Cor 12:8); We don't need psychic readings we have the Holy Spirit to give us words of wisdom and knowledge, especially for others. We just need to press in more to have these gifts. One thing I can tell you for sure, the psychics and the spiritual New Age people do. I had a neighbor several years who talked with her 'spirit guide' (what is called channeling) 3 to 4 hours a day… many of us pray that much?
That was not meant to be a 'guilt' trip, hopefully we all study, pray and keep the Holy Spirit with us all day every day. I hope this will give you some insight, there is so much more to say, but this should be sufficient for the day. I pray the Holy Spirit protected anyone else who visited the Blog when that ad was up and that we are all blessed that we know the plans and 'wiles' of the devil. (Eph 6) We are overcomers and have the victory. I do not hold my New Age friends guilty of sin, but instead hold the demons guilty of deception, break the assignments on them and pray the blessings of Lord into their life, commanding any veils over their minds removed (they are illegal since the veil was rent at the death of Jesus) and the prophecy of Jesus released all around them (Rev 19). Always in Jesus Name, Amen!!! Arguments about all of this are not won with words, but with prayer!
Thanks for your understanding and support…..blessings, blessings, blessings in our Jesus!
Pressing in and pressing on…..