Is There Value In Everyone?

That is debatable, but I ask because something happened to me recently that probably happens often to all of us.  I was sharing something from my heart with a friend…..someone who holds an office in the church.  It seemed he patiently listened but I felt he put no value in what I was saying.  

As I walked away thinking I was being 'critical,' the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart.  "You can respect someone without honoring them."  I started thinking of that simple thought and it became clear.  The friend listened but put little or no value on what I was saying.

At times we are nice to people but we do not honor them… other words we do think they have any value or are worth giving them much time or thought..  We might even respect them because of age (as in my case) or relationship with other friends or family members. 

The Lord was telling me that everyone has value, if we look for it.  We were all created in His image, and whether we are a bank president, a house wife, a teacher, politician, garbage collector we have something of value.  A few years ago I had the privilege of praying for homeless people.  I would go home at night astounded at the faith some had, at the 'true grit' they used day after day, and how much they had to offer had not life turned against them.

I think the point God is making with me is to withhold judgment and offer whatever I can to whomever crosses my path, if it is just a smile and hello from the heart.  And, to listen to what they say, it might have great value. 

Years ago I was in Mexico at a Doctors office, and one of the Doctors started talking with me.  He and everyone I met had been so friendly and helpful….so I ask him about that.  He said, "In our country we value people just as they are; in your country you value what people do, who they are."  I have never forgotten.

Sadly that may not be as true in Mexico now, with all the drug wars, murder and crime.  How sad we cannot bring out the value in people to be all they can be for the Lord, not to follow the devil and his demons into disaster.  Well, we can sure try by being an example for those around us….to look for the good, the value in them…..encourage that and treat them always with respect.


Pressing in and pressing on….

Ole’ Glory For The Glory Of God….

July 4th is a big celebration in the United States….I have heard in the past our flag was called Ole' Glory, and that term goes right to my heart!

For the Glory, the Majesty and the Grace of God we pray for our Nation, our armed forces world wide and their families.  We must also pray for those in leadership, even when we don't agree with them, as the Bible directs that we should do.

Jesus changed the world with forgiveness, and when we forgive our Leaders, and pray God's will into their lives, we are using heavenly power to change things.  My understanding of Agape Love (Greek word for love in the Bible) is that it means wanting the best for everyone.  Of course we want the best for all our leaders even when we adamantly disagree with their standards or behavior.

So I hope where ever you are, you will be wearing 'red, white and blue' this weekend…..that you have the opportunity to say the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, that you will sing patriotic songs and share with our young ones, love of country!

If we do not demonstrate to the youth, if we do not bring our patriotism into the church… will it grow, how will we prosper?

And, church is the perfect place……

Most of all we must not forget to thank God for all we have and bless Him for all He is doing!

My thanks to Him for all of you!



Pressing in and pressing on….

Hate Crimes–Use our heart not our head!

There are so many laws and groups trying to curtail 'free speech,'  especially that of Christians.  Other groups seem to have protection but it appears to be 'open season' on Christians.    I have heard some say that no matter what, they will teach and speak about what the Bible says, regardless of the law….that sounds very noble but is it wise or effective?

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."  Words of Jesus in Matthew 10:16. 

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."  John 13:34,35

"Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and for beariance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth to thee to repentance?"  Romans 2:4

When we started years ago, we thought if we told people the Truth from the Bible they would change.  What a deep disappointment to find that only worked when first we loved the person (love-wanting the best for them) and encouraged them to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit and then sometimes we could share  info on 'sin' and see some change.  That only happened when the Holy Spirit worked in the situation.

I am so convinced we do not trust the Holy Spirit to do what He is so capable of doing in the will and desire of God's heart.  Because God looks for our faith–using our free will to pray for others. Tthen we need to step back and trust the Holy Spirit to work in the situation.

So we use our heart, as Jesus said, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.  Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."  Luke 6:27,28 

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

Prayer is the answer, not judgment, condemnation, or confrontation, unless of course, it is truly led by the Holy Spirit.  If we love people into the Kingdom of God, into relationship with Jesus, and give them a Bible–then they can read for themselves what God says, directs and let the Holy Spirit convict them of truth. 

What good would it be to go to jail for a position that allows the media to brings more criticism to the church as a whole?  Unless of course the person wants an inside prison ministry.  I am not speaking of denying Jesus, I am talking only of adamantly defending one issue, refusing to give up  a right to be right without consideration of the cost….losing an ability to share the love of Jesus instead.

Prayer is a covert operation.  We won't tell anyone, just pray, set an example of respect and love, and the Holy Spirit will lead the army of heaven to move into those dark areas and set people free.  Not using our head (that tells us what is right and wrong right out of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) but using  our heart (settled in the Tree of Life, the teachings of Jesus with mercy, love and grace) following Jesus example to take up our cross of forgiving and loving all men for Him, leading them to Him.

Pressing in and pressing on…..

Hooray!! St. Patrick’s Day!

This is a special day for me and I want to share a very sweet story, from my life.  Whoops…..first of all, I have a son, Patrick Joseph, and a grandson, Patrick Joseph, Jr.  that are truly the best….so important to me and our family, so I thank God for our "Patricks".

And, you would think I would be writing about the Christian Story of St. Patrick (available on the Internet), but no, this one is personal.

Many years ago I was dating my late husband, Willie.  We went out to dinner on St. Patrick's day (Corned beef and cabbage, of course) and then went to a little lounge in the Holiday Inn Holiday.  As we danced I ask Willie what he would like for his birthday, that is the 19th of March.  He replied he would like to be alone with me.  I laughed and said, "Well, we could go to Las Vegas and get married."…..and there was no answer.

When Willie took me home, I forgot about my statement as we had agreed in January to be married in June.  Sound asleep, my phone rang at 3:30 AM, and woke me with a start.  Side note: Willie, and his brother, Jerry never said 'hello' or 'goodbye'…..they would both just started talking and then hang up….one of the fun things I remember with joy.  As I said, "Hello"…..Willie started talking…. he said I have decided we will go to Las Vegas and get married.  I have made all the arrangements, so be ready, we leave Friday morning. Don't tell anyone.  And he hung up. 

I was so surprised but delighted.   I had just one day to find a new dress, etc. but you know, I got it done.  On the 19th we were on our way, and married in a small chapel there on the 20th.  We called our family and told them the good news.

Willie went to be with the Lord in 2001, and I have wonderful memories, especially that week.  We celebrated 32 years of a good marriage.  I would like to take credit but it was Jesus in our lives that made us one and kept us through many trials!

I hope you too have some special memories that bring smiles and joy to your heart..  Thanks for sharing in mine!


Pressing in and pressing on…..

About Pat Robertson And Haiti….

I am fighting hard  not to be 'irate'  at those Christians who are 'irate' at Pat Robertson, who made comments on the 700 Club TV Program about Haiti.  The world would not understand because they don't read the Bible. 

For those of you who don't know…. Pat spoke of the pacts that the Haitian people made with the devil' years ago, speaking that the country has had many problems and is one of poorest in that area of the world.  He certainly (in my opinion) was not condemning the people who are there now, and he has spoken of his deep grief over this added tragedy to their country.

AND, his  MINISTRY, OPERATION BLESSING, was on the way to Haiti to help within 48 hours.

The Bible clearly speaks of curses, witchcraft, and occult activities.  I had heard this about Haiti years ago and knew some people who had lived there and spoke openly about prevelent witchcraft was.  Pat's heart (again in my opinion) is to reverse those curses and get these people blessed–and I definitely do not think he was blaming this earthquake on that….only the poverty of the country.

However, what if he was wrong?  What if he spoke unadvisedly?  What are we Christians doing condeming each other insead of defending each other, letting the Lord handle the person?  

In my judgment (ugh, there I go)….how much have any of those critics done in and for the Kingdom of God? 

Pat Robertson paid a great price for the ministry he is a part of…..they have helped people all over the world and have been responsible for millions coming to the Lord.  Doesn't that deserve our loyality  and support?

Why aren't we more forgiving?  And now I have to forgive, and repent for my judgment, as I am doing the same thing, being critical of what they are saying and 'spreading' to others.  When Jesus said, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO." He certainly knew our need and paid the price for our ability to turn from condemnation to grace, so let's do  that!

To everyone who enjoys the Christian faith in Jesus, OR NOT, please look at all the wonderful things Pat Robertson has done and will continue to do, because of his heart for God and for people every where.  Pat is not my idol, or on any 'pedastil', I just admire what he has accomplished,  and thank God that we have him and men like him.  We all make mistakes….God help us to be more tolerant of each other.

Most importantly please give financially to help Haiti where ever you feel led, pray for them, and trust that no matter how bad this is, and it is devastating and overwelming to even comprehend….but, God will bring some good out of it…..may Haiti be rebuilt better than ever, with what ever they have left, and the help of the world.

Pressing in and pressing on….