Years ago when I was hosting on radio, I would encourage everyone to bless others through the Holiday Season.  To simply say, "God bless you!" everywhere we go!


Who would not want a blessing like that….I definitely would.  In doing this, I have never had anyone be angry with me…..a small few ignored me….most return the blessing!

I never did it in a 'religious way' but more like saying "Have a good day!"

It is a small but powerful gift we can give at Christmas as we celebrate our Jesus, and it does not matter what the other person believes because God 'rains on the just and the unjust' so we should do likewise!


We all get tired at this time of year and some people really need a blessing….what a joy that we can be the one to send it!  And, should someone be angry or offended, they really need a blessing….so, we can forgive and go on our way, blessing them anyway!

Pressing in and pressing on….

Can We Agree to Disagree ?

There are so many ‘heavy’ things going on in the world, and what a diversity of opinion.  WOW!  Do we lose when we just ‘agree to disagree’?

Years ago I spent some time in fasting and prayer, setting aside every thing else.  Finally, I was ready to end that special time with the Lord, and went to bed.  I woke the next morning sensing the Holy Spirit and quickly went into prayer on my knees.  This is what I heard,

“You have never loved Me, you love what is right!”

I was totally undone, repenting in tears.  I knew what He meant….it was clear to me, even though I had never had such a thought before.  When Jesus convicts us of error, we want to change.  We do not feel guilt, but a desire to change.   That was the beginning of a long walk to judge less, and forgive more.  Jesus is the essence of love, yet He defended what was important to Him.

So our job is to stand for what we believe and know,  is the heart of God….setting an example….not overwhelming others with our position.  We must have the leading of the Holy Spirit because we definitely would not agree with moral sins, by ageeing with  them to keep peace…..however, most of the time we can bring peace with the love of God and good humor.  Our greatest strength to change the world is prayer….and more prayer!

Can we agree to disagree….yes, sometimes, and no not all the time!  May the Lord give us love, charity, kindness, and mercy….and boldness to stand when it is necessary!   Cursing or condemning those we do not like or agree with,  is wrong and those words can rebound on those who speak such things.   Rebuking the demonic in prayer, and blessing our enemies will bring great rewards!  Declare what we want, in blessings, thank God in all things!

Pressing in and pressing on….. 


Pass this on or else…..something will happen, good or bad!  This blog message is not intended to offend but to hopefully point out what the ‘enemy’ is doing on a massive scale, deceiving good well-intentioned people.

How many emails do you get that say, “If you love Jesus….or if you are not ashamed of Jesus…pass this on to all your address book.”  Then of course they add, “If you do pass it on, today, something good, fun or even miraculous will happen to you.  So how many do you get?  I get lots!!!   If I sent all of them to friends I might not have many friends, end of the day–just because most of us have so many emails.

We don’t have to send out ‘nice messages’ to honor Jesus.  If the Holy Spirit puts it on our heart we may want to do so.  And I don’t send every joke I receive either….so I don’t like the ‘intimidation’ of “I’ll bet you send jokes out, so send this.”  

The email I received this morning quoted Gal 6:7 and listed 20 famous people who mocked God and died terrible deaths.  I was so grieved I had to write this blog.  Those who put their name on it and sent it on, probably love God and this seemed ‘good’ and  honoring to Jesus (I assume).  How many Christians who do not mock God have died terrible deaths?  

Most people know I write a lot—I send out emails.  I pray over them, like this message, that it will touch some one’s heart and set them free, especially if they are caught up in the above ‘Mafia-protection’ type of superstitious chain letters.’   My opinion– manipulation is not of the Lord.   When we trust the Holy Spirit He will direct our path, and bless our efforts.

Are we sending out of ‘judgment’  as the last one I received, “Be not deceived;  God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”  (Gal 6:7)    WOW!  That is true– ‘spirit and life’; however, it works both ways.  If you sow love you will receive love; if you sow judgement that also will come forth.   

Let’s look at one  thing that Jesus said:  “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?  for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”  Matt 12;34  And Paul:  “Or despised thouthe riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”

Are we eating out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and using it to judge?  Or, do we want to eat out of the the tree of LIFE…..the teachings of Jesus, to love, to forgive, to pray, to intercede, to stand in the gap? 

“Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked tun from his way and live: tun ye, turn ye from your evil ways;  for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Ezek 33:11   

Had the email I received, ask us to stand in the gap and pray for anyone who mocks God, to forgive and pray for those who don’t know Jesus, I would have loved it.  The intention of sharing that history was good, but the result is fear, not faith!  We must be so careful (and I am talking to myself) not to join the devil in being the accussor but to join Jesus in being His saving people on earth!  God summed it up in John 3:16–He so loved the world……

Another note:  Many people pick up the names and email addresses when we use the cc: copy key;  and they use them to send out  junk mail.  Protect your friends when you forward emails, by clicking on the cc: copy key and then you will see bcc:  key.  If you use it, the names will be protected, and not be seen by everyone!   And, a friend just reminded me that you can delete all the names of those who went before you on the message, another way to protect their privacy.

This  is a serious and challenging time in our world.  Our hope is in Jesus; in forgiving, praying and loving others into the Kingdom for our King Jesus.  You know, ‘hate the sin and love the sinner.’  It is tough to stand for what we believe and still forgive and love…..but we can do it with the Holy Spirit, who is sooooo good at what He does!

Pressing in and pressing on…….


THE SECRET a DVD that sold millions of copies in the last couple of years was mentioned last night on a major  Television News Magazine….because of a woman named Lisa Nichols.  THE SECRET  had a long list of people who were interviewed about the ‘Law of Attraction’.   Interestingly it was quite a mix….some New Age, some Scientists, Counselors, and a few Christians.  Lisa Nichols was one, who has professed her faith as a Christian, although not really pronounced on THE SECRET.

Lisa has written a new book,  NO MATTER WHAT, as she has an extraordinary testimony and is now a ‘Life Coach’.  I met Lisa briefly years ago at the meeting of a week long business forum.  She has achieved and overcome some of  life’s most difficult problems, and her work with youth is life changing.

So why are Christians collaborating with New Age and Quantum Physics Scientists on a DVD such as THE SECRET?  My friends and I were very convicted about our ‘stinking thinking’ after watching it…..others warned you could pick up demons watching it.  My answer to that is, that number one I pray before watching or reading anything.  The Holy Spirit directed me away from the book by the same name (go figure?  That’ s why I ask Him).  Second I cover myself with the blood of Jesus  every day and trust that protection.   However, wanting to tell the whole truth, I wrote a book, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SECRET.   Knowledge without Jesus is like a ship without a rudder.

The Supernatural Is Super-Natural….

Wow, that is profound!  Ho Ho!   But my heart cries out as the Church needs to accept, acknowledge and realize the supernatural is more real than the physical.  When this physical is gone, and it will be, for each of us, the supernatural, the spirit realm will still be for eternity. 

Strong believers in ‘New Age’ believe in the spirit realm and get information and direction from ‘spirits of light’.  My experience has been, in knowing many that they are good people…..kind, loving and wanting to change the world.  The enemy always duplicates what the Lord does, and he is very convincing when he uses good to enlist his followers into a life of building the ‘god within’…..not the God of the Universe.  

WOULD GOD USE THE NEW AGE TO WAKE US TO SOME OF HIS TRUTH?  HE used a donkey, so he just might.  These are not evil people, just deceived in one area, and pretty smart in other areas. 

Pastor Lance Wallnau, who spoke at our church a year ago, said, “THE SECRET belongs to us, we should take it and use it.”  THE SECRET….the Law of attraction….or in our language….AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART SO IS HE, is only part of the path of life.  But certainly not one we want to ignore. 

The point of this Blog is not to endorse or discredit….but to suggest that we think, really think (Selah) about the supernatural.  Expect miracles from the Holy Spirit  in all areas of our life and adapt our life to the commandments of Jesus that we are prepared for those things we desire.   Not to run out and buy THE SECRET, but not to throw the baby out with the bath water. 

WE ARE THE BODY OF THE LIVING GOD and we should be  way ahead of the world in all areas.  Our KING has all power and authority in this world and HE extends that to us…..not to judge and condemn but to love others into the Kingdom and welcome them into eternity! 

 Holy Spirit, help us to see Your work in the world all around us, help us to see the supernatural in the physical world every time we watch a bird or a butterfly or a fish or a child at play.   I pray you lead us to wisdom and knowledge that we can use to bless and prosper ourselves and the the world!   Help us to know, experiencially know we are the King’s Kids.  Thank You!   In our JESUS……

Pressing in and pressing on……

Who Is Your Hero?

The dictionary has several meanings for the word ‘hero’… is one:

“a man or woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.”

Works for me!  Usually we think of heroes as someone who has saved others or achieved some awesome athletic accomplishment.  That is great, however,  I want to share something a little different.

One of my heros  is a woman I have known for twenty-some years.  For eighteen of those years she has fought an illness that caused weeping open sores–that hurt and itch unmercifully.  She could not wear make-up, jewelry, or certain fabrics–things we women take for granted.

As a single woman with a career she sought out doctors from three states.  Also alternative health avenues, supplements, allergy tests, advice, diets and you just name it, she has tried it–even some experimental medications.

From a spiritual side she has been open continually to prayer, deliverance, study and building her faith. 

Why is she a hero to me?  Because through all the years of pain, discomfort, embarrassment, trials, tests and failures,  she has had an unbelievably great attitude.  She has managed to hold down positions of employment and her bosses value the job she does, quickly, efficiently and how she always goes the extra mile…, great plus….her warm, friendly attitude.

Has she had some bad days, some ‘down’ times…..duh!  Yeah!  But never stays in a ‘pity party’ or let it affect her outlook on life.

There are probably many of these kind of heros in the world….if you know one, please tell them and maybe do something special for them, to let them know you see their gifts in spite of all their difficulties.

The happy ending to this story– MaryAnne is in the process of moving to an area of the country that has been a desire of  her heart for years.  She is physically better than any time since this started and she has great faith she is healed,  because the Word says, “By His stripes we are healed!”  She would tells others, never give up or give in….Trust God and choose Life!   WOW!  She is my hero!

Pressing in and pressing on….