by admin | May 16, 2009 | Kingdom Comments, Personal, Uncategorized
Several months ago I decided to offer chapters of the book I wrote several years ago (and have added to…since then) called THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!
Working and praying with people for 23 years I have learned that very few (myself included) have a real picture of who God is and His power and plan for life. I have a passion for seeking answers and to know more and more.
I offered the book because I did not want anyone to miss it because of ‘money’–especially those in the rest of the world. At the time of Jesus death on the cross He said, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.” How interesting that His Heart and the Heart of the Father are almost summed up in that one sentence. Well…..hardly! Since God is beyond anything we can truly conceive.
But it represents the Heart to heal and restore relationship and open the doors to a Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. If we learn true forgiveness, how to release ‘judgment’, to know the power of ‘repentance’ (that in the Greek means ‘to change the way we think’) it is a good foundation to build on for the rest of our life on this planet.
So if you have not taken advantage of accepting the free book, please do. We will be taking it off the Blog on Tuesday, May 26th, following memorial day. THAT IS JUST A LITTLE OVER A WEEK….I hope you won’t miss it.
I will be in the San Diego area doing a one day seminar on “SUPERNATURAL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT” on May 30th at Grace Community Church in San Marcos, California.
Our publisher is working feverishly to have the book re-published and in print by that time. The Seminar will cover just a small part of the book, and other topics the Lord has put on my heart to help people cope with today’s problems and challenges. To sign up and receive more information just click on the page to the right of this message…..San Diego Meeting, May 30th Registration.
When Jesus left He said, “Go ye there fore, and teach all nations…..” This is a wonderful time to be building the Kingdom of God, bringing His influence and forgiveness to the world. When we set an example, influence others with the Love (wanting the best for everyone) of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will draw people in untold numbers into Eternity. We have a precious privilege to be Ambassadors for Christ!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | May 1, 2009 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Personal, Relationship Not Religion!
There are so many things going on in the world as well as the United States, and we probably all have opinions on most of the events. AT A TIME SUCH AS THIS…..what do we do?
When we have a heart’s desire to build the Kingdom of God on earth–when we want everyone to have the opportunity to know Jesus personally–when we love people and want the best for them–just what do we do?
When we state what we believe and stand our ground, too often it comes across as judgment. In other words, we are right and you are wrong, scenario. But does that really bring Life? Can the Truth flourish in an atmosphere of condemnation? My Bible says, “It is the goodness of God that brings men to repentance.” (Romans 2:4)
One of my favorite Pastors says, “I don’t enter any battles I have no opportunity to change.” And, I think that is what I am saying to myself these days, “Choose your battles carefully, Carol, that you do not strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.”
There are times when we must stand for Jesus and what we believe…..and I certainly pray I will be embolden when that happens. However, there is a strong group–that I follow–in the Church who are saying we must (as Jesus directed in Matthew) to teach all Nations about the Kingdom of God. That we must have an influence in media, government, the market, education, entertainment, the arts, family and so on.
We will definitely not make friends and influence people with attitudes of superiority, and hearts filled with judgment about how wrong our associates may be. To even enter those fields we must be well equipped and ready to be the absolute best….for whatever is required. Then we need to soak in the Love and Grace of God until it permeates our being and our hearts are filled with a desire to bless and care about everyone we meet.
Do we really trust the Holy Spirit? Do we know that our part is to set an example, pray for others and trust Him to work? Or do we think it is totally up to us to confront with what we know to be the truth, and people will change? In 23 years of ministry I have not found that to work. However, loving and caring with mercy and compassion, is overwhelming to even the nastiest of demons–their power pales under that kind of influence.
Carrie Prejean, Miss California, stood for what she believes and lost the crown for Miss USA. She was put in a no-win situation by the question given her. The Holy Spirit was there for her and has provided the help she has needed through the hours and days that followed.
Ten or twelve years ago I was blessed to meet two great women of God, who were at the time living in Israel. They worked in the community and never talked about Jesus openly, but prayed at night, for those who crossed their path during the day. They learned as time went on, that Jesus was going personally to those individuals and they were accepting Him as their Messiah. And to this day, my heart cries out that we would have that kind of faith for the Lord do His part when we do ours! He is sooooo good at what He does and it is His plan after all.
If I love my neighbor as myself……how would I like Jesus presented to me ?
This is such a dazzling age. Information and knowledge abounds everywhere. But love? It seems scarce and many are searching for it in all the wrong places. I do not mean sentimental love….I mean the kind of love that truly cares about others and their welfare. Jesus spent a great deal of time with those the Bible calls ‘sinners’ ….must be a clue there, for us! May we move, not in self-righteousness, but in the righteousness of Christ to move the Kingdom beyond our doors, for the King of all kings, our Jesus!
Pressing in and pressing on….
P S If you would like hear Carrie’s testimony at her church, click here
by admin | Apr 11, 2009 | Jesus Talk, Personal
This has been on my heart for a couple of days, because I thing there is something related at Easter that has caused some confusion and could be a ‘pot hole’ in our road of faith.
Jesus speaks while dying on the Cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” That is the first line of Psalms 22 and I have been taught in past that Jesus may have been quoting that Psalm, not just the first verse, but all of it, even though it was not recorded that way. And, that could be true….however, I feel there is another explanation.
When we are in sin, or confusion, or fear it is hard if not impossible to hear God or sense His presence. Many people are going through very difficult times and may feel God has deserted or forsaken them.
From the moment that Jesus said to our Heavenly Father, “Not my will, but thy will be done.” All the sin, abuse, mockery, trespass of the world was put on Jesus….at that moment. Jesus began to feel the pressure, the torture, the mocking and abuse that those offenses would have brought upon those who committed them. More than, it would seem, any one human could endure, Jesus took that retribution upon himself, for each of us.
God has said He would never leave or forsake us–and would He leave His Son who is doing His will? I think not! So no matter what we go through we must believe and trust He will never leave or forsake us, no matter what it seems at the time.
Just a few minutes later Jesus commends his spirit into the hands of the Father….he may have felt forsaken….and that was part of what he had to suffer as we do to finish the work set before him. We can rejoice that nothing was left undone and it is finished! How blessed we are!
Pressing in and pressing on….
by admin | Apr 9, 2009 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Personal, Relationship Not Religion!
Celebrating the resurrected life of Jesus Christ this week brings to mind a scripture in three of the four Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23…..
“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, ‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me’.”
I delight in the fact that no matter how long we read the Bible we will find new understanding and revelation that will enhance and bless our lives. One that came to my mind this week was on the above Scripture.
The focus of course, is on Jesus, what He did, how He suffered for mankind, forgave and changed the world forever! Thank God we dedicate a day to celebrate, honor and rejoice for our good fortune and love on Jesus, the man, the person He is for us today! But, how do we take up our cross and follow Him?
I am sure there are many answers to the question. I respectfully want to share mine! When Jesus said, “Father Forgive them, they know not what they do!” set in motion a supernatural phenomena that will never end. Forgiveness and repentance have more power spiritually than an atom-powered locomotive on a down hill track. That declaration of forgiveness and the payment of His blood, His life, has taken the penalty of sin in the world, for those who chose to accept His gracious selfless gift–available to each and every person on the planet.
We can pick up our cross, and do as He did, in forgiving others. (John 20:23) This really does take denial of self, because most of the time we don’t feel like forgiving. Wonder how much Jesus felt like forgiving as He hung on that cross racked with pain, having taken the weight of the world upon himself? The magic of forgiveness is not a game or a shallow act of being humble but a decision of our will to have the will of the Father in Heaven, not ours!
It is not always easy…..but always possible! Because God has put supernatural power in the act of using our will to do His. Sometimes we must get rid of our judgment of the person or incident to forgive. Sometimes we need to be healed of the hurt or pain, to forgive. But, the greatest power and reward comes when we forgive out of our pain, as Jesus did!
Forgiveness is not:
- Stuffing our feelings and emotions!
- Condoning the act–“Oh, it’s OK.”
- Taking part in–“Well, it’s just this once.”
- Agreeing with–“Well, everyone does it.”
Forgiveness is, giving our pain, hurt and offense to a Heavenly Father, because the price has already been paid by Jesus, and the very act and declaration by a decision of our will, cleanses, heals and restores!
Jesus died once and was resurrected to give abundant Life…..just once….and every year we are reminded because of Him we too, can deny self, pick up our cross and follow Him. What a precious Easter gift He has given us!
Forgiveness never loses it’s power or effect. Forgiveness can restore relationships, bond groups and communities together, end wars and most of all, bring the presence of God right into our lives! Thank you, Lord–You are so special and more than enough in every situation!
Pressing in and pressing on….
Note: If you are new to this Blog, you are invited to take advantage of the FREE BOOK OFFER given on the page to the right of an indepth study of this subject on forgiveness in the book–THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!
by admin | Apr 3, 2009 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Personal, Relationship Not Religion!
That is what a friend of mine said the other day…..and she really touched my heart. So as I talked with her I began to think about my own prayer-life and how many others might feel the way she does. There is such an emptiness and sadness in what she said. I now pray my comments will change hearts as it has mine in writing it!
If we ever think prayer is work or boring we must ask ourselves several question:
- Why are we praying?
- What does God represent to us?
- Do we believe He hears us?
- Do we believe He will answer?
- What is the alternative?
It is so simple, a sovereign God, in His love for His creation of mankind, has limited His own powers to give us free will. He wants our love and relationship because we chose to love Him, to be with Him forever. However, our Gracious Loving Heavenly Father sent Jesus that we might really know Him, His heart and His purpose for us in eternity. Then God Graciously established communication, the Gift of Prayer, to bond to the powers of Heaven!
What a privilege and honor He has given to His children, those who chose to love Him. There is an evil spirit of ‘Urgency’ that convinces and deceives us into thinking we don’t have time to pray…..there are other priorities…..immediate needs….doesn’t God understand? Why can’t He just take care of it for us?
The Majestic Communication of Prayer is our bond to the Throne Room of a Loving Father. The Bible tells us we are the bride of Christ. I ask my friend and myself…..would I want to be married to someone who never talked to me? Would I want a husband or wife who went everywhere without me?
They might do their chores or support us, but never to talk to us….never to share with us feelings and emotion? I don’t think so! Not for me! If prayer is only at a structured time in a specific place, that could be work…..sounds more like religion than relationship. If we pray to feel good about ourselves, to move the Hand of God, to feel ‘justified’ in our Christian walk, we have missed the point and we are groveling in self-righteousness.
- I pray because I want to…..because I love Him…..because I have needs I want to give to Him!
- God represents to me–Heavenly Father, Loving Lord, Comforting Spirit….my future….here and forever!
- As Jesus said, I know He always hears me!
- For many years He has answered, I have seen miracles, been comforted, enjoyed laughter at His Hand and comfort in my grief. The answers I don’t receive are because of fear, doubt or unbelief in my heart. So I seek more of Him to forgive the past and build another future….knowing He will not leave or forsake me no matter what the devil, and evil in the world may throw at me!
- The alternative is have no one to call on, to lean on, and no excuse when things go wrong that I did not pray about.
One of the ten commandments says not to take the Lord’s Name in vain. So if we pray just for our needs and then hope for an answer or doubt His faithfulness, we are taking the Lord’s Name in vain, and our so-called prayer will avail little. Do I set aside special times for prayer…..yes….just as I would want special time with a spouse or friend. Do I enjoy prayer meetings….whee….yes, it like having a party to celebrate someone special!
It is so fun to talk to the Lord just like we talk to anyone else through out our day. If we have asked and received a gift of a prayer language, where the Holy Spirit prays with us, through us, we can do that, all through the day while accomplishing other things. The action of connecting to the power of God with prayer builds our spirit strength and resolve to be led by the spirit and not by our fleshly worldly thinking. The Spirit of God has more wisdom than all mankind and can lead us in blessings, endurance in hardship and joy in just being with Him.
In writing this I realize PRAYER is the greatest gift I have on this earth….until I face Him face to face and can personally converse for ever! I am so grateful for my friend, that she brought me to remembrance of something I was taking for granted! I ask the Lord to forgive me….He is quick to do so…..another great gift from God….
Pressing in and pressing on…..
by admin | Mar 27, 2009 | Jesus Talk, Personal, Spiritual Warfare, etc.
…..Really tough watching NightLines’ coverage of the theme of their show last night….’Is Satan Real?’ Sounds provocative, hum? Why not discuss this? They had four people on stage–two who believe and two who do not.
There was an invitation at the end to go to and listen to the whole debate, as the show was only 30 minutes. So this morning I did go there, and could find nothing of past shows–just the current stuff…..did they really think I (watching from the comfort of my bed) or most of us would get up after their late 12:30 AM show and go there?
Most of the time covered on screen was given to the ‘New Age Guru’ who is well known for the books he has written, TV interviews etc. Wrapped in a black suit, with a high collar, he looked pretty foreboding–however, has a nice voice and speaks very well. His big message (as I saw it) was that he has overcome all shame and guilt within himself…..i.e. he is his own god. (Wonder where he will go when he physically leaves here?….they didn’t discuss that.)
The Pastor that graciously hosted the discussion at his church was warm, looked the part of the modern church (one that encourages young people-unpretentious) and got in a few good points, but had little time on the show that was aired, to give much background for his beliefs.
The other man, a former Pastor, considered (he said) by many as a heretic, said he had believed in the devil, had done many deliverances before he decided it was all a falsehood and stopped helping people in that way, and was asked to leave the church. He did not have much on-air time….how I wanted them to ask him if he had gone back to the people he had worked with, and ask them if they no longer believed– those who received the deliverance?
The fourth person was my favorite, a former ‘hooker’ who said she knew the devil, and now knows the Lord personally and has been delivered from a terrible former lifestyle and now has a ministry helping other women to be free! How wonderful! Look what she has done with what she had to work with….amazing! Of course our first ‘New Age Guru’ said she could have done that within herself without God. Since I doubt that he has ever been a prostitute his premise comes from his beliefs and his conclusion stinks— I am a little bias….you bet I am!
I would like to have heard the whole debate….however, my judgment of the ‘reporting, investigative, editing’ talents of ABC Nightline asks the question…..why did they not interview others who had been delivered? Why did they not interview the police who deal with ‘Satan worshippers and their covens’ across the country? Why did they not ask why the Pastor believed in the Bible (the only valid source of information) and why the famous Guru does not? Why did they not talk about ‘true deliverance’ not the Hollywood versions (inspired by the devil himself)? Why were there not questions like, “What makes serial killers commit their heinous crimes?” or “What mastermind is behind the genocide of thousands through out history?” Are those monsters, those men and women, that evil, without spiritual influence to incite them to power, influence and murder?
I am negatively amused that the subject was even on Nightline. These are the places the devil does his best work, when he can make the unbelievers look good and the believers uneducated and ‘simple’. We have movies out now that degrade Jesus and who He is; who manufacture all kinds of ‘history’ to make the Bible invalid. And, I am sure there will be more.
If a person has not accepted the gift of grace from God to accept Jesus into their heart–they can only work from a place of knowledge of their five senses and intellect. When we enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in our being (and believe me we know He is there) because of what Jesus did, the life He gave for each of us, when we accept being a part of a spiritual realm, we then begin to understand the true message of the Bible. We have insight that is not available without that spiritual breakthrough to the right side of the brain.
If the Bible is not valid information then Jesus is not who He said He was. Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world, so why are we discussing something of another world if we don’t address it in that realm? The ‘new age guru’ gets a lot of his information from that world, as the demons are happy to feed knowledge and information to support anything that is anti-Christ. He, in my opinion, is a victim of the devil, in depending upon his own abilities to overcome in life. And, in my opinion, the Preacher who decided that was all wrong, has fallen into the traps of the devil as well.
Most Christians who read their Bible, believe Satan, the devil, is real. However, many chose to ignore him as they don’t know how to deal with him. Writers and producers in Hollywood are fed information about the devil through thoughts and inspiration in their mind. The devil is not afraid to reveal himself in movies because he thinks the church is inept to handle him. And he makes the most out of it by scaring some and desensitizing others, who think it is all fictitious and funny.
First, we must believe God Is…..that is a start. Second, we must know Jesus as person having a personal relationship with Him–knowing the authority Jesus has given to overcome and deal with the devil, his demons and evil in the world. Then we can say ‘no’ to him, and begin to dispel darkness across the planet with Light.
The devil loved the show last night because he knows that people who do not have true Light will not understand and be even easier to deceive. The GOOD NEWS is, and Jesus always has good news, we who do know, believe and understand have platforms to obliterate his tactics with Truth.
I know, I mean, really know….because I have submitted my life to Jesus… I have had ‘deliverance’…. I have blessed others with deliverance where they felt demons leave, where their life is changed, and they too know, really know Satan (the accusser) is real.
One of my favorite Pastors has delivered hundreds from addictions, pain, fear, generation problems, personality quirks that hamper and provoke dispair, guilt and shame. He does it with a gentle voice of confidence and authority. There are rules in the spirit realm just as there are in the physical. Those who seek God with all their heart will learn those rules, and take the authority to change their lives and the lives of others.
I have written a book, not as a handbook on deliverance, but information and personal stories of our experiences that will enlighten and open eyes to these spiritual truthes and our power to overcome. It is available by clicking on the link at the top of this Blog for an ebook copy of Angels and Demons; Hollywood Knows the Difference! or go to for a published copy.
I didn’t need a ‘debate’ to settle the issue of the devil and his demons….just one supernatural experience to validate the Bible and all it says about them. I pray thousands, even millions will have the same experience!
Regardless of my own feelings about the NightLine coverage, I know some will see the truth and will respond to call of God on their heart, for the real Truth– Jesus!
Pressing in and pressing on….