Counting On A Double Portion Return….

“Double portion” has been on my mind and heart for over a week.  The Holy Spirit impressing upon me all the ways our giving can bring a double portion blessing! 

  • In Giving both the Giver and the Receiver are blessed!
  • When giving an individual something, even a cup of water, a smile or handshake….the honor given by the Givor is a double blessing to the Receiver!
  • The Bible teaches ‘seed, time and harvest,’ so when we give into a ministry, a good work or just to a person we have planted a seed in the spiritual Kingdom of God that will bring a harvest….a double portion blessing!
  • Because God is the greatest of all ‘Givors‘ (hope He doesn’t mind the term I just made up), that is His Character and Nature ….He is pleased with us when we give….another double portion blessing…pleasing our Heavenly Father.
  • In the United States giving to a non-profit ministry or company is tax-deductible making the gift a double portion blessing!
  • When we give and the receiver in turn thanks us for giving–we are not only blessed by giving, but also receive a blessing by the receiver of the gift–double portion.
  • When we give something of ourselves we make room in our heart or our house for something new that will definitely be a double portion blessing.
  • When we pray for someone our prayer is a gift of eternal measure….and the love of God flows through us…a beautiful double portion blessing…..knowing every time we bless we are being blessed!

We could go on and on….isn’t this fun to think about the positive side of life…that of being a ‘Givor’ with a joyful heart?


Just for fun, see if you can think of more double portion blessings in life…..sure more enjoyable and inspiring than trying to figure out the ‘news’ these days!  Even more fun will be to figure out how to give in new and exciting ways knowing it will bring a double portion blessing!

Pressing in and pressing on…..a double portion return….Absolutely! 


Can You Relate?

This is a time when there are many big problems in the world….and what I am about to tell you is nothing compared to car crashes, shootings, stimulus packages or the terrible hunger and abuse all over the world.  Those things I pray about and seem to weather the big things in my life pretty well.

However, it might be fun for you to relate to one day I had recently.  I woke up feeling ‘not too hot’…..but oh, well, this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.  So I just knew that some coffee would help–my one cup a day habit.  Wrong!  OK, just keep going…..dive into the bookwork that has been hanging like an old fashioned hang-man’s noose over my head for weeks.

Everyone has to do their taxes soooooo…..well, this year for me was a nightmare because my desk top computer with my bookkeeping information went out.  The program I use is so ‘touchy’ I had to install the same program into the laptop before it would work, and then it still would not bring up the months I had carefully saved.  “Backed-up” is a terribly overrated term…..especially when you deal with older equipment and the new things don’t mesh with old stuff….oh, I know that is  about progress.   

Well, as I tackled this ‘do or die’ effort I needed information from my bank.  Since I do some banking on line, no sweat.  Wrong again.  This was the day they chose to mandate a new security system, or I wouldn’t be allowed access to my account.  That won’t take long–again thanking God in all things…..after all they are protecting me.  Then came the questions I must answer for them to keep on file–they need three to five on record:

  1. What was my grandfather’s mother’s first name?  I am 75…..I hardly remember my grandfather.
  2.  What was the name of my first grade teacher?   Are you kidding me?
  3.  What did I name my first pet?  Now, I am really laughing……
  4.  What was my first job?  I do remember that–Cashier at Montgomery Wards for $32.50  a week ,who could forget !
  5.  What is my spouse’s maiden name?  Since I was the spouse….that isn’t going to work either!

I finally managed to answer three out of the ten and then I had to choose an animal and a one or two line phrase …..OK, we are almost through….whew…..and WHAM, the screen disappeared and a box came up saying there was a glitch and I would have to start over….not only that my time was up!  So I had to sign in again.   I mumbled some rather dubious words and did the whole thing again.  Well, now it is done and I can proceed on.     

My columns did not line up on the work sheet.  The figures did not balance as I put two parts of the year together with some automatic things that had to be added.  By three in the afternoon I had papers everywhere and could hardly remember what I needed to do next.  Of course there was a call about a survey, and another one about the warranty on my car that is 20 years old, you know, just to keep me busy–and I am on the ‘do not call’ list for Telemarketing. 

I had prayer requests on my mind, and couldn’t shake the feeling that I just have too much to do…..and what do I do about that?

At 5:30 I decided I needed to stop for dinner…..put fish in the broiler, and vegis in my favorite oven-proof casserole (that I have used for years) in the oven.  Went to answer the door, and my small four pound cuter-than the Beverly Hills Chihuahua,  ran between my feet after the cat in the drive way.  The cat probably weighs 4 times as much and is an outdoor cat–one swipe would handle my ferocious little guardian of the homestead.  Screaming and yelling I chase the dog who is chasing the cat  who is finally a half block away.  In utter frustration I yell…..”Stop in the Name of Jesus!”  And my dog did! I truly thank God for His Angels!

The man at the door was not for me…..the fish was burned……I emptied the casserole on my plate and set it in the sink and it crashed in a hundred pieces.  I have used this for years and NOW it breaks…..from refrigerator to oven and back again and now it breaks.  So of course I cleaned all the pieces….however some went into my garbage disposal and when I thought I had it all, I tried the switch but the disposal would no longer work. 

I ate what was left of my dinner, turned on my TV to find the cord was broken and I had to jiggle it over and over to get it to stay.  There were other little things that happened, just too painful to remember them…..I collapsed into bed and told the Lord I just knew the next day would be better……..

I know you can relate….we all have them….days where everything goes wrong……looking back it is like a grade C comedy.  The next day was better…..Joy comes in the morning and my thanks to God were really from my heart more than habit!  I sure hope He laughs at us, we can be pretty funny!

Pressing in and pressing on…..                                                

Tenacity Found In Movie–Slumdog Millionaire!

After watching the Academy Awards (while working on the computer–multi-tasking, you know….) I was drawn into a strong desire to see the move, Slumdog Millionaire.  I have this little game I play with myself, every year I watch the Academy Awards to see if anyone, I mean anyone, thanks God for their good fortune or even acknowledges God at all.

Well, unless I missed something, in 2007, there was one talented gifted Black Actor who thanked God for his good fortune.  Hooray!  God bless that man!  This year two men acknowledged God in their ‘thank you’ speech.  Two men from India….WOW…..that made me want to see the movie any more!         But, enough of this ‘rabbit trail’.

The movie is wonderful.  Well done, very graphic, very realistic, and very haunting…..right into our soul.  The poverty, abuse and the outrageous life of the ‘slumdogs’  there reveals reality we don’t want to acknowledge, but it is there.  The movie is a story of tenacity in the face of unbelievable odds, sacrifice and pain that in the end gives us all hope.

I have seen poverty such as was shown, in Tijuana, Mexico.  My friend who spent time in Africa says the says the same thing exists there.  WHOOPS…..I just remembered that the night before I had seen a TV movie on Lifetime–a true story, FOR THE LOVE OF A CHILD, based on a book called SILENCE BROKENby Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson. 

This TV movie is about abused children in our country, United States of America.  We are appalled by the utter depravity we see in other countries, but we have it here too.  There were stories in the movie to make you want to throw-up in seeing what human beings can do to small children, especially contemptible when it is their own children.  In the past there have been terrible news stories of a mother drowning her children, a man setting his son on fire…..and more and more.  In the slums of America crime and pain are a way of life, as all over the world.

How interesting that this malignity of man is the same in all these countries….almost like there is a master plan.  Of course there is a master plan of the enemy to destroy mankind and he uses men, their thoughts, their pain and their actions to do it. 

Many men and women are searching for God’s plan in their life, with little regard to the plan of the devil in their lives.  Many do not live in the slums but endure pain and rejection over and over.  God’s plan for man’s life is for good and not evil–God’s plan is to build the Kingdom of God on earth with Grace, Mercy and Love and he uses men and women to do that.  We must not be deceived,  the devil uses men and women to bring about his plans–to kill, rob and destroy–he is a liar and duplicates all he can that God does for good, he does for evil.

How is this possible?  Ignorance of the facts.  Denial of the supernatural.  Fear of confronting the enemy.  Most of all a lack of knowledge of Who God really is…..What Jesus accomplished and the power and authority men and women have in and through Him with the Holy Spirit.

We live in a real world and action such as the women took in the movie, FOR THE LOVE OF A CHILD, where they took in (and still do) abused children and love and care for them, attempting to change their lives, is absolutely necessary–more and more–in every country.   (To help their efforts, or for help, or the movie,  go to:

However, the Bible is very clear our battle is not with flesh and blood.  How do we win a war we don’t acknowledge?  How do we win a war when we don’t know what weapons we have at our disposal?  If we don’t become warriors we will be prisoners of war!

 For more knowledge on this, read the Bible.  The book of Ephesians is sooo good, but there is a world of information in all the New Testament.  What did Jesus do?  There’s an answer.  For the insights and experiences our team has had in fighting this war,  our book, ANGELS AND DEMONS, HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE is available at the top of this page under Carol’s Books. It is full of information and real life stories…..

Pressing in and pressing on…….

What If You Can’t Do What You Want to Do?

A week ago, I asked myself and everyone else, ‘Why do you do what you are doing?”  As, not in the moment, but in life itself.  I shared I am blessed to be doing what I want to do.  However, there are parts, a large part of ministry that is not necessarily what we enjoy doing, like every job in the world.

But talking to the Holy Spirit after writing the last message, (I talk to Him a lot, and hope you do too.) that many people are not doing what they want to do in life, so what’s with that and what do we do about it.

The ‘motivational’ answer would be to set a goal for what you want, write it down, picture it and pray about it.  Good idea…..but what do you do in the meantime?

Recently I was called on to do some things for friends and I started getting tired, then received some gentle criticism about something, and I started to be a little offended, and very tired.  Then I remembered that I serve God because I want to, not because I have to and I am doing this for Jesus not for my friends. 

That does not in any way discount my love or desire to help and bless my friends or strangers for that matter.   That attitude of doing what ever I do for Jesus, puts me on the right team  and in my case as I changed my attitude about the ‘challange’ before me the Holy Spirit immediately blessed me with peace and more energy.

We are told in the Bible to pray for those in charge, and of course forgive those things that offend or hurt, commit out way to Jesus and thank God for our job, whatever it may be, will definitely see us through when we must do that we do not want to do.  Doing it not with grimace, but with a grin.  Grin for Jesus…, we could make a bumper sticker out of that!

Bottom line, we can enjoy the Holy Spirit in our lives…..our Heavenly Father loves us so much…..staying on the right team with our thoughts and attitudes is the key and brings beau-coup blessings! 

Pressing in and pressing on…..

Ted Haggard, Is The Devil Aplauding Your Interviews?

What Bible are we reading?  And, I am not talking about condemning Gays! 

I listened to the interviews with Ted and his family and was so grieved that he is still struggling, and truly did not offer much help to anyone else.  I have prayed for him; had no problem forgiving him–but for the grace of God who knows where any of us would be.

I was and am one of his fans….someone who admires all he accomplished before this sad period of his life started.  We who know Jesus do not follow men, even those we admire.  We follow Jesus with love and devotion.  So I have prayed with faith for Ted’s well-being and restoration to the thing is he is so gifted in–preaching!

Discussion, discussion and no one mentions evil spirits, evil influence, demons, the devil or deliverance.  WHAT BIBLE ARE WE READING?  Jesus cast out demons over and over and over.  Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: Who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.”  Well, Ted certainly still seems oppressed to me.

What am I talking about?  Deliverance!  Demonic influence is not, I repeat, not the character and nature of the person under influence.  Having talked with several men who were living a gay lifestyle and were totally healed of the desire and went into a heterosexual relationship, I know there are answers, we don’t often look at.    They were very good men who had been subjected to something in their life or family relationship that opened the door, to those strong emotions and drive for the same sex. 

 Am I saying all homosexuality is demonic?  Well, how would we know if we don’t consider it?  There should be no shame in having deliverance, or thinking there is a need. 

Astonishing to me in the electronic age, the age of knowledge expanding faster than it can be absorbed, that Christians would deny the possibility of demon influence not only in somethings but in everything that is painfull, wounding or hurtful.  Seems it started in the beginning (recorded in Genesis) and what pray tell has changed?

There are many ways of being delivered:  As Jesus did–cast out demons!  Praise and worship many times drives them out!  Inter-healing and counseling sessions drive them out!  And probably many ways I am not aware of.  But, denying or ignoring the possibility probably won’t work.

Here is a man, Ted Haggard, who has a wife and children but inside he is dealing with conflicting emotions and feelings.  Since his lifestyle was successful to a degree wouldn’t it make sense that there could be evil influence? Especially due to childhood traumas he revealed?  I am just grieved that Ted did not mention or talk about the possibility.  He is not the only one with a struggle.

More and more young adults are calling their family to tell them they are Gay–just out of the blue–not long term.  If we taught more about the work of the devil and what can be done without shame or guilt for the people involved, I am certain many lives would be changed. 

 I have had deliverance and am very grateful, as there were strong emotions and desires in me that could have destroyed me, and after deliverance I was free, happy and thankful!  I have worked with others who set many free from sexual desires, depression, suicidal thoughts, worry, grief, and the list goes on.

Ted Haggard had the opportunity to expose the possibility of demonic influence and did not.  Maybe he does not consider that–the demons sure wouldn’t want that.  And we have allowed such talk to be scary, embarrassing or just for the ‘fruit-cakes’ of religion.  Well, Jesus did it and He is my Idol, my Hero and the Keeper of my soul.  And, He was no fruit-cake!

So for all those who are hurting in some area, there is hope through Christians who are willing to pick up their cross,  do what Jesus did and set people free.  Deliverance cannot and should not be hidden or ignored.  Nor should it be mocked in the movies as entertainment for the unaware!

I feel so strong about this and abuse I see in the world, I wrote a book on the subject from our ministry team experiences.  ANGELS AND DEMONS, HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE   is available at the top of this page in ‘Carol’s Books’ as an e-book or a published copy.  We of the church need to be more vocal and more enthusiastic about what Jesus set the example for us to do….it shouldn’t be a secret…..but a reality!

After posting this Blog I had a discussion with my son, Greg, that we would like to share…. click below:

MP3 File

Pressing in and pressing on….   

Why We Do What We Do…..

Well, there’s a provocative question…..if you thought I was going to answer or give some great insight, forgive me, I am not going to do that.  Rather it is just a question we should all ask our selves on a regular basis.

When we just flow with life, we may look back and say something profound like, “Why in the sam-hillhave I been doing that?”  Taking inventory occasionally is helpful!

I definitely want to share why I do what I am doing.  I was 47 years old before someone, my middle son, Patrick, told me I could have a personal relationship with Jesus, with the Creator of the Universe–God.  And, some wonderful ladies prayed over me and told me to take a paper and pen when I prayed, as God would talk to me and I should write down what He said so that I wouldn’t forget or change what He (the Holy Spirit) shared with me.  Well, I did, He did and He still does!

How blessed I was not to question what they told me–had no doubt about it and what a great and awesome adventure it has been.  As many know I am now 75 and though the years have questioned and sought God on every issue that I could think of and how to understand what is taught in the Bible.

I think I would like more social life but my priorities are in Ministry of Blessed Abundance.  I am a widow and I think I would like to marry again (I had a great marriage and hate living alone) but that would require someone who shares the desire to share ‘all about Jesus’ on a regular basis.

I know, if I spent the time to develop more relationships, etc. I could have both of the things I have mentioned.  And, I may do so….

In the meantime, I have one desire… share what the Lord has given me over the last 23 years both good (personal knowledge of Jesus, miracles, prayers answered, questions resolved) and bad (failures, disappointments, lack of progress, dealing with some depression, and death of loved ones). 

I have worked hard at seeking God–not because I had to—but because I wanted and still want to do so.  How awful it would be for me to go to my grave without sharing the beauty, love and joy of the Lord I have received, in a way, that may spare others much of the grief.

Things and money are pretty important in this world, and I could have had more of both, had I made different decisions.  Even though I live quite simply, I lack for nothing of comfort and feel I am one of the richest women on the planet!

Do I think everyone should choose this path?  No….in fact, quite the opposite!  I think many are ‘called’ (motivated) to go into ministry, find the answers and share the ‘good news’ of Jesus, so the rest of the world can benefit and go in their field of endeavor to build a better world…..raise Godly children, set an example in the market place, and bless the entertainment  and sports field with appropriate competition, and boy, above all….get Holy Spirit filled men and women into government and media.

So, now you know why I do what I do… about you…..have a chat with yourself and be sure you are doing what you do for reasons that will bless you and others in the world!  We can all be a champion at home, a sterling example in the work place, and be one of the richest people on the planet.   Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are always here to help us do it all!

Pressing in and pressing on….