by admin | Jul 16, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Politics, Relationship Not Religion!
Last night I had d desire to just ‘veg out’ with something pleasant on TV. As I surfed the channels I found the following:
- Paradise Hotel or Sex In The City! (WOW as a single woman, I don’t need that.)
- News reports of fires, floods, accidents, rape & murder. (Taxing my heart with sorrow for all the victims)
- A movie about a man who kills his friend because he thinks he murdered his daughter only to find out he was wrong. (That was inspiring, Ugh! Thank God I only saw the stupid end; my critics would tell me I just don’t appreciate the great acting job they did–no, I do not, if their message stinks.)
- Then those pitiful but necessary commercials for the suffering children in the world. (That just tear my heart out.)
- Well, I could just watch a simple mystery on Law and Order–wrong again–this one was about someone stealing eggs and sperm out of a lab, where they actually store live embryos as well, and the controversy about freezing or storing them. (Boy, I was already tired, fighting a little depression, I didn’t need that.)
- Oh, good, I found a TV magazine program about troubled children (that should have been a tip, but I continued to watch). It was about children with Tourette’s Syndrome. (I didn’t last too long with this one either; I have such strong spiritual conviction about these ‘syndromes,’ especially that one.
- I tried a 60 Minute program I had pre-recorded, only to watch three handsome young men talk about being gay in the military. And the controversy over “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” (The same ole’ question, how do we love people the way they are and trust God to change them?)
Finally, I turned off the TV and thanked God for my day and all that I have, food, home, clothes, loving dog, precious family, and lots of friends. And, actually went to sleep.
The devil’s agenda is to have people watch all this junk often enough so they become desensitized to the evil that is so evident everywhere. Or there is so much, we just mentally turn it off out of an overwhelming sense of despair. Which I did last night and turned to my Heavenly Father to bring a calm to my soul.
My Bible says where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Rom 5:20); When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19) I believe that ‘standard’ is our prayers, as the Spirit of the Lord in us, moves us to action.
I hear all over the place that this is the end times. Maybe it is, however, Paul said it was the end times 2000 years ago….I sure am not going to rely or worry about that. Jesus asked if there would be faith on the earth when He returned….and somehow I don’t see that every where even though it is growing. Isn’t that a greater concern for us than spending time, energy or thought on whether we are in the ‘end times’?
One argument is that evil is everywhere, earth quakes, floods, etc. so it must be the end. Well, it was just as bad in Paul’s day. Christians were crucified and fed to lions. Israel was in bondage to other countries, and believers had to flee for the lives. Children were sacrificed to Molech, slavery abounded. Through the centuries we have had the same evils that we face now.
- Could any of us solve the problems I listed above?
- Can we solve even one of those problems totally?
- Can God solve those problems?
- What does He need to do that?…He is sovereign!
- Jesus is looking for prayer and faith so that He and the Holy Spirit can direct the warfare–you know–the standard that will overcome.
None of us can pray over all that is wrong; nor can any of us take action against everything. So we can choose to pray what touches our heart the most. That is the Holy Spirit in us and take action as He directs.
Or are we like ‘Chicken Little’ crying “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.” Yep, we can pray as Jesus told us to do….”Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” Rest (knowing God is all sufficient) in God to use our prayers and direct our actions, and just let Jesus take care of ‘end times’ and His return. None, absolutely none of the problems listed above and those that are not listed are too big for God.
Prayer moves mountains and God loves all His children, so we move and He moves. Sounds like a good solution to me! We are privileged to be part of that Standard.
This is a great time to live as long as we abide in HIM!
by admin | May 1, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Politics
As so many in the country today I spent time praying for our Nation. Such a good idea to have a National Day Of Prayer! According to news reports some used the time to protest the war! Sadly the One who can really help with that situation is God and He is more into requests than protests!
After a time I asked the Lord what He would like for me to pray and the answer was:
“Cry out for restoration for the Nation!”
In my mind it was very clear, God would like our Nation restored to Godly principles and standards. So that was my prayer and will be until it is done. I hope many will join with me. Long prayers are wonderful, but short prayers can be very powerful as well. A simple “Restoration For The Nation” daily with heartfelt agreement with the loving mercy and grace that God gives, will avail much!
That’s my hope and my own heartfelt belief America is far from gone….quite the contrary, check out the movement of the youth in our Christian Churches and I don’t think the world has seen anything yet, like the explosion of faith coming, like a huge tital wave!
We are up, not down, we are blessed not cursed! Thank you, Lord! And God bless America!
by admin | Mar 31, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Politics, Relationship Not Religion!
Because of the up-roar-ousley interesting political dialog going on in America we hear a lot about unity. That bears a variety of meanings depending on where you come from–your grid or mind-set.
A great example of this is in the Christian Church. As people disagreed in the past centuries, denominations sprung up and now we have several thousand. Differences in doctrine create a new agenda and most of us follow a leader, admiringly, agreeing with what is taught. Each church or group has their own agenda and if we conform to that form or plan we are accepted.
I laughingly like to say we have also developed a Ken and Barbie Doll stereo type of what a Christian Believer should be. Instead of Scripture being a blueprint for self-preservation by renewing our mind with ‘sound wisdom’, it can become a dogma we strive to live up to, attempting to become the Ken or Barbie that is expected.
I was complaining to the Lord one day about the divisions in the church, the disagreement, and how it upset me, because there are bigger fish to fry that issues on doctrine. That sweet small voice I am privileged to hear responded, “You are complaining about the very freedom I died to give you!” I quickly apologized, immediately getting the picture–with Jesus, Holy Spirit, God given free will we have the right to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.
In other words, it matters not whether I believe in dunking or sprinkling for baptism, we can all agree baptism is very important. It is the Spirit behind what we do, not what we do. Especially when it is a ‘ritual’ born out of tradition. Tradition is important to build on or learn from, but not to mindlessly conform.
We cannot be Ken and Barbieand still believe we are created uniquely different–because we are. We must find the gifts and talents we have, the desires of our heart and most of all learn to know God in our spirit, experientially, not just a text book relationship.
The God-kind of confidence we need in this world (not self-confidence) is found in personal relationship of talking and learning about Jesus, the Man, the Holy Spirit and how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father. The agreement we have with His ways will bring great confidence into our hearts of who we are as His children, not out of conformity to be accepted, but out of desire to follow Him because we are accepted.
Do we allow our children to express their differences or demand they conform to our desires? Do we encourage those around us to be all they can be in any given direction or condemn them for not being what we would like them to be or what we think they should be? How do we pray? That our loved ones conform to a Christian Standard, our Political Leaders do what we want? Or can our prayer and desires for our loved ones, our neighbors and our leaders–church or government–be to carry out the (Will) desires of God, being all they can be for the good of family, church and country?
Well, I certainly have a constant battle to get judgment out of my heart and mind (I am really good at it–judgment that is), to listen to the Holy Spirit and focus on His desires for us, not my desires for me, or the world. It is a battle but one worth fighting and only won with the help of the Holy Spirit.
May our unity come from agreement on ethical, moral issues; not from peer pressure, or polarization of political rhetoric. Rather may we led from spirit informed wisdom that brings love (wanting the best for everyone) and life ( the essence and persistence that creates only good). Unity of Spirit, agreement not conformity can change the world!
P S If you were kind enough to read this Blog and wonder how one has an experience with God, how one can be led by the Holy Spirit–it is simply done by asking Jesus into your heart, asking Him to become real to you, and asking the Holy Spirit to dwell within your spirit and lead and teach you all things! Greatest decision you will ever make!
by admin | Mar 20, 2008 | Politics, Relationship Not Religion!
I have been wanting to know, or I should say understand, for years why black people born in America want to be called African American? And, often it seems it is used in context with anger and an adamant view that we should sit up and take notice of who they are.
Whether it is Oprah or Obama or Rev. Wright, Jr. using the term, what is the point?
If this is truly a mark of pride for their heritage would they not want to use it with gladness and joy so that we could take notice and appreciate that with them. But it seems it is to remind us of what they have suffered and how badly they were treated and are being treated (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr.).
As a Christian I use the ‘label’ of Christian only to share some good news. Maybe some use it to to declare that they are right and others are not, but that is not smart or wise, or Christian.
I come from a wild and woolly background of Irish (who had their pain and struggles when they came to America), English, Quaker Dutch, and oh, yes, 1/8 American Indian (who were treated badly, lied to, and oppressed). Still I have yet to understand how I can undo the wrongs by claiming my heritage in a strong sit up and take notice attitude of either superiority or to declare to the world over and over, my ancestors were victims!
People come to American for the ‘American Dream’ and it has and always will require personal effort, determination and a winning attitude–then sometimes life is just mediocre. As far as I can see, it is still better than 2/3 of the world. The dream certainly won’t become reality from from anger, resentment and hostility.
Labels lock people into a stereo-type no one needs. I heard about dysfunctional families until I wanted to throw up. Thank God, that has quieted down. We are all dysfunctional in some area, and hopefully working to correct what we can.
Should we ever forget the atrocities of the past, whether they are African slaves, or Jewish persecution and slaughter, or American Indian betrayal? Of course not, we need to be aware of history and absolutely determined not to allow history to repeat itself.
At this very second people are being crucified in some form, and persecuted as Christians all over the world. Men, women and children are being slaughtered and used as slaves in Africa, and brutal wars fought over the labels of being in one tribe or another.
Could we not just be Americans? Forgiving and repenting of judgment and striving for a better world. Not just America, but a better world? How about making efforts to rebuild families and instill confidence in our children, black, white or any other color, of respect for each other and a love for our country? I know we can, it is a decision each of us must make.
However I am left with the same question:
Why African American?
by admin | Mar 18, 2008 | Politics
Lots of sizzle in politics this year! And, far from boring….I find myself wondering, ‘What’s next?’ What is the moral of this story of Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright, Jr.?
Be careful who you hang out with!
Normally that would not be a question about where we go to church, or would it? I have found in attending church it took months before I had some insight into what doctrine was being taught, even though every church has a mission statement. All too often, in my opinion, and this is my blog, Men and Women of God teach more on social ills, moral sins and our need to be Wright, oh I meant right and Holy instead of how Holy, Right and Powerful God is. How wonderful it would be if we were taught to take the place, authority and power God intended, not lectures on how bad we are–shucks we know that.
Reverend Wright, Jr. has a very interesting name. Jeremiah the name of an Old Testament Prophet and Wright, are good foundations for a man to build on, especially a man in leadership in the church. Unfortunately most of America and the world will remember his loud screaming voice (which I found hard to understand) cursing the country in which he has the freedom to do so.
Obama is caught in lime light of his association of several men of question to those of us who value the freedom and opportunity we enjoy in America, both Black and White….and Hispanic….and on and on. There have been so many injustices in the past for the Blacks, the Jews, the Indians, the Italians and the Irish….on and on. There is no way to make it right, but we could sure prevent more of it with some tolerance and good sense.
I have always thought if I were Muslim or Buddhist I would want Christians in office to maintain the Christian idea that all men are free to worship as they choose. What a naive idea right? God gives us free will and let’s us choose, so I vote with Him. And, will fight to keep that right, that I surely do not see perpetuated through out the world.
Reverend Wright, Jr. needs a vacation and time to remember God is a God of love, kindness and mercy. Not just Black Americans but all people need to know the power of God available through prayer….the power of God through His Son Jesus….the power of forgiveness to heal and solve problems. The very power we enjoy because of the events we celebrate this coming Easter Sunday.
Barack Obama needs to have a ‘wisdom’ check on his friends and associates. How will he pick his running mate? How will he pick his cabinet? Will it be someone he has known for years but didn’t know they had anger and hate for the very country he is passionately wanting to serve? Is he or Hillary, or John a good judge of character to rule and rein in this country? Oh, I meant serve in this country.
This is not only true for Obama but all of us. Who do we associate with? Are we judged, trusted or criticized by our associates? It is one thing to pray and want the best for people but quite another to include them in our ‘inner circle’ of relationships. And I would say a man who baptizes you, marries you and preaches to you for 20 years would become transparent enough to know what he believes and stands for.
May God help them, help us to keep our eyes open, our hearts guarded and move with compassion and mercy to whatever we are called as individual to do! And, most passionately I declare, GOD BLESS AMERICA!
by admin | Mar 17, 2008 | Jesus Talk, Kingdom Comments, Politics
Allegations that Planned Parenthood has committed $180 Million in fraud should make us wake up and take notice….well, some of us have taken notice of Planned Parenthood in the past, unhappily.
For those who have learned, speaking of myself, I had to learn that life begins at conception and abortion gives no choice to the baby that was just conceived. So some of the activities of Planned Parenthood have not been in the best interest of bringing Kingdom of Heaven to earth as Jesus taught us to pray.
Life is a privilege not a choice!
Is this all about religion? No, it is a moral stand for equality of life. It was easy to see how compassion would create a venue for this destruction of unborn babies. Who in their right mind would condone unwanted pregnancies–bringing in more children to add to the roles of single mothers and children on welfare. It sounds good, but behind the curtain of ignorant mercy hides an evil desire to do away with the genius, inventors and oh yes, politicians of tomorrow.
Who would condone unwanted pregnancies? No one! But, who would want the demise of millions of babies. I would hope no one. That does not seem to be the case. We have hundreds if not thousands trying to have a baby, and turn to all kinds of alternative methods instead of healing the flow of unwanted babies, by adoption.
“Abortions are very common. In fact, more than one in three women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. ” is a fact from the Planned Parenthood website. This is a reason to offer abortion instead of assistance and adoption?
My hope and prayer is, that this allegation will lead to investigation and an overhaul of Planned Parenthood with new people, guide lines and agenda. That the political machine behind replacing abstinence with abortion will come to naught.
Whatever the devil and his demons cause for evil God can turn to good with prayer, and dedication of purpose on the part of His children who are called by His Name.
I do not believe we can forgive behavior, but the people involved in the behavior. Let us storm the Heavenlies with our prayer, declaring the Will of God and the Desires of His Heart be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Wheeee….that sound like a good plan! (excuse the pun)
One last comment on Mr. Spitzer that he and others caught up in destructive activities will seek out a church that offers healing and deliverance! A personal responsibility!