Our Country is in an economic crisis; What do I tell my Grandchildren?


My mind tells me I am 50 and my body thinks it is 100, and I have to comprise and accept the truth….soon to be 75. Since I have been seeking and resting on my relationship with the Lord for so many years; and because of my love for my grandchildren they trust me not to judge them, and they look to me for insights to God.


So I won’t talk to them about economics, or money or budgets, but where do we stand with God in all of this chaos. Our natural inclination is to think of God as Santa Claus; willing and able to give us everything we want if we are good.


God is sovereign, meaning He can do anything. But in His sovereignty He has limited what He will and will not do. His ‘utility packages’ that run the Universe on a pre-set course are only changed when we pray in agreement with the desires of His Heart.


Just this once I want to talk about God as our friend. The Old Testament is full of stories of other people’s relationship with God, and two of my favorites are Abraham (a friend of God) and King David (a man after God’s heart). They are two good examples for us in this day of disappointment and loss.


Two men (and they could be women) with such great favor with God to be called His friend and a man after His heart, helps us to have some insight into our circumstances now. Both these men committed sins, which cost them while on this earth. Both men had great relationship with God but their lives were sprinkled not only with miracles but with wars, loss, anxiety, family betrayal, tests on their faith and trust in God, and disappointment. Yet, they always turned to God for solace and peace in their hearts. Their emotions went deep, but their spirit, their hearts were sold out to God.


Jesus says in John 15:14, 15 that His disciples (His followers) are His friends. To put this in perspective, our free will determines our destiny, and the free will of others will influence our decisions and our destiny. Depending on who is elected President will turn our Nation, and the world. We are each a small part–but an important part to ourselves, our family and friends and most of all to God.


As a Friend, God will give us favor (support) in the market place, with relationships, when we ask and depend on Him. As a Friend, there are many personal things God will do for us—spelled out in Scripture—give us peace, joy, victory over enemies, etc.


At this time it is more important to know as a Friend, what God will not do. He will not violate free will to give us our way. He will not answer prayer that violates His rules and commandments. The whole Kingdom of God, on earth within our hearts is based on faith, and faith filled prayer—that will move mountains.


Relationship with Jesus should not be built on what He can do for us, any more than we would make friends with someone just for what they could do for us. The ironic part of this is that Jesus wants us dependent upon Him and even goes so far as to say, “You can do nothing without Me.” Loving Him comes first, dependence then is easier.


The most important thing now or at any time is to have that friendship, that relationship, that dependence upon God so that we have a place to go, a place to turn, when we cannot control the circumstances. He is our friend, our eternal love, our first and last resort to all things, even when we don’t like or understand the circumstances.


We need Him as our friend when we are having fun, when things are going well, when we are enjoying sports, entertainment or whatever. God enjoys fun, He made us didn’t He? Jesus is the one who said, “I came to give life, and life abundantly.” Faith in God has made this country the most abundant in the world. Evil, greed and sin (things contrary to the goodness of God) are changing all of that.


While fighting a depilating disease, with pain and discomfort I learned a wonderful truth:

I could have peace and joy in my spirit when my body was ‘screaming’. Even though I felt abandon I was not. The Holy Spirit did not come and go as I felt good or bad, just my own emotions and physical being struggled.


I encourage all to fight, stand, and vote for what they believe. Pray—talk to God—pray, pray, pray!!! Most of all continue to build your relationship, your friendship with Jesus…the Holy Spirit….and our Heavenly Father. That is the only thing in this economy, in this world that is constant. He can give us peace in the middle of chaos, and courage in the middle of disaster. Life may be disappointing, but our spiritual life can always be victorious.



Lakeland Revival True or False?

In the ‘Christian community’ there has been a lot of talk, thousands of emails circulating about the revival meetings that were held over one hundred days in Lakeland, Florida.  The meetings came out of a planned three day conference with a man named Todd Bentley.


The healings and miracles that came forth, the hundreds of salvations were of God, not Todd.  Then it was revealed that Todd had some problems that required him to step down from the ministry for a time of healing and restoration.  What the problems are makes no difference since competent men and women are working with the the Lord  on Todd’s behalf, on the situation.


What is appalling is the attitude of the those who ‘are called by My Name’ condemning,  complaining and declaring that much of what took place, or even all of what took place was not of God.  I wonder if those who were healed and received salvation would like to give back those supernatural acts because Todd was less than perfect.  We have only one perfect man, Christ Jesus.  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, respond to those seeking and believing as well as the leaders.  The character and nature of any leader is the responsibility of God, who is very good at what He does. 


We must be accountable to God, in the same way Jesus responded to those of His day.

Jesus confronted the accusers of the woman caught in adultery, (which Todd was not, to my knowledge) recorded in the book of John, Chapter 8, verses one to eleven.  Then Jesus released the woman with a gentle but convicting commandment  to go and sin no more.  Jesus sent her away without counseling or condemnation.    “But, that was Jesus.”  Yes, it was.


I had received an email on this that set my soul on fire, and into hours of prayer.  I could not sleep, and as I forgave and repented for much and many, the Lord gave me a vision:


We, Jesus and I, were sitting by a creek high in the mountains in Colorado, one of my favorite places, especially with Him.  Jesus told me to look at the water—it was beautiful, clear, with sparkles like small diamonds bouncing off of it.  It was just pure joy to watch it and all that happened around it as it cascaded down stream.  I was smiling…then Jesus said, “Look now.”  There was a metal cup with a handle on it, floating down stream, it was fairly good size, it had no holes, but had dents in it and looked rather beat up. Then before I could look away the water turned an ugly grey.  The sparkle was gone and dirt seemed to be flowing with the water making it very murky.  What happened I asked.  “The water is like a fresh renewal from a mountain stream.  The cup, the damaged leader.  The dirty murky water is full of despair, judgment and condemnation; just as the mountain streams are polluted by the careless in your society.”


I hung my head and breathed a heavy sigh, “Can we clean it, can we make it better?”  “Those who drank of the fresh water will keep what they have.  There is now a bitter taste in the stream.  You will need a new stream out of the flesh of the mountain.  You would do well to protect the cup from which you drink as it can be very easily dented.  This is warfare, not play time.  I do not pour out rivers of dirty water. Dominion is yours.  However, so is despair, judgment and condemnation.  The enemy will use the sin nature of man, that he helped to create, to poison the flow.”


I quickly remembered, “You have told me in the past, we are either warriors or prisoners of war, our choice.”  “Yes, I did not give you the ability to bind and loose to be left in the pages of My Book.  Forgiveness is the purifying tool for the cup, blessings and spiritual warfare; and you may use many cups in which to drink, but do not drink with your eyes closed. Watch for those (demonic evil forces) who want to steal the cup.” 

I was back in my dark bedroom….I still could not sleep, not until I wrote this vision. 

 “What should I do with it now, Lord?”    “Give it to the world, post it, the world needs My direction.”    And all I could say was a quiet, ‘Amen’!  I did sleep well after that.

‘One Nation Under God’ For A Reason!

With the media so busy with politics, and my mind so full of the nominated candidates, I was surprised to receive the follow thoughts that I believe came from the Holy Spirit. A little off topic and yet  is so clearly appropriate.


The distortion of this country to the truth it represents and holds could destroy it.  It is not great because of industry or commerce but because of the shed  blood and the sacrifice of the people, who founded it.  The blood shed to free the Indians from witch craft and superstition; the blood shed to free the slaves cries out to keep the freedom they died for.  The gates were not opened to welcome all religions, to oppose the things of God, to worship anything they chose, but the freedom to worship Christ Jesus and God regardless of the circumstances.  No matter who they are or where they come from, opportunity is available.  This nation is a nation under God so that God is wworshipped.”


I began to think on this….Hundreds of Christians fled here for freedom of persecution. The Indians were lied to, and treated terribly–which is not God’s fault.  His will would have been and is to bring them all to relationship with Jesus and  the abundant life Jesus died to give all mankind.  Slavery was abolished by the shed blood in the civil war, sometimes brother against brother.  Yet, we still have prejudice and ugly politics between races.  Is there some way that will be solved by taking God out of school, pledge of allegiance, court houses, Christmas plays and displays, and so on? 


There are thousands more who have shed their blood for this country–in all the wars in which we have been involved.  Those men and women were and are willing to lay down their lives for us, for the freedom we enjoy, and the freedom they believe others should have.  I believe a poll of those serving would be interesting to find out if they (and their families) are not praying to the Christian God of American for protection and comfort. 


I have thought for years Buddhists or a Muslims or whatever, should want Christians in office to keep the freedom they have to do as they please.  We are so liberal with our freedom we could lose it.  Their freedom should not come at the price of our Christian way of life.  Because of our ancestors and the battles they fought for us, for God, He has made this Nation great with men and women with Biblical morals–blood, sweat, tears and prayer laid the foundation and is still the backbone of this country. 


I am not as interested in who they were or what they said….but the independence they fought for to worship and establish ONE NATION UNDER GOD!  It has been stamped, posted, sung about, on our stamps, our cars, our courts, our money…..what does it take to get the point across.


I have prayed for the Indians and apologized to them for what they have suffered, and I am part Indian.  I have apologized to my black brothers and sisters for the terrible sins against them.  My heart aches when I see news reports of the abuse.  But, I had never thought of the other side.  That the blood of our ancestors paid for our freedom–who is going to apologize to us?  We don’t need apologies we need restoration to good morals, loving care for those who need it and appreciation for the true facts–life isn’t fair and boy do we need



I received a letter this week and on the back was stamped ONE NATION UNDER GOD. I was impressed and touched.  We all need to do that and stand and demand that this country remain in the hands of God while we can,  ONE NATION UNDER GOD.

Move it on…….

Well-Known Leader Shot Down In Lakeland, Florida!

A well known leader was shot down in Lakeland, Florida.  Not physically shot but in a way that has brought bitterness in the minds of some individuals, and raised doubt to some of what the Lord has awesomely done in the last few months. 

In the midst of a great outpouring of God’s mercy and grace; in the midst of personal renewal for hundreds, and personal salvation for many more; in the midst of supernatural healing accounts being medically documented and reported, the man who had the heart and courage to initiate the event with great trust in God, was shot down by the enemy of mankind to bring an end to an international move of God.

That man is Todd Bentley, who is alive, but far from well.  And, those of us who love and care for him as a brother in Christ have rushed the ambulances of prayer to him and his family.  I do not know him personally but know of his work and his dedication to Jesus Christ.  I have heard him preach and teach and have been touched by his enthusiasm and loyalty to Jesus, as the Lord confirmed His word with signs following, at my home church. (Mark 16:20) 

I do not know what he has done, nor do I care.  But, for the Grace of God it could be any one of us.  What ever it is I can forgive and pray for his restoration (John 20:23) as I know God has forgiven me; God is no respecter of person.

As for myself and anyone else who call themselves ‘Christian’, and are not overcome by ‘self-righteousness’; we do not follow men, but rather follow Jesus and love the men and women who preach about Him.  And, we don’t shoot our wounded.

When this meeting started and flourished into an international move of God with people watching all over world by television and computer; with people being saved and healed hundreds and thousands of miles from Lakeland, this became an international event. 

Someone very close to me said, “Watch and pray because the devil or his demons (the devil can’t be everywhere) will be at this revival just waiting for an opportunity to malign the integrity or attack the leaders.  I am sad and grieved that the person was right.

I am so vulnerable when I am tired.  I get cross at times, I want to ‘eat’ the wrong things, I sometimes do and say things I wish later I hadn’t done.  I have to be answerable to my actions.  Can you imagine pouring out everything in you for over one hundred days?  Can you imagine hundreds of people looking to you to bring the Spirit of God into their lives because of the power they have witnessed, for days and weeks on end.  Is that the reason Todd had a problem?  Could be.  May be the reason, but there is no excuse….Todd must be accountable. 

Of course the power of God is from God….duh….however, it comes through men and women who have given themselves to hours of fasting, prayer, study and intimacy in personal relationship.  In this case, Todd Bentley.  But, Todd isn’t Jesus, he is just a man and a prime target for the devil.  Is Todd responsible?  Of course!  But how naive to think an evil spirit did not move with power and influence to wound this man of God, trying to take others down with him, when he was tired and his defenses were down.

Jesus said, “The thief comes to kill, rob and destroy.” (John 10:10) What part of that do we not understand?  And since Abraham, Moses, David, and Peter (to mention a few) all committed crimes against the Goodness of God–why are we surprised about men such as Todd?  Some of us are grieving that we did not pray more for him and the ministry, asking God for supernatural protection and Angelic warfare on his behalf. 

In our defense I think we look at our leaders and assume because they are leaders, they don’t need our prayer.  WOW!  That is so wrong….they need it even more.

The Bible calls the devil a tempter, prince of the power of the air, ruler of this world, father of lies, murderer from the beginning, the destroyer, accuser of the brethren.  That covers it pretty well!   (Matt 4:1,3; Eph 2:2; John 8:44, 10:10, 12:31, 14:30; I Cor 10:10; Ex 12:23; 2 Cor 2:10; 4:4, 11:13) 

Are any of us safe then?  Of course, with prayer and faith, we are safe in Jesus.  Jesus said,  “I give you power over the enemy, nothing by any means will harm you…..”; “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (the world system).”  And, greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.  Will Todd be alright?  I feel sure he will. (Luke 10:19; John 16:33; I John 4:4)

But will he ever live down this ‘fall’?  Will the Christian community remember all the many years of service to God or the one failure?  Will the Christian community use Todd to undermine the work of God that has been done? 

Woe onto those who sit in judgment because Jesus said, “As you judge you will be judged.”  For years I thought that meant if you judged others and then did the same thing you would be judged accordingly.  Ah, NO, if you ‘judge’ (where you are not called to judge as a magistrate, teacher, parent, etc.) you will receive judgement for your judgment. (Matt 7:1)  What a sobering thought that is! 

Last night on the 60 Minutes TV show they has a segment on the hundreds of women being ‘raped’ by war-lords as a sign of power, and control.  And we have hundreds of people sending emails, and u-tube messages about Todd Bentley.  What’s wrong with this picture? 

Hundreds have joined ‘the accuser of the brethen’ on the side of ‘right’ and to protect others from deception. Oh, get real, when asked, the Holy Spirit will do a good job of that.  Wherein is the greater sin?  A corporate move attributing the move of God to the devil because of one man’s weak point adding to the destruction–or the individual sin itself?  My Bible notes tell me giving credit to the devil for the things of God is Apostasy.

We need to be outraged at the devil in his evil and praying and working for redemption of the fallen, and safety for the abused and wounded in Africa–all over the world–in our own back yard for that matter.  

It seems to me that most of the church ignores the devil.  How convenient for him.  The world talks about the devil but has no power over him.  The church has the power–those who know, I mean really know, who they are in Christ Jesus–to resist him, to wrestle against the powers of darkness together for the victory Jesus died to give us!  (James 4:7; Eph 6:10-19)

Thank God, His book, the Bible says, “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” and “The goodness of God brings men to repentance.”   So let’s apply the mercy of God to the fallen, and take up the sword of the Spirit against evil.  In and for the Name of Jesus!  (James 2:13; Rom 2:4)  Amen!!!  As one of our hero’s said, “Let’s roll!” 

WOW! The Shack Is All It Is Shacked Up To Be!

In January of this year I attended a Writer’s Conference, where I heard over and over that the book, The Shackis great.   It was given grandiose ackolades all the way from entertaining, well-written to awesomely inspiring. 

At the conference, my ‘poor pitiful’ side emerged and I did feel myself a tiny bit jealous of all those compliments.  However, I bought the book.  I put it on the bookshelf at home–oh well, I might read it some day–I was politically correct, I bought the book.  Until a week ago.  I heard about it from so many sources I was forced to read it, to find out what the fuss was all about–then couldn’t put it down.

I enjoyed the conference, learned a lot, spent a lot of time asking myself “why I didn’t do this and why I didn’t do that” in my own writing.  I have never thought myself a literary genius or even a good writer.  But, I do have a heart and passion to share the things of God with the whole world.  And, when I put my relationship, my knowledge and/or experiences with Him, or that of others in a book, I know it is good.  I am not looking for prizes or rewards, writing is its’ own reward!  I sincerely want to improve;  represent Him well; and write in a way that reaches the hearts of my readers to give them hope, help and faith.

I said all that to say this.  “That is exactly what The Shack does!”  It gives help, hope and faith in a way that I have never been able to do.  The story draws you into the story line in  such a way, that you are glued to the book and seduced to read each page–as you wipe away the tears, so that you can see to read the next page.

The Shack is a fiction book (I say ‘fiction’ but I have to snicker here because it contains more truth–in my opinion–than most non-fiction books covering the same subjects). 

I was cautioned ahead of time that the beginning of the book is sad, and I am grateful for that warning.  William Young reveals the details so well, you have to remind yourself it is a story, not to be caught up in the tragedy of it.  The gripping, tense part of the book, builds the foundation for the rest of the story.  Sissies like me might want to just ‘skim’ some of those details, and give full attention–repeated attention–to the rest of the book.

Someone said, “Everyone gets something different from The Shack.”  I am sure that is true.  For me, it confirmed what I already believe, with a new and fresh revelation of the character and nature of God.  I gave my copy to a friend, who came to visit,  before I finished the last two chapters.  Went out the next day, bought two more copies, raced home and finished the book! 

I am mailing the other copy to my son in Colorado.  If the funds were available I would buy one and send it to everyone I know.  Well, instead I am sending my wholehearted, enthusiastic endorsement and encouragement to everyone to purchase a copy, read it and feel the joy released in its’ pages.

For those who do not have access to a book store, you can go to www.theshackbook.com

All of life is wrapped up in what we believe about God.  What is our purpose and how can we possibly relate to the Creator of the Universe.  The Shackis a wonderful stepping stone to understanding God even in the face of the ultimate reality of His supremacy and majesty, sovereignty in all things! 

I see the Family of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit as having many facets like beautiful cut jewels.  They have so many glorious facets we can never count or see them all while playing in these earth suits.  The Shack covers only a couple of these precious facets, but extremely important ones. 

The book screams the question:  Is God good, real, personal and intimate with His created children?  Some find the answers unpalitable (according to some comments on the  Internet).  I am so grieved for those individuals and for God who has inspired so many to reveal His true character and nature, such as William Paul Young, author of The Shack

Jesus invites us to answer the door as He knocks to come in and sup with us.  (Rev 3:20) I am inviting all who want to dine on even more of His love and goodness, to read             The Shack!