Christmas, the miracle birth of Jesus Christ, is Supernatural.  Because Jesus was born and became our Saviour  (Luke 2:11)….we were allowed to become Saints because of Him (Romans 1:7) and we are Sanctified–‘set apart for Holy use.’  (2 Tim 2:21)

Think how humbly Jesus came into the world, and how He was revealed to the most humble of men–shepherds.  (Luke 2)  To humbly seek and to grasp, to understand, the Supernatural, the Spirit realm, we need to be ‘born again’ and use our imagination– both are wonderful gifts of God!  (John 3:5,6)

S could stand for Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and small s for the spirit within us… Supernatural all of this is….that the Holy Spirit works with our spirit that we may be used for Holy Use….not our works….but the Holy Spirit working within us.  (Gal 2:20)

Well all that because a Child was born, so many reasons to celebrate!  Take time during this Holiday Season to just take a few seconds to rejoice and celebrate in your heart!  Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your life!




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