Because of the up-roar-ousley interesting political dialog going on in America we hear a lot about unity.  That bears a variety of meanings depending on where you come from–your grid or mind-set.

A great example of this is in the Christian Church.  As people disagreed in the past centuries,  denominations sprung up and now we have several thousand.  Differences in doctrine create a new agenda and most of us follow a leader, admiringly, agreeing with what is taught.  Each church or group has their own agenda and if we conform to that form or plan we are accepted.

I laughingly like to say we have also developed a Ken and Barbie Doll stereo type of what a Christian Believer should be.  Instead of Scripture being a blueprint for self-preservation by renewing our mind with ‘sound wisdom’,  it can become a dogma we strive to live up to, attempting to become the Ken or Barbie  that is expected. 

I was complaining to the Lord one day about the divisions in the church, the disagreement, and how it upset me, because there are bigger fish to fry that issues on doctrine.  That sweet small voice I am privileged to hear responded, “You are complaining about the very freedom I died to give you!”   I quickly apologized, immediately getting the picture–with Jesus, Holy Spirit, God given free will we have the right to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.  


In other words, it matters not whether I believe in dunking or sprinkling for baptism, we can all agree baptism is very important.  It is the Spirit behind what we do, not what we do.  Especially when it is a ‘ritual’ born out of tradition.  Tradition is important to build on or learn from, but not to mindlessly conform.

We cannot be Ken and Barbieand still believe we are created uniquely different–because we are.  We must find the gifts and talents we have, the desires of our heart and most of all learn to know God in our spirit, experientially, not just a text book relationship. 

The God-kind of confidence we need in this world (not self-confidence) is found in personal relationship of talking and learning about Jesus, the Man, the Holy Spirit and how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father.  The agreement we have with His ways will bring great confidence into our hearts of who we are as His children, not out of conformity to be accepted, but out of desire to follow Him because we are accepted.

Do we allow our children to express their differences or demand they conform to our desires?  Do we encourage those around us to be all they can be in any given direction or condemn them for not being what we would like them to be or what we think they should be?  How do we pray?  That our loved ones conform to a Christian Standard, our Political Leaders do what we want? Or can our prayer and desires  for our loved ones, our neighbors and our leaders–church or government–be to carry out the (Will) desires of God, being all they can be for the good of family, church and country? 

Well, I certainly have a constant battle to get judgment out of my heart and mind (I am really good at it–judgment that is), to listen to the Holy Spirit and focus on His desires for us, not my desires for me, or the world.  It is a battle but one worth fighting and only won with the help of the Holy Spirit.

May our unity come from agreement on ethical, moral issues; not from peer pressure, or polarization of political rhetoric. Rather may we led from spirit informed wisdom that brings love (wanting the best for everyone) and life ( the essence and persistence that creates only good).  Unity of Spirit,  agreement not conformity can change the world!

P S If you were kind enough to read this Blog and wonder how one has an experience with God, how one can be led by the Holy Spirit–it is simply done by asking Jesus into your heart, asking Him to become real to you, and asking the Holy Spirit to dwell within your spirit and lead and teach you all things!  Greatest decision you will ever make!


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