Two top items on our news today, strike at the very heart of ethics and morals for America! I have heard that if a Pastor taught on certain sins a lot it was because that was his own struggle. How interesting that Eliot Spitzer (we are told) was dogmatically ruthless and tough on prostitution and yet alledgedly indulged himself in that ‘profession’.
The press is asking “Why” would someone like Eliot take a chance on losing everything, for something like that. There are a lot of answers, and here is mine. Somewhere in his life he came into agreement in his mind with prostitution, or possibly suffered some kind of sexual abuse, got a hold of some porn magazines, etc. An array of sexual improprieties will open the door to a spirit of lust.
We hesitate to talk about such evil agents as though they don’t exist and yet we cannot explain things like this miss-guided action that could de-rail a person’s life and cause pain to family and friends. Once an evil spirit has access to the mind of their victim, they wait patiently to temp and motivate action. And they may only work on one area. Does the person, such as Eliot think he is too powerful and clever to get caught? Of course, evil spirits tell their victims whatever they need to hear to take action and they seem to know what that is. Possibly give the person a picture of how pleasant it would be and tops it off with something like—how exciting it would be, especially as a Public servant, or in ministry.
C. S. Lewis wrote a great little book called the SCREWTAPE LETTERS that is an insight into a reality that most are not willing to face. Frank Peretti wrote several fiction books (THIS PRESENT DARKNESS and others) that well describe the work of the devil and his demons. Hollywood makes movies about such things, not quite so accurately, as I have written about in my own book ANGELS AND DEMONS, HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE. If that is the problem as I suggest, the person is a victim as well as the people injured by their actions. One great difference, people are held accountable by the world and by God for our free will decisions.
The devil made me do it is a reason not an excuse. And, how difficult it would be to try and legislate deliverance and restoration for offenders. So what is the answer? Better education in the church and the world about the results of sin and immoral decisions. We are too eager to condemn sin instead of giving reasons why God hates behavior that will harm us. More education on the devil, evil in the world, and the demons made from a positive offensive position–explaining there are better choices to be made and what those choices are.
The Catholic Church had a good idea in offering confession to someone sworn to secrecy. Anyone in a shameful awkward place should be able to confess to some one who can help. But not just a listener but a believing Jesus following person who is willing to help with resolution or take them to someone who can help.
Most of all the church needs responsibility to be the church. You know, a place where the wounded go, not just a hang-out for those of us who are not presently facing the same situation. But for the grace of God there go I. We don’t think we would do whatever they have done but we haven’t walked in his or her shoes. Deliverance should not be something to fear, but something to face with hope and desire for a better life. I am not speaking of the world because barring a miracle of God the person will reap what they sow, and pay for an act they have commited against society. I am speaking of being more concerned about their spiritual well-being than their physical position in life. What can we do? We can pray the same way I suggested in the last Blog:
- First forgive the person, (not the behavior) John 20:23
Second, ask God for the grace to cleanse me of all judgment of that person’s character and nature; since that is God’s business and not mine.
Third, ask the Holy Spirit to draw them into the Divine wisdom, mercy and grace that they need to become men and women of God in their position, what ever that may be.
Fourth, I ask God to bless them with attributes opposite of those in the offense.
Fifth, I ask the Holy Spirit to release the Spirit of Prophecy (of Jesus) in their presence.
Six, I bind the forces of darkness, deaf and dumb spirits, spirits of lust and greed not to interfere. I declare there will be no retaliation against me, my family, property or finances for these prayers.
Seven, I thank the Holy Spirit, Jesus and my Heavenly Father for all they have done and are doing! Then rejoice!
Of course there are times to sign petitions, to go to congress, to protest, to boycott; absolutely stand for the things of God. But, always with prayer beforehand, committing the way unto God and believing for His favor–without condemning individuals.
I have learned how easy it is to curse a person with my words, or condemn them with my opinions. Curses always boom-a-rang on those who make them, and condemnation creates anger, bitterness and hostility. And how am I doing with all of this? I’m a work in progress, and the more I share, the better I become.
Eliot Spitzer and family need our prayer. Our officials, those in authority–home, church, school, government–need our prayers of protection. And what about Planned Parenthood alledged fraud? More on that in Part Two!