We have just talked about the Sabbath, which is good, but what about Monday and the rest of the week.  I don’t know how many times I have heard Pastors say, “Don’t come to church and act one way and go out this week and act another way.” or “Don’t be a saint on Sunday and a sinner the rest of the week.”  Well, something to that effect.

Maybe we need to realize the church is ‘dressed up’ in holiness but we humans are just human in or out of church without Jesus.  If Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, touches our mind, heart and soul in church, is that not to encourage us so we can handle the rest of the week?

It may seem like we have a supernatural experience in church with our Heavenly Family of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, however Theyare with us alllll the time.  Rising up, laying down, going out, and coming in….all week, They are there.  Because we are not aware of their presence does not mean They have left.  “I will not leave or forsake you.” is in the Bible over and over, and that is a promise not a threat.

If we are tempted and act on a temptation on Tuesday or Wednesday do They leave and go ‘home’.   “Now you have done it, I am out of here.” like we might do?  No, They just wait patiently until we come back into the Grace of Their Presence; They sure don’t take part in our dumb activities. 

I said I go to special places to just ‘be’ with God in the previous blog.  I consider that ‘going out to dinner’ with Him.  However, I eat with Him all the time, at home.  Meaning I know the Lord is with me all the time.  But going ‘aside’ so to speak is special, and my time with Him is special,  just as it would be if I went to dinner with anyone,  just one on one.

Does that keep me from ‘sinning’ (which is anything contrary to the goodness of God) ?  I would like to say yes, but the truth is my flesh is pretty strong, the temptations to gossip, worry, have fear, and even to cheat are always there….you know, we live in a fallen world.

I am learning to grab my thoughts and change my attitude, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of God that is required to quench evil destructive thoughts.  What a difference that has made.  I know Jesus likes it and I can almost see Him smiling when I turn from something that would harm and cause me pain.

So I think our Sabbaths should be special–going to church to be with others who love the Lord, eating at a banquet with the Lord as Host.  For me it will never replace that special alone time I have with Him.  But for years that is where I learned to find the presence of the Lord within me, losing myself and world in praise and worship.  Now I go to church to get filled up with knowledge, more understanding and the joy of joining others who love Him too.  

And, He isn’t sitting in a pew waiting for me to return on Sunday, Wednesday or Friday.  The Lord is so much fun, he loves to listen as we talk.  He loves sports when we are involved.  He loves building or fixing things.  He loves banks, and construction, and media, and politics, and most of all children and our homes.  The Lord is the most multi-tasked orientated Person in the world ….or out of this world for that matter. 

Sabbaths are for the ‘joy of the Lord‘ for us, and the rest of the week Heis not our judge, jury and religious jailer,  quite the opposite.  The Lordis our coach, our mentor, our encourager, our partner in all we do to build the Kingdom of God on earth, and our Forgiver and Redeemer when we don’t.

When things get bad (and they do), when I am angry, frustrated or depressed.  I just need to look to Him (when I finally realize my need) to help me forgive or repent, to heal my wounds and set me back on tract. 

Then comes Monday and the rest of the week, and I can truly say, it is all good, I am not alone!

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