There are so many 'science fiction' movies out there, now, it is hard to keep up with them.  The special effects are awesome, and writing up that 'stuff'' is sure beyond my imagination.  Each one has a zillion people working to top it with next one.  Well, the kids love it and it pays salaries and keeps people off the street….ho ho…..just kidding… is an awesome industry… long as it does not blaspheme the true Creator of all Science without fiction.

To understand God there are a couple of keys we must have.  One, a decision to believe in the supernatural, to believe there is a God who created all things; two, a decision to believe the history of the Bible no matter how bazaar it seems. 

Whoops, there is one more key to comprehending the Truth….the very reason for celebrating Easter Sunday…..we must believe and accept the fact (YES, IT IS FACT), that Jesus died to give us forgiveness, reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, and was resurrected to give us abundant spiritual life.  It is very hard and maybe impossible to understand the true meaning of the Bible, Jesus and all it represents without accepting Jesus into our hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.

To enjoy the new 3-D movies we need special glasses.  To enjoy 'supernatural truth'  we need to accept Jesus as Lord, as Savior and receive Him!  Wow, 3-D glasses give you 3 or 4 hours of pleasure and the 'come as you are' party of Jesus is for eternity.

What a trip!!

I believe all LIFE. reflects God and His brilliant  creation.  I think Easter eggs,  chicks and bunnies represent the newest of life and spring coming forth.  I think Jesus would love Easter baskets and the joy children have at Easter…..He was resurrected to give abundant life.  Hopefully parents will bring Jesus into the picture as the Sheppard for the little sheep and explain Him more and more as children advance in age.  They understand the supernatural more than we do…..we learn to deny or question it with age and education….ugh! 

So we can decide by a decision of our free will to enjoy all that Jesus is, and was and will be; we can pray in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; we can love and forgive our fellowman; and truly enjoy His presence in all of Easter.

And, of course enjoy some of those great movies….even though they are second class to the supernatural realm of our Lord!


Pressing in and pressing on….

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