I used to be upset at the commercialism of Christmas until the Holy Spirit showed me it was HIS expanded plan. Not only is it a time to celebrate and revel in the joy of the birth of Jesus, but also a time to bring blessings into the world.

The spirit of giving is everywhere, missions and ministries are prospered. Businesses may go from loss to profit. Jobs are created to build, ship and sell product. Workers receive extra hours that benefit their households. And, opportunities are available to bless people and share the Gospel of Good News of our JESUS!

Is there abuse of all this….of course….the enemy never misses an opportunity to kill, rob and destroy. But greater is HE that is in US than he that is in the world. (John 10:10; I John 4:4)

Reading Smith Wigglesworth the other day, he said, “As the HOLY SPIRIT is in us, and HE carries the GLORY of GOD, we can release the GLORY of GOD to the world through our words.” WOW! That is a cool thought, and a little scary–I know for me I should watch my words all the time. So here is a covert plan to infiltrate the commercialism with the GLORY of GOD.

To bless means to: To hallow or consecrate; to invoke divine care for —used in the phrase bless you to wish good health; to praise, glorify ; to speak well of; approve; to confer prosperity or happiness upon; preserve, endow favor. (Means all those things and more, check your Webster’s Dictionary)

So when we bless the people who serve us at the grocery store, drug store, gas station, department store etc…..when we say “GOD bless you, thanks for being here.” or “Blessings to you and your family as Jesus is the reason for the season, and I appreciate all you do.” You know, make up your own blessing.

I have done this for many years and never had anyone refuse the blessing. Many times they give it back to me. This is the way we can spread the true Holiday Spirit, keeping Jesus in our heart and mind, and truly loving the ‘world’ as GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS SON. Blessing is small in comparison, but powerful in the supernatural! (John 3:16)

Blessings to all of you….Let’s roll….JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!

Pressing in and pressing on…..

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