Mothers Protect Women In The Future….

With speeches, programs and projects for change in the situation of women in the world I had some of my own thoughts that I feel would help

Most single mothers (and 47 of all families are single parents) are in a defense mode, a survival mode and they need desperately  to learn to change focus.  I have had personal experience, and known many other single mothers in my life.

I learned very late that I was not a victim and there was a lot I could do to help myself. The need is to be offensive, having confidence in themselves to achieve and do well in raising their families.  A great need is to teach both boys and girls to honor and respect the opposite sex and to instill in them a protective attitude for that perspective.   That must start when they are toddlers .  Too often history repeats and generations duplicate abuse and loss.

One suggestion in accomplishing this is teaching that we are children of God, and with Jesus in our lives we have a Heavenly Father who loves and values us and all we are.  This takes some time in knowing about Jesus and who we are in Him and the abundant life He wants us to have.  It is the thief that comes to ‘kill, rob and destroy’ by planting evil thoughts and fear, doubt and depression.

We must fight this and we need to share with these single parents as I did recently, “You are not a victim, you are a strong woman of God, with value, gifts and talents….God really loves you!”  She just beamed and had a new attitude to face her problems.  I reinforce that as often as I can.  I was surprised because I didn’t plan to do that…….must be the Holy Spirit!

Once that confidence is there the parent can instill different attitudes in their children, especially when they understand they can and need to do that….a secure future with honor and respect for each other.

Check our page list for prayer helps and lists of who we are in Christ.  We can all help others, so keep pressing in and pressing on…..

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