My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken me?

This is a statement out of the Book of Matthew in the Bible, about which must have been taught.  It was the ninth hour of Jesus’ crucifiction when He uttered the words above.  This is also the first line of Psalms 22 written  hundreds of years before by King David.

Was Jesus quoting that verse.  Many say he quoted the whole Psalm.  I would like to respectfully share my feelings about this verse out of Scripture.   From the moment in the garden that Jesus said “Thy will be done.” all the sins of world began to fall on Him.  All the things that men tried to do to Him before that came to naught because He was sinless.  My sins and yours and all those through history have received forgiveness if we choose to receive His gift–of His brutal beatings, the mockery he endured, the humiliation and abuse was all for mankind, as the heart of His Heavenly Father was broken, yet committed to John 3:16, that all the world would be saved.

I come out a very broken past, much sin, and I know what it is like to feel alone and to have no one.   To have guilt and shame and no understanding of how to rid my soul of it’s torment.  Oh, I was normal on the outside, but felt totally forsaken inside much of the time.  I learned late in my life that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus, with God, Himself and enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit at all times.  However, there are times when I feel forsaken when my lack of faith, or worry or agreement with the world that evil is more powerful than His ability to change it.  But, thank God those times are short and I again feel His presence, His love.

When we are full of the things of the world we feel forsaken, even though the Lord promises over and over He will never leave or forsake us.  Jesus knew that!  But, overwhelmed with the sin of the world Jesus felt forsaken.  And, why wouldn’t He?  He had to suffer all that we suffer, so that when Jesus said it was finished, it was finished!

Such good and wonderful news, He never does forsake us.  However, we need to remember we must accept Jesus into our hearts, that is the Divine Key to freedom and relationship with the Almighty.  When I feel forsaken, I ask myself do I need to change something in my life (repent); do I need to forgive someone; then just to praise and worship until the wall I have built in my mind is gone.

There is so much in the story of Jesus on this Easter weekend.  Like our Heavenly Father we would all like to see the world saved and enjoy His awesome presence.  There are times when illness and pain will block our awarness of Him, but we need to live out of our spirit with Him regardless of our physical condition.  Not alway easy, but always rewarding and encouraging.  May the Grace of His unmerited favor give all of us the ability to have His faith in any condition!

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