With the media so busy with politics, and my mind so full of the nominated candidates, I was surprised to receive the follow thoughts that I believe came from the Holy Spirit. A little off topic and yet is so clearly appropriate.
“The distortion of this country to the truth it represents and holds could destroy it. It is not great because of industry or commerce but because of the shed blood and the sacrifice of the people, who founded it. The blood shed to free the Indians from witch craft and superstition; the blood shed to free the slaves cries out to keep the freedom they died for. The gates were not opened to welcome all religions, to oppose the things of God, to worship anything they chose, but the freedom to worship Christ Jesus and God regardless of the circumstances. No matter who they are or where they come from, opportunity is available. This nation is a nation under God so that God is wworshipped.”
I began to think on this….Hundreds of Christians fled here for freedom of persecution. The Indians were lied to, and treated terribly–which is not God’s fault. His will would have been and is to bring them all to relationship with Jesus and the abundant life Jesus died to give all mankind. Slavery was abolished by the shed blood in the civil war, sometimes brother against brother. Yet, we still have prejudice and ugly politics between races. Is there some way that will be solved by taking God out of school, pledge of allegiance, court houses, Christmas plays and displays, and so on?
There are thousands more who have shed their blood for this country–in all the wars in which we have been involved. Those men and women were and are willing to lay down their lives for us, for the freedom we enjoy, and the freedom they believe others should have. I believe a poll of those serving would be interesting to find out if they (and their families) are not praying to the Christian God of American for protection and comfort.
I have thought for years Buddhists or a Muslims or whatever, should want Christians in office to keep the freedom they have to do as they please. We are so liberal with our freedom we could lose it. Their freedom should not come at the price of our Christian way of life. Because of our ancestors and the battles they fought for us, for God, He has made this Nation great with men and women with Biblical morals–blood, sweat, tears and prayer laid the foundation and is still the backbone of this country.
I am not as interested in who they were or what they said….but the independence they fought for to worship and establish ONE NATION UNDER GOD! It has been stamped, posted, sung about, on our stamps, our cars, our courts, our money…..what does it take to get the point across.
I have prayed for the Indians and apologized to them for what they have suffered, and I am part Indian. I have apologized to my black brothers and sisters for the terrible sins against them. My heart aches when I see news reports of the abuse. But, I had never thought of the other side. That the blood of our ancestors paid for our freedom–who is going to apologize to us? We don’t need apologies we need restoration to good morals, loving care for those who need it and appreciation for the true facts–life isn’t fair and boy do we need
I received a letter this week and on the back was stamped ONE NATION UNDER GOD. I was impressed and touched. We all need to do that and stand and demand that this country remain in the hands of God while we can, ONE NATION UNDER GOD.
Move it on…….
Then you have to loudly declare your heartfelt desire for love with full
sincerity. These love spells are one of the most powerful spells
that exist these days. Wear this special perfume everyday
so he may become familiar with your scent, just like a dog familiarizing the
scent of his master. Now obtain a handful of heartsease or Johnny jump ups and wrap them up in 1 white handkerchief.
This is very natural and many individuals go through it.
It is not just a spell cast out; it requires a strong and flirtatious