My mind tells me I am 50 and my body thinks it is 100, and I have to comprise and accept the truth….soon to be 75. Since I have been seeking and resting on my relationship with the Lord for so many years; and because of my love for my grandchildren they trust me not to judge them, and they look to me for insights to God.


So I won’t talk to them about economics, or money or budgets, but where do we stand with God in all of this chaos. Our natural inclination is to think of God as Santa Claus; willing and able to give us everything we want if we are good.


God is sovereign, meaning He can do anything. But in His sovereignty He has limited what He will and will not do. His ‘utility packages’ that run the Universe on a pre-set course are only changed when we pray in agreement with the desires of His Heart.


Just this once I want to talk about God as our friend. The Old Testament is full of stories of other people’s relationship with God, and two of my favorites are Abraham (a friend of God) and King David (a man after God’s heart). They are two good examples for us in this day of disappointment and loss.


Two men (and they could be women) with such great favor with God to be called His friend and a man after His heart, helps us to have some insight into our circumstances now. Both these men committed sins, which cost them while on this earth. Both men had great relationship with God but their lives were sprinkled not only with miracles but with wars, loss, anxiety, family betrayal, tests on their faith and trust in God, and disappointment. Yet, they always turned to God for solace and peace in their hearts. Their emotions went deep, but their spirit, their hearts were sold out to God.


Jesus says in John 15:14, 15 that His disciples (His followers) are His friends. To put this in perspective, our free will determines our destiny, and the free will of others will influence our decisions and our destiny. Depending on who is elected President will turn our Nation, and the world. We are each a small part–but an important part to ourselves, our family and friends and most of all to God.


As a Friend, God will give us favor (support) in the market place, with relationships, when we ask and depend on Him. As a Friend, there are many personal things God will do for us—spelled out in Scripture—give us peace, joy, victory over enemies, etc.


At this time it is more important to know as a Friend, what God will not do. He will not violate free will to give us our way. He will not answer prayer that violates His rules and commandments. The whole Kingdom of God, on earth within our hearts is based on faith, and faith filled prayer—that will move mountains.


Relationship with Jesus should not be built on what He can do for us, any more than we would make friends with someone just for what they could do for us. The ironic part of this is that Jesus wants us dependent upon Him and even goes so far as to say, “You can do nothing without Me.” Loving Him comes first, dependence then is easier.


The most important thing now or at any time is to have that friendship, that relationship, that dependence upon God so that we have a place to go, a place to turn, when we cannot control the circumstances. He is our friend, our eternal love, our first and last resort to all things, even when we don’t like or understand the circumstances.


We need Him as our friend when we are having fun, when things are going well, when we are enjoying sports, entertainment or whatever. God enjoys fun, He made us didn’t He? Jesus is the one who said, “I came to give life, and life abundantly.” Faith in God has made this country the most abundant in the world. Evil, greed and sin (things contrary to the goodness of God) are changing all of that.


While fighting a depilating disease, with pain and discomfort I learned a wonderful truth:

I could have peace and joy in my spirit when my body was ‘screaming’. Even though I felt abandon I was not. The Holy Spirit did not come and go as I felt good or bad, just my own emotions and physical being struggled.


I encourage all to fight, stand, and vote for what they believe. Pray—talk to God—pray, pray, pray!!! Most of all continue to build your relationship, your friendship with Jesus…the Holy Spirit….and our Heavenly Father. That is the only thing in this economy, in this world that is constant. He can give us peace in the middle of chaos, and courage in the middle of disaster. Life may be disappointing, but our spiritual life can always be victorious.



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