by Carol Purcell | Jun 3, 2013 | Family/Marriage, Jesus Talk, Personal
With speeches, programs and projects for change in the situation of women in the world I had some of my own thoughts that I feel would help
Most single mothers (and 47 of all families are single parents) are in a defense mode, a survival mode and they need desperately to learn to change focus. I have had personal experience, and known many other single mothers in my life.
I learned very late that I was not a victim and there was a lot I could do to help myself. The need is to be offensive, having confidence in themselves to achieve and do well in raising their families. A great need is to teach both boys and girls to honor and respect the opposite sex and to instill in them a protective attitude for that perspective. That must start when they are toddlers . Too often history repeats and generations duplicate abuse and loss.
One suggestion in accomplishing this is teaching that we are children of God, and with Jesus in our lives we have a Heavenly Father who loves and values us and all we are. This takes some time in knowing about Jesus and who we are in Him and the abundant life He wants us to have. It is the thief that comes to ‘kill, rob and destroy’ by planting evil thoughts and fear, doubt and depression.
We must fight this and we need to share with these single parents as I did recently, “You are not a victim, you are a strong woman of God, with value, gifts and talents….God really loves you!” She just beamed and had a new attitude to face her problems. I reinforce that as often as I can. I was surprised because I didn’t plan to do that…….must be the Holy Spirit!
Once that confidence is there the parent can instill different attitudes in their children, especially when they understand they can and need to do that….a secure future with honor and respect for each other.
Check our page list for prayer helps and lists of who we are in Christ. We can all help others, so keep pressing in and pressing on…..
by admin | Nov 27, 2012 | Family/Marriage, Jesus Talk, Prayer Requests
I used to be upset at the commercialism of Christmas until the Holy Spirit showed me it was HIS expanded plan. Not only is it a time to celebrate and revel in the joy of the birth of Jesus, but also a time to bring blessings into the world.
The spirit of giving is everywhere, missions and ministries are prospered. Businesses may go from loss to profit. Jobs are created to build, ship and sell product. Workers receive extra hours that benefit their households. And, opportunities are available to bless people and share the Gospel of Good News of our JESUS!
Is there abuse of all this….of course….the enemy never misses an opportunity to kill, rob and destroy. But greater is HE that is in US than he that is in the world. (John 10:10; I John 4:4)
Reading Smith Wigglesworth the other day, he said, “As the HOLY SPIRIT is in us, and HE carries the GLORY of GOD, we can release the GLORY of GOD to the world through our words.” WOW! That is a cool thought, and a little scary–I know for me I should watch my words all the time. So here is a covert plan to infiltrate the commercialism with the GLORY of GOD.
To bless means to: To hallow or consecrate; to invoke divine care for —used in the phrase bless you to wish good health; to praise, glorify ; to speak well of; approve; to confer prosperity or happiness upon; preserve, endow favor. (Means all those things and more, check your Webster’s Dictionary)
So when we bless the people who serve us at the grocery store, drug store, gas station, department store etc…..when we say “GOD bless you, thanks for being here.” or “Blessings to you and your family as Jesus is the reason for the season, and I appreciate all you do.” You know, make up your own blessing.
I have done this for many years and never had anyone refuse the blessing. Many times they give it back to me. This is the way we can spread the true Holiday Spirit, keeping Jesus in our heart and mind, and truly loving the ‘world’ as GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS SON. Blessing is small in comparison, but powerful in the supernatural! (John 3:16)
Blessings to all of you….Let’s roll….JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
Pressing in and pressing on…..
by admin | Nov 17, 2012 | Family/Marriage, Kingdom Comments, Personal, Relationship Not Religion!, Spiritual Warfare, etc.
The Holidays are intended to be a time of JOY, full of the GRACE and LOVE of GOD.
It should be a Divine Spiritual Feast of all those things! Then what is this famine I am referring to? Just a plan of the enemy to bring heartache and havioc. Already I see problems in families begin to arise, as the enemy of mankind, the devil, begins to send out spirits of deceit, dissention, contention, criticism and hopelessness–that he might kill, rob and destroy any plans for the GOODNESS of GOD to work in our hearts.
Tis a special season of recognizing and thanking JESUS for the Abundant Life, HE died to give us. Being aware of the devil’s evil tactics to tempt us into ‘self-pity,’ and judgment of others, gives us the advantage. (John 10:10)
I Peter 5:8 warns us to Be sober, be vigilant; because our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour….Whom we must resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in our brethren that are in the world.
My take on that, is, that Peter is telling us we are not alone in the fight. Peter is not telling us to look for ‘demons behind every bush’ but not to be unaware of the possibility of a problem and to know in advance that as we submit to God, and resist the devil he must flee….(James 4:7)
And, that to me, means to be prepared, to repent quickly for our own unkind words or thoughts, to forgive quickly others in any offense or out right act of meaness, and pray blessings everywhere we go. That might mean we will have to give up our right to be right to show the meekness and love of God.
I love the Scriptures in Matthew 16 and 18 on binding and loosing….once done on our part is done in heaven. So that we can bind, rebuke, or say ‘no’ to the evil spirits in advance, in any area, and trust the Lord for the rest.
For instance I might pray that a gathering of my family would be blessed, that we would have favor with each other, and then bind the spirits of gossip, dissention, division and unkindness to be bound, and pray Angels will do spiritual warfare on our behalf. All in the Name of Jesus and for the Glory of God, in praise and thanksgiving.
I’m sure not recommending you stand up in the middle of THanksgiving Dinner and the rebuke the spirit of gluttonny…..ho ho, not at all. Thanking and blessing God with our praise paves the way to happiness and the joy of the Lord. Then being confident in who we are as children of God just be firm in our resolve to bring the love of God where ever we go, and stand fast against the enemy and any self-pity on our part, no matter what!
Those who do not have family are truly vulnerable at this time. I hope they too will be aware, and find friends to spend time with and share Jesus as well!
May our precious Lord bless each and every one with SHALOM peace, the Godly wisdom we need, and an over abundance of love to enjoy, share and give away!
by admin | Oct 20, 2012 | Personal
The upcoming election in the United States carries many issues to the public–one most urgent, is the question of Abortion.
Rape means an act of physical force….usually sexual. When women chose an Abortion they have just given permission to someone to physically rape her female organs. Abortion is not like removing a hang-nail, or removing a diseased gall bladder. Pregnancy is not a disease. It is a normal phenomena of nature, and is attached to women’s female organs. It is an attack against the body in a violent way, changing her physically and possibly hormonally.
Any violation to the human body is recorded in the brain, affects the soul—mind, will and emotions….similar to sexual rape—even though the victim has agreed to the Abortion. It is a lot more than a face lift.
• Forget religion, or moral reasons…… (even though I can’t)
• What about the women that have died in abortion? (144,000 through out the world-2011)
• What about those who lose their ability to have children? (Lots, like the 17 year old whose mother took her for an Abortion—with her permission. Later in life and marriage she was desperate for children, and finally was able to adopt, but regretted her earlier decision, and so did her mother. How many are there we never hear about?)
• What about those who are born out of a ‘rape’ and are so grateful their mothers did not use Abortion?
• What about the Aborted baby that might have cured cancer, or been another
Hillary Clinton?
Why aren’t women’s advocates protecting women with real choice?
• Choice not to have sex.
• Choice to have protected sex.
• Choice to take the pill.
• Choice to have an unwanted baby–for adoption–for the hundreds
Who are desperate for ‘babies.’
• The Choice to make good sound decisions for the rest of their
Life rather than what feels good or is convenient.
I don’t believe Abortion should be legal or illegal, but taught as a moral issue in home, church or school. Those who want one should pay for it, not taxpayers.
I know you can bring up those forced in sex slave—a whole different Issue….However, on the that documentary one of ‘raped girls’ (sex-slave) was very upset because they had forced her into abortion. Interesting that life is not considered that valuable in our country but to a far eastern sex slave victim, it is.
You may have heard all of this before….if you have I would be very surprised because most people are so protective of women and the under-dog, and unborn unwanted children are sure the ‘under-dog’. We need more education, mercy, and wisdom to change these things that affect the world.
Pressing in and pression on…..
by admin | Sep 20, 2012 | Jesus Talk, Personal, Uncategorized
The news release about a piece of parchment with writing that suggests Jesus was married has made national news. The woman who releaded the news says it certainly is not confirming that, rather something to consider.
So, I considered this…..we the church are called the Bride of Christ….wife or bride….is it a question of semantics or language interpretation? Then the papyrus read “She will be my disciple….” Yes, the Church, the Body of Christ, will be always be Jesus disciple.
And Jesus said He was God….and God as a man married a woman? Did He have children and no one talked about either through all those early years?
Doesn’t seem worthy of consideration to me, but maybe we can be thankful Jesus made the news, and that the Holy Spirit will use it to stimulate interest to His advantage and more people will receive Jesus into their lives. We can be thankful and expect the best!
Pressing in and pressing on….