Reverse the curse; It is Christmas!

Well the atheists are having a ‘hey day’ with banners, billboards and such!  All about how there is ‘no God’!   WOW those people have a lot of faith.  I don’t have enough faith not to believe in God and especially one who is real, alive, talks to me and gave His life for me.  Not believing is like ‘declaring despair and hopeless on humanity.’

We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We are celebrating the birth of eternal life for mankind.  We are celebrating because Jesus came and reversed the curse for all time, and offers opportunity to everyone who will accept Him in their heart….light, life and joy eternal.

Maybe He wasn’t born on December 25th….oh, well….let’s not get stuck in the letter of the law so to speak, but celebrate and rejoice that He was born, period! 

We can reverse the curses in our life with faith, prayer and declaring His Kingship over the world and our problems.  We can rejoice because we have salvation with Him forever and ever,  regardless of our physical situation now!  How cool is that!

We know we will see loved ones that are gone now, but waiting for us in eternity.  We know that the Holy Spirit can and will bring us comfort and relief.  We know there are Angels ready to work in our behalf in the spirit realm following our faith and declarations of trust in our Heavenly Loving Eternal Father, the Son Jesus who came to show us the heart of the Father, and the Holy Spirit, always hovering over believers to orchestrate  the answer to prayer.

So we can forgive (with assurance that it does change things and people) those who offend or hurt us at Christmas.  We can forgive in advance when we are going to spend time with family or friends who ‘march to a different drummer’; we can bless them and know the Holy Spirit will work in our behalf.  We can declare our love Jesus and bless ourselves with all the goodness of God because it is ours!

And ‘hey’ let’s go all out and declare loud and clear that we are children of an Awesome Wonderful God; we are special and we love Him and who we are as part of all He is and the Kingdom of God on earth!  

That’s it, reverse the curses in and around you with declarations of the opposite.  We can reverse the curse because Jesus became a curse for us!  No matter how ‘evil’ things look to some we can declare life, light and truth because of the birth, life and death of Jesus!

Rejoicing in Him, singing “Oh, come let us adore Him, Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”  will bring happiness and hope to all who receive!  Reverse the curse, because you can!

 Pressing in and pressing on….

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