God does work in mysterious ways!  It is just like Him to use a situation that seemed to be 'social' and comfortable to teach me about one of the greatest deceptions of our day.  We have so much to pray about…..personal needs, our economy, earthquakes and war…..that it so easy to be distracted and enticed into the beautiful side of evil.

I ask several friends about their view or how would they explain 'original sin'?  You know, the begriming of our history!  The act that caused mankind to have a 'fallen nature' and brought evil into the world.  The consensus was disobedience to God's rules and separation from God.  I would like to share my heart on this because as I thought and prayed about it I was so convicted about the danger of deception that people face today.

Disobedience was and is the act, the energy (the world uses that term now) that led to the sin.  Sin was and is to be independent, from God,  to do it our way.  We have books, DVDs, TV shows, by the thousands about the merits of thinking positive, the law of attraction (what you think will bring what you want), the fulfillment of 'opening our hearts to all things'….i.e. doing it our way.  And, of course Frank Sinatra made the song I DID IT MY WAY, very popular, years ago.

All those things sound good…..speaking, acting positive does feel good.  Because the brain functions better as there is a great deal of truth in those teachings.  There is always good mixed with evil or we wouldn't be tempted or enticed.   It is not the 'use' but the 'abuse' of truth we need to be aware of. 

In working with a talented, gifted person, recently  I became aware of this person's views on reincarnation, higher power, inner presence of self, spiritual  enlighenment.  I wasn't concerned about that, as I work and play with people who have different views than mine all the time.  We are to be 'in the world' not of the world.'  Right!  Associating with people, accepting them the way they are, not the way we want them, is one of the hardest things to do, but necessary to influence the world for Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

However, because of this one friend I was convicted (by the Holy Spirit) of where all that 'free thinking' was leading.  WOW!  My mind was spinning as my friend talked.  It is not just 'off the mark'…..this form of 'New Age' philosophy leads to the greatest of all sins, dependancy upon self–original sin–separation from God.  That man can make his own destiny or 'karma' without God.  Or they might say 'each person's spiritual  presence in the Universe' will bring a new earth. 

They quote teachings of Jesus–and all the other religious leaders–but deny who Jesus really is.  Shirley McClain was on the Oprah show this last week and it was 'chilling' to me to hear these two successful, talented women shares these views with millions of viewers.   Practicing what I preach, I forgive their sins, (John 20:23), ask the Holy Spirit to draw them, command the veil be lifted off their mind that they can receive the Truth of God, (Luke 23:L45) and release the prophecy of Jesus in their lives. (Rev 19:10)  But, the damage they have done grieves me so much…..I can only imagine how it hurts the heart of God…..as the audience claps and cheers in agreement. 

God is much too personal to be called the "Universe."   The universe is His realm, under His domain, but hardly His name.    We can be confused about social issues, about doctrines, about laws but we never want to reject relationship and dependency upon God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  This is really hard for the world to see because they use their head, their intellect, science, etc. for 'enlightenment' and direction, not their heart.  Not to mention the devil and his demons and their influence.  Have you noticed when people don't believe in Jesus, they don't believe  in the devil either.  Whoops, need to read the whole Bible.

The only way to God is through the heart, not the head.  Accepting the invitation to Jesus, from the Holy Spirit, happens through the heart. Some know the Bible, study, read from cover to cover and do not 'know' Jesus because it is all academic, intellect and knowledge, not love, life and spirit.  Once we accept Jesus as Lord of our life (and that is offensive to some, that anyone be 'Lord' over them) we will have unbelievable blessings here and eternal life when this time is over.  The trade off is awesome.  To give up our short, maybe even exciting and successful (world standards) life for relationship with the Creator of the Universe is a no brainer, moving out of a heart action.

So we need to remember who we are in the Kingdom of God here on earth.  That we live, move and have our being in Jesus. (Acts 17:28)  I live by the faith of the Son of God who love me and gave Himself for me.  (Gal 2:20)   Without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)  Those are just a few verses that remind us we are spiritually connected to our Jesus.  It is not our power, our energy, our presence, our enlightenment, not me, mine, or my way….I think God says, "It's My way or the Highway!"  That is fair–He created us–relationship with Him is available to everyone!   More tomorrow on the Truth–and the beautiful side of evil, that slips into, even the church.

Pressing in and pressing on….

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