We find that Paul tells us in I Corinthians 11 to follow the words of Jesus at the last supper in communion–eating the bread representing His Body and drinking the wine representing His Blood.
I personally love to take communion and I know some teach about taking it unworthily and I agree we need to know what and why we are doing this physical act that connects us to the Supernatural Kingdom of God! So I think it is a good idea to ‘judge’ ourselves (verse 31) as 1 John 1:7 tells us the blood is continually (right now, today) cleansing us from all sin–study of the Greek in that verse tells us it is ongoing–What a thrilling thought–No end to that blessing. Do we have to confess our sins? Why wouldn’t we want to? Just between us and the Holy Spirit….how cool is that!
But the ‘unworthily’ part I believe is more about knowing, recognizing and thanking Jesus for the price He paid with His Body and Blood. “Life is in the Blood” Leviticus 17:11 tells us….however, I just couldn’t understand why Jesus body had to be broken, especially since I knew He had no broken bones? (John 19:36) So as I do all the time I ask the Lord to help me.
Reading a small book on communion the other day, the Holy Spirit interrupted me with “the body carries the authority on the earth” and I put the book down and smiled and thanked Him for such a great word of understanding–the body carries the authority on earth and the blood carries the Life–I began to mediate on that and so much fell into place–here is what it opened to me:
God breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve that was carried in their blood. (Genesis 1-3)
God gave them authority and dominion in the garden manifesting in their body.
Adam and Eve with their disobedience came into agreement with the Angel Lucifer–Satan. (Genesis 1-3)
We have authority in our bodies today….we control all around us with what we think and do.
The Body of Jesus was broken to crush the authority of man’s fallen nature, and that authority has been given again to man in His resurrected Body of the New Covenant!
Being a part of Christ Jesus–born again believers–we take communion of His broken body in remembrance of Him to heal the broken authority of our physical bodies, and the Blood (wine) that covers, redeems, delivers, protects and heals to confirm our New Covenant. Praise The Lord! (Exodus 12:13; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Hebrews 9:22; Rom 3:25)
Lord, lead us from Glory to Glory in all that You have paid for and provided! Amen! and Amen! (2 Cor 3:18)
Pressing in and pressing on…..
Hi Carol,
I was interested to hear the audio you sent re Trump and the election but it does not have sound. Is there a transcript? I don’t know which way you are leaning but I think many people are put off by Trump’s passionate outbursts and lack of political correctness. Hillary, however, is a clever liar and criminal who sanctions abortions at 35 weeks and defended the rapist of a 12 year-old girl. She just knows how to smile and keep lying. I hope you are not endorsing her.