Voting The Heart Of God….

It is almost time to vote, in fact some people have already sent their ballot in.  However, I received two emails that truly stuck out in my mind this week. 

How do we know the heart of God?  I think we listen to Jesus!  And, voting for ‘life’ as much as possible.  I don’t mean economics, or health insurance, or taxes–as truly important as they are.  Here is something to think about, as I sure did….

One email was from a woman who survived the Holocaust of Hitler.  It was quite long as she described the campaign he waged to get into office.  I don’t think many of our young people know that he was quite popular when he took over in Germany.  He seemed to polarize the country with his charisma and passionate speeches.  They thought he was their savior, as the country was in great need, and he seemed to be the answer.

One of the first things he did (she recounted) was to abort babies they (German Government under Hitler) and dispose of the unwanted–one way or another. 

Her point was to check the moral fiber of a candidate.  I have felt strongly that morality comes from God–from the heart of God.  Preserving life is one of his main concerns.

The second email that impacted me was from a woman in Orissa, a state in India.  A Hindu priest was killed and they blamed the Christians, and horror began.  Hundreds of churchs burned, dozens of Christian tribals have been slaughtered, just for being Christian.  A computer technician and a Priest were locked up and burned to death in the building.  And, there is so much more….

Should we consider taxes, politics, or economics….or maybe life….and history.  I have said, that if I were an atheist, a Hindu, a Muslim or whatever, I would want Christians in office because they are the most tolerant of worshiping other faiths. 

Who has voted ‘life’ and who has not?  Charming is just not the right answer to God’s heart.  I don’t believe He is against ‘charming’ but as I commented on another blog, the blood of the Saints cry out for this nation to remain one Nation Under God!

We need to pray against the spiritual forces behind propositions and views of the candidates.  We need to forgive and bless those we disagree with, and pray the Holy Spirit draws them to a place of knowing God and the reason Jesus died for us.  Did Jesus not say “The thief comes to kill, rob and destroy”?  More importantly did Jesus not say, “But I came to bring life, and life more abundant.”?   

We must be careful how we vote.  Behind the promises of bigger and better things may be a loss of life and loss of freedom!   

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