That came from a speaker at something I attended recently.  What does that mean?  Well, I had to think about it for awhile.  We tend to think ‘worship’ is singing, adoration or devotion to God.  Looking a little deeper, what we think and meditate on, especially in fear can become a form of worship. 

We hear all kinds of things like:

  • What you fear will find you….
  • Everything I feared came upon me….
  • When we fear the problem becomes bigger and the solution less possible, or
  • The more we fear the greater the situation becomes and the smaller God seems.

That becomes rather ‘scary’.  Instead we need to think the beginning of wisdom is a fear (or reverence and devotion) of God.  I ask the Holy Spirit all the time, “What do you think about this?”  I rarely get an immediate answer but my point is, I want Him to know I want His version (or wisdom) on my situation.

I like to think about what I know about God and what His Word says…..I need to make a decision of my will, to have faith not fear because His Word does say, “What is not of faith, is sin.”  And the reward of sin, any sin, is not good.

In thinking about this after listening to world and local news….the Holy Spirit did answer me with some Godly wisdom, “Repent of accepting the spirit of recession.  And break the assignment of recession upon you, your family and your business.”  

WOW!  I got so excited, who would have ‘thunk’ there is a ‘spirit of recession’?  Well, not me without help from the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things.  So I share this so everyone will not accept the invitation of the world to go into depression about a recession.  But will pray,  rebuking that spirit to rid ourselves individually of the fear that comes with ‘bad news’.

Bad things happen to good people because there is a devil and his demons who come to kill , rob and destroy; there is evil in the world; and men and women have free will to use for or against each other.  But, ultimately we have refuse and comfort in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit was not relieving me of the necessity of prayer, quite the opposite.  Prayer is heard in the supernatural realm and directs either Angels or demons.  Overing coming evil with good is overcoming fear with faith.  Agreement with God sends Angels on assignment–negative thinking and fear equips the demons on assignment.  Which team will we be on?

I talk like this is a ‘piece of cake’ for me.  No, quite the opposite, I am really good at seeing all the bad and evil things for myself and others…so if have to think quite often….”Better pray, better seize the moment….if not, why not…..what is the alternative?”   Then it is easy to choose the right team!    

‘Deluged with bad news, but not forsaken….it is faith not fear that moves mountains!’


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