Why We Do What We Do…..

Well, there’s a provocative question…..if you thought I was going to answer or give some great insight, forgive me, I am not going to do that.  Rather it is just a question we should all ask our selves on a regular basis.

When we just flow with life, we may look back and say something profound like, “Why in the sam-hillhave I been doing that?”  Taking inventory occasionally is helpful!

I definitely want to share why I do what I am doing.  I was 47 years old before someone, my middle son, Patrick, told me I could have a personal relationship with Jesus, with the Creator of the Universe–God.  And, some wonderful ladies prayed over me and told me to take a paper and pen when I prayed, as God would talk to me and I should write down what He said so that I wouldn’t forget or change what He (the Holy Spirit) shared with me.  Well, I did, He did and He still does!

How blessed I was not to question what they told me–had no doubt about it and what a great and awesome adventure it has been.  As many know I am now 75 and though the years have questioned and sought God on every issue that I could think of and how to understand what is taught in the Bible.

I think I would like more social life but my priorities are in Ministry of Blessed Abundance.  I am a widow and I think I would like to marry again (I had a great marriage and hate living alone) but that would require someone who shares the desire to share ‘all about Jesus’ on a regular basis.

I know, if I spent the time to develop more relationships, etc. I could have both of the things I have mentioned.  And, I may do so….

In the meantime, I have one desire…..to share what the Lord has given me over the last 23 years both good (personal knowledge of Jesus, miracles, prayers answered, questions resolved) and bad (failures, disappointments, lack of progress, dealing with some depression, and death of loved ones). 

I have worked hard at seeking God–not because I had to—but because I wanted and still want to do so.  How awful it would be for me to go to my grave without sharing the beauty, love and joy of the Lord I have received, in a way, that may spare others much of the grief.

Things and money are pretty important in this world, and I could have had more of both, had I made different decisions.  Even though I live quite simply, I lack for nothing of comfort and feel I am one of the richest women on the planet!

Do I think everyone should choose this path?  No….in fact, quite the opposite!  I think many are ‘called’ (motivated) to go into ministry, find the answers and share the ‘good news’ of Jesus, so the rest of the world can benefit and go in their field of endeavor to build a better world…..raise Godly children, set an example in the market place, and bless the entertainment  and sports field with appropriate competition, and boy, above all….get Holy Spirit filled men and women into government and media.

So, now you know why I do what I do…..how about you…..have a chat with yourself and be sure you are doing what you do for reasons that will bless you and others in the world!  We can all be a champion at home, a sterling example in the work place, and be one of the richest people on the planet.   Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are always here to help us do it all!

Pressing in and pressing on….

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