In this day and age we wonder who is free and who isn't….so many ways to look at life.  I realized recently that I had become toooooo intense and overwhelmed with life, and it's many problems, world-wide.  I was in 'bondage' to fear and doubt.

In other words I was 'busted' (as the kids say) by the Holy Spirit to receive  joyfully with gratitude of heart for the abundance of all things. (Deut 28:47) Because, otherwise,   it goes on to say all kinds of bad things will happen.  Then in Romans 8:28 Paul tells us God will  work all things together for good for those who love the Lord. Paul is not saying all things are good but that God can work in them.

What I realized when I talk to God, and I do all the time, it should not be with a heavy heart but with an attitude of His Majesty and Glory and that no matter how it looks I can depend on Him to work in it.  "Life" is a choice,  always….very little is automatic with the promises of Jesus and the Bible….much depends on what we say and how we choose to believe.  I think 'faith' is the supernatural substance of what we choose to believe.  (Heb 11:1)

Is it possible to be 'positive' all the time? Sure isn't easy for me.  If my body is in pain, there is a lot to overcome.  If I am dealing with violence or death, I sure depend on the sermon on the mount where Jesus says, "Blessed are those who mourn because they will be comforted." (Matt 5)   But, I realized I just have to find and make time to smile, to laugh, to thank God, to enjoy my dog, my family, my neighbors, or whatever I can, or my mind will be clouded and used by the devil and his demons to pull me into more unbelief. 

We, in America,  are celebrating the 4th of July….freedom for this country won many years ago. We are grateful and trying to hang on to that freedom as it seems at times to be disappearing.

 Nelson Mandela (who certainly understands freedom) said, "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of ofthers."  Living with a heart for God and a love for others will certainly fulfil that.

 Jesus said "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  (John 8:32)  The word 'know' means to 'experiencially know' and truth is the truth of God (John 17:17).  So no matter where we live in the world,  truth of God, Jesus, of the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit will set us free in our heart, no matter what the circumstances.     So today we can choose to believe…..and faith will come and we can have 'spiritual freedom' and decide to freely:


Happy Holiday where ever you are!

Pressing in and pressing on….

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