How We Represent Jesus!

My thoughts this morning drifted back to conversation I had with a friend.  He said it would be a sin to lie, teasing me about my denial of being ‘religious.’  I quickly defended myself (graciously I hope), “No, it is not religion, but relationship.”

I realize how adamant I am in wanting to present Jesus as I would any other person in my life.   Jesus is so real to me, it is offensive to me, to present Him as a theory of faith, or a philosophy of belief–some abstract idea in the supernatural.

No, Jesus Christ, in His ‘position’ in the Universe is my Lord.  But Jesus Christ in my life is my friend, His Holy Spirit is my partner in my life, my confident, that special person that is with me 24/7.  Even when I forget that He is there.

My concern is, as I remember the conversation, how do I present Jesus to others?  I never want to come across as superior; ‘I am always right,’  ‘I know more than you do,’ ‘If you only had what I have you would be OK.’   God forbid, and God help me….to present Jesus as the eternal gift to all of us in relationship and love.  That I am not special I am loved, and want to love others, because of who He is to me.  Not that I can be personal with everyone, but the God kind of love that wants the best for everyone.

It is hard for many to love God if they think of Him as the ‘Big Judge’ in the sky.  If they think of Jesus as this great prophet who walked the earth teaching good things and then left us.  If people have suffered the loss of  loved ones, and cried out to God and He didn’t seem to be there it is really tough to believe, trust and think Father, Son and Holy Spirit all love us and want the best for us at all times.

It is almost humorous to think that we need to know about the devil, demons and the evil in the world before we can understand God.  It is like not appreciating light until we are in total darkness.  Like not valuing steak if we have always had beans.  Like not receiving love if we have never felt love.  The first two were ‘funky’ analogies but you get the picture.  When we realize the devil and demons on assignment are out to kill, rob and destroy, we begin to understand how much we need personal relationship with Jesus.

 And, the truth is, we don’t know Jesus as the love of our life until we invite Him into our heart, study His story, spend time to get to know Him like we would any other person.

I ask the Holy Spirit now, to help me reflect some of the Jesus in me that others would want that as well.  I thank Jesus that He not only paid my debt of disobedience, but was resurrected to change my life while I am here.  He is so cool!  I hope you know Him like I do!  And that we all can re-present Him well! 

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