Oprah And Eckhart Tolle; “A New Earth” ???

Well, I don’t know if it’s a new earth, but it certainly is the oldest debate on the planet!  Oprah and Eckhart are teaching from his book, A New Earth.

I have been a fan of Oprah for many years.  Even though I do not have time to watch the show consistently, I admire what she has achieved and all the good she does all over the world. 

Now, because of her book club and her overwhelming agreement with the powers of agreement and attraction, she and Eckhart are leading millions (so her website claims) not only to a new life but to the most destructive thought process known to man–self-righteousness–creating the God within!

In the Garden of Eden the question was and is today, “Will you be like God or will you follow God?” 

Many have thought for ions that in the beginning there was a man, woman, snake and apple in the Garden of Eden.  That is not the way it is written in the Bible nor intended to be understood.  

Much of the Bible is a mystery and the story in Genesis is  symbolic of the first two people having their lives totally involved with and dependent upon the God who created them.  A beautiful spirit being came into their ‘paradise’ and told them they could be like their God, “just follow me–through the knowledge of good and evil”.  And they bought the story.

The Bible is a book containing stories of the relationship of people and nations with their God.  God inspired the book, and sent Jesus to give an accurate picture of who God is and make reconciliation for the world.  Jesus is very real on every page of the Gospels.  Because we do not physically see Him now we must imagine Him from what we read.

The Spirit of God accompanies the Book and is available for those who truly want not only to know about God but to experience Him personally.  Christianity is growing like wild-fire all over the world, except in America.  New Christians world over are filled with Spirit and feel the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give.

In America because of the American Dream for success and prosperity we are very vulnerable to snake oil salesmen offering the same old story in a new box or should I say ‘book’.

In one segment that I viewed of their webinar Oprah asks Eckhart about death and he answers that it isn’t important, just to focus on life now.  Eternal life is forever and this life is so short….better look at eternity.  Experts tell us that death is the number one fear with people the world over.  Jesus takes that fear away and gives assurance for just stepping from one place to another.

Space prohibits a complete explanation of the purpose of God’s creation,  and how wonderful the experience of the Holy Spirit can be!  However, my newest book, The Other Side of The Secret, is a great explanation in short form of Who God is and how terribly fair and wonderful His plan for mankind is. For more information click on the button at the top of the Blog “free book”! 

In any event I pray the truth of the one and only God of all creation will be revealed to Oprah, Eckhart and all who seek eternal relationship.  When Jesus said from the cross, “They know not what they do,” is  the most accurate appraisal of mankind in all of history! 

I am humbly grateful for my personal relationship with a very personal God, and all authority and power comes through the Holy Spirit resident in my heart!  I pray all the world will want and chose the same!  Jesus plus nothing!

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