Religious And Aethists Rejoice!

This, the day we celebrate a new President, who speaks of common humanity, everyone regardless of religion or none at all can have peace.  No matter what you believe, in a society established upon the precepts of a Christian Bible Belief allows for freedom for everyone to believe, operate and do as they choose–as long as it does not harm others.

 The prayer for this Inauguration was that of a Christian Pastor; the oaths given ended in “So help me God!”  That allow everyone the freedom to choose.  God gives us that choice–should we do less?  So, for hopefully four years….all freedom in our country is yet established.

 I did not personally vote for this President because of my own faith, and belief in the protection of the ‘unborn’ –but now I must bend my knee to pray for this new President, his cabinet, his family that God will be an influence in his life, his work, and to protect our Nation.  Respect for President Barak Obama far exceeds the man, but respect for the office of President of our county, and my love for my country. 

And, as I watched all the festivities tears came to my eyes many times–so significant that we finally have a Black American in the White House–may it be even more than we can hope for or imagine.  Yesterday I watched a short recap of the civil rights movement.  I personally did not experience much of what took place, however, I truly did have many tears as I thought of what the Black community in America suffered, how they fought for what is truly right and just, and how exciting this new President is and should be, to all of us.

Forgiveness must be foremost in the minds and hearts of Christians everywhere because leaders world wide are human and susceptible to temptation, to greed, to fame and only prayer will protect us.  Only God can change the hearts and minds of man….”For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood (contending only with physical opponents), but against despotisms, against the powers , against (the power spirits who are) the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.”  Ephesians 6:12 Amp.

May God help America…..God bless America and all who govern.

Pressing in and pressing on…..

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