Ted Haggard, Is The Devil Aplauding Your Interviews?

What Bible are we reading?  And, I am not talking about condemning Gays! 

I listened to the interviews with Ted and his family and was so grieved that he is still struggling, and truly did not offer much help to anyone else.  I have prayed for him; had no problem forgiving him–but for the grace of God who knows where any of us would be.

I was and am one of his fans….someone who admires all he accomplished before this sad period of his life started.  We who know Jesus do not follow men, even those we admire.  We follow Jesus with love and devotion.  So I have prayed with faith for Ted’s well-being and restoration to the thing is he is so gifted in–preaching!

Discussion, discussion and no one mentions evil spirits, evil influence, demons, the devil or deliverance.  WHAT BIBLE ARE WE READING?  Jesus cast out demons over and over and over.  Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: Who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.”  Well, Ted certainly still seems oppressed to me.

What am I talking about?  Deliverance!  Demonic influence is not, I repeat, not the character and nature of the person under influence.  Having talked with several men who were living a gay lifestyle and were totally healed of the desire and went into a heterosexual relationship, I know there are answers, we don’t often look at.    They were very good men who had been subjected to something in their life or family relationship that opened the door, to those strong emotions and drive for the same sex. 

 Am I saying all homosexuality is demonic?  Well, how would we know if we don’t consider it?  There should be no shame in having deliverance, or thinking there is a need. 

Astonishing to me in the electronic age, the age of knowledge expanding faster than it can be absorbed, that Christians would deny the possibility of demon influence not only in somethings but in everything that is painfull, wounding or hurtful.  Seems it started in the beginning (recorded in Genesis) and what pray tell has changed?

There are many ways of being delivered:  As Jesus did–cast out demons!  Praise and worship many times drives them out!  Inter-healing and counseling sessions drive them out!  And probably many ways I am not aware of.  But, denying or ignoring the possibility probably won’t work.

Here is a man, Ted Haggard, who has a wife and children but inside he is dealing with conflicting emotions and feelings.  Since his lifestyle was successful to a degree wouldn’t it make sense that there could be evil influence? Especially due to childhood traumas he revealed?  I am just grieved that Ted did not mention or talk about the possibility.  He is not the only one with a struggle.

More and more young adults are calling their family to tell them they are Gay–just out of the blue–not long term.  If we taught more about the work of the devil and what can be done without shame or guilt for the people involved, I am certain many lives would be changed. 

 I have had deliverance and am very grateful, as there were strong emotions and desires in me that could have destroyed me, and after deliverance I was free, happy and thankful!  I have worked with others who set many free from sexual desires, depression, suicidal thoughts, worry, grief, and the list goes on.

Ted Haggard had the opportunity to expose the possibility of demonic influence and did not.  Maybe he does not consider that–the demons sure wouldn’t want that.  And we have allowed such talk to be scary, embarrassing or just for the ‘fruit-cakes’ of religion.  Well, Jesus did it and He is my Idol, my Hero and the Keeper of my soul.  And, He was no fruit-cake!

So for all those who are hurting in some area, there is hope through Christians who are willing to pick up their cross,  do what Jesus did and set people free.  Deliverance cannot and should not be hidden or ignored.  Nor should it be mocked in the movies as entertainment for the unaware!

I feel so strong about this and abuse I see in the world, I wrote a book on the subject from our ministry team experiences.  ANGELS AND DEMONS, HOLLYWOOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE   is available at the top of this page in ‘Carol’s Books’ as an e-book or a published copy.  We of the church need to be more vocal and more enthusiastic about what Jesus set the example for us to do….it shouldn’t be a secret…..but a reality!

After posting this Blog I had a discussion with my son, Greg, that we would like to share…. click below:

MP3 File

Pressing in and pressing on….   

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