Well, I am the one who blew it.  One act of Christian failure is so painful, especially when it involves a principal you try to live by.  I have been so caught up in the political rhetoric of who did what and when, that I just teamed up with the enemy to be an accuser with a capital A.  Not because I changed or added to the message but because I was so judgmental of the person involved.  

Absolutely I am required to look at the behavior and the platform of those who are in office and those who are running for office.  But there is that one little verse–well, maybe several hundred–about not judging others, not running to evil, especially not to lie about others.

I sent out an email to personal friends about someone in office, believing that the email I received was true.  Well, it was not!  It was about a person already in office and it did sound like the person, from what I have heard.  I have known for years when I receive something of that kind, there are steps I should take. 

The Bible says,  It is the goodness of God that brings one to repentance!  It is down dog awful hard to be the goodness of God while accusing and condemning another person.  The steps I have learned and practice (when I am not in a fog bank of stupid) are:

  • First forgive the person, (not necessarily the behavior)  John 20:23
  • Second, ask God for the grace to cleanse me of all  judgment of that person’s character and nature; since that is God’s business and not mine. 
  •  Third, ask the Holy Spirit to draw them into the Divine wisdom, mercy and grace that they need to become men and women of God in their position, what ever that may be.
  •  Fourth, I ask God to bless them in the area of behavior that is not in line with His will and ways.
  • Fifth, I ask the Holy Spirit to release the Spirit of Prophecy (of Jesus) in their presence.
  • Six, I bind the forces of darkness, deaf and dumb spirits, spirits of lust and greed not to interfere.  I declare there will be no retaliation against me, my family, property or  finances for these prayers.
  • Seven, I thank the Holy Spirit, Jesus and my Heavenly Father for all they have done and are doing!  Then rejoice!
  • Of course there are times to sign petitions, to go to congress, to protest, to boycott; absolutely stand for the things of God.  But, always with prayer beforehand, committing the way unto God and believing for His favor–without condemning individuals. 

    I have learned how easy it is to curse a person with my words, or condemn them with my opinions.  Curses always boom-a-rang on those who make them, and condemnation creates anger, bitterness and hostility.  And how am I doing with all of this?  I’m a work in progress, and the more I share, the better I become.

    The good that has come out of my rinky-dink mistake is that the Lord has put on my heart to start a prayer campaign for the candidates, starting the week after Easter until the election.   One candidate and family per week!  Think of the power of all that prayer in agreement! 

    So, my hope is, that you will join with me as we make a difference in the lives of those courageous enough to run for office and put themselves in the gladiator arena of the media and public opinion. 

    Was this ‘sin’ so awful?  There are no major or minor sins in the Kingdom of God, just plain ole’ sin– a better get it right mistake.  I am so grateful for the ones I can find and change, God help us for the ones we don’t see.

    Just when I think I have enough to do, the Lord has another idea, and I stepped right into this one.  I am grateful for that, the friend who called me on the error and very grateful to the Lord that He will use what the enemy meant for evil to energize and create good!